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Mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut

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WTF is wrong with the world.  >:(


I cannot imagine the horror of the families. I tried to say more and express my feelings..... I can't. I just can't.
I'm absolutely mortified by such a cowardly act inflicted upon such innocence.  Lost a bit of faith today..... 
They are saying the shooter went into the school classroom where his Mum was, she was one of the victims.  His Dad was found dead at their residence.  The second person captured in the woods his apparently are brothers.
I never have the words for this stuff...rest in the peace to all those taken from their loved ones today, and thoughts to all of those who are suffering the pain, loss, hurt and rage this...I don't know what to call it...

I thought these things could get no lower, but an elementary school??????????

My heart breaks for the family of those affected.

Hold your children close and tell them every day that you love them.
The latest information per NBC Nightly News.

The gunman killed 20 students and 6 adults at the school. One female (presumed to be his mother) was found dead at his home.

He was found dead at the school. There was confusion as to his identity, as he was carrying his brother's ID. His brother was located 80 miles away in Hoboken NJ. His brother indicated that the gunman had mental problems.

All of the weapons found at the school were purchased and registered legally by the mother.

</commentary on>

Christmas is now going to be a sad time of year for many people who had family and friends killed in this event. And the same for the survivors.

Sometimes we forget that Christmas can be a difficult time for people who have suffered some sadness in their lives.

Please, give a thought for anyone you may know who may be going through a difficult time this season. And hug you kids just a bit tighter tonight.

</commentary off>

The big probelm, of course, will be deterring copycat maniacs. First Portland, now this place....

Cops across the US will be going nuts themselves right about now, I would guess.
Heard about it at school this afternoon.  I teach 2 different Kindergarten classes for an hour each every day.  Are you friggin kidding me?  How could anyone?  Then the damn coward does himself in?  Those poor families, not just the ones that lost a little one, but all of those that lost their innocence. It just ain't friggin right!
This is actually the 1st time in my 19 years of life of hearing about kids being murdered deliberately in a mass shooting.. Sick to my stomach and I could not hold in the tears. I mean I have a little sister, you see this and start imagining negative thoughts..
ProtectAndServe said:
This is actually the 1st time in my 19 years of life of hearing about kids being murdered deliberately in a mass shooting.. Sick to my stomach and I could not hold in the tears. I mean I have a little sister, you see this and start imagining negative thoughts..

Try here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rampage_killers:_School_massacres, many dead kids of varying ages. And don't forget about the kids dying everyday around the world from war or poverty. I'm sure plenty die everyday in say Syria.
I remember Dunblane when I was living in England... It seemed so anomalous at the time.

These days when there's a mass shooting (particularly in the U.S>) I find myself disgusted by the details, but no longer in any way shocked that it happened.
Also today (Friday), in China, 22 children and an old lady were injured in a knife attack.  There were, fortunately, no deaths.
Bad day to be a kid at school between the ages of 5 and 10 no matter which side of the world you live on I guess.
What I am finding somewhat different in the punditry world this time around is not the call for gun control laws and measures (it is still there), but rather the start of a call for looking at the mental health side of the equation.
winnipegoo7 said:
And don't forget about the kids dying everyday around the world from war or poverty. I'm sure plenty die everyday in say Syria.

You're one of those people huh?  ::)
A common thread in many of the mass shootings has to do with the shooter feeling victimized by and institution or group of people (workplace, school shootings). Or they attack a larger sector of society in attack against the community they are part of. Those would be more random and wide spread styles of shootings.

If this concept holds true, the shooter in Connecticut either has some kind of connection to the school where the people there made him feel victimized. Or, he choose the school randomly as in his mind to cause the most harm to society as possible. I'm wondering which one it was.

Those calling for gun control, it appears that this young fellow would likely have nothing on the books that would have indicated he was a problem of any kind. As for his mental health, I am curious to find out if there were environmental triggers pushing him to his limits, or if he just went severely mentally ill.

The shooters who do these things who are mentally ill, seem to have one thing in common. They seem to be the ones who don't kill themselves. I point to the recent movie theater shootings, and the wacko from Norway. Are there other cases of mass shootings where the shooter lived, and the shooter was not mentally ill?

A really good documentary looking at postal worker shootings back in the 80s can be found here:


PMedMoe said:
Never hurts to put things in perspective....

So these parents should put things in perspective, kids die every day before the age of 1 from SIDS, at least they got to spend 5 to 10 years with their kids?
