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marching songs??

ok ok no need to scream.. lol check yor caps we woulda got the point anyways.

and yeah no filthy lyrics either( directed to blindspot ) im sure it was prolly funny as hell but keep it clean, its sends the wrong message to kids checking the site.
I think this marching song thing has an even simpler explanation.Most people who join the reserves are typically more hyped up about the whole military experience and the small amount of actual time training makes the "military life" that more special.Reservists tend to spend less time with their military coworkers and are therefore given more of a familly feeling and esprit de corps wheras regs live the life daily and more often want a break from the faces they see everyday.To someone who takes a break from their civilian job to experience military life,they are more apt to want to sing the old songs like in the military's early years, but for someone whos job is the military, most would rather spend their breaks doing anything but military stuff.
I think marching songs are great they get u all hyped up and it gets your mind off of how tired u really are!! :salute:
ok ok no need to scream.. lol check yor caps we woulda got the point anyways.

and yeah no filthy lyrics either( directed to blindspot ) im sure it was prolly funny as heck but keep it clean, its sends the wrong message to kids checking the site.

Ok, which is precisely why I "bleeped" out any such references.

I offer a public apology to this forum.

As I said in my post, I could not recall the lyrics and as further explanation, I also did not recall the drastic nature of the song, which Bossi clearly pointed out. This song was sung to my platoon, along with others like it over sixteen years ago. I can only give my word that it was never my intention to denigrate the CF with mention of this song at any time should anyone think that.

Again, I apologise.
I have been in (reg and reserve) for several years (14) and i have never singed while marching or running.
What's the point?
We are IMO being uniquely canadian by not singing anything...
When I was going through training we had to learn all the PPCLI songs, yet when I got to Battalion, not one soldier who had been there more than 6 months could (or would admit they could) remember more than a couple of words to any of them. It was seen as childish and amateurish, not the sort of thing a professional soldier would waste their valuable breath on. When I got to the Airborne Regiment, everyone developed collective amnesia of what the letters" PPCLI", "RCR", or "R22er" even stood for, much less worry about a bunch of songs associated with them. Not meant as a slag against any of these fine regiments, just saying how it was. :blotto: >:D ;D
Any Para Guys, Please dont get offended,
I learned this on my first excercise with Cadets (The Non Cleaned up version)

Flying Fortress

They Took the Flying Fortress up to 40 thousand Feet (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

Glory, Glory, what a hell of a way to die
with a rifle up your ass
and a bullet in your eye
Glory, Glory, what a hell of a way to die
When your balls hang lower than your paratrooper boots

The Cpl. Tied a slip knot in the Sgt's parachute (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

The Sgt. was the Last to Jump, the first to hit the ground (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

The Sgt. hit the run way, like a great big pile of shit (3X) (Variations on this Verse)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

They Scraped him off the runway with a rusty bayonet (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

We put him in a matchbox, and we sent him home to mom (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

Mom didnt want him, so she sent him back to us (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

We didnt want him, so we sent him to the mess (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

The Mess didnt want him, so they put him in the soup (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

The Soup tasted better than it ever did before (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

(Repeat Chorus)

The Morale of the story, is to never eat the soup (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...

The Morale of the Moral is to pull the F***in cord (3X)
And he aint gonna jump no more
and god said...
F*** it

One time, During PT everyone (all the Fit guys) wanted to sing, and I just couldnt do it, I prefer to leave the chanting to when your slackin off and running in a slow group, or your on a ruck march

For the cleaned up version, replace H*** (The Devils Home) with heck, replace A** with smurf and
"When your balls hang lower than your paratroopers boots" with "When your PPCLI"

- Shawn
A Yellow Bird, with a Yellow Bird
Was perched upon, my windowsill,
I lured it in, with crumbs of bread,
And then I crushed it's f**king head

The Airborne Fly, the Armd Drive
The Finance Clerks, f**k up our lives

I rememeber one my grand father use to sing, it went something like this.

they say that in the army the food is mighty fine you ask for shepards pie and they give you turpintine,
(chorus) well I don't want none of the army life, gee ma I wanna go back to ontario gee ma I wanna go home
and it goes on to girls and drinks and beds and pay ect. anyone else hear of this one?

skura said:
How about the "Old School" marching song;

"I don't know but it's been said, one more lap and I'll be dead" :D

lol how does the entire thing go?

as for marching song the engineer song is good for pride but just brutaly long. its always a fun one if one person does a verse and the rest join in for the chorus.

another favourite one is the canal st song which is entirely unappropriate for todays sharp army. still gets sung though.

walken down canal st.
knocken on every door
*** **** son of a ****
i couldnt find a *****

finaly found a *****
*** was tall and slim
*** **** son of a ****
i couldnt get it in

finaly got it in
wigled it in and out
*** **** son of a ****
i couldnt get it out

finaly got it out
it was red and sore
the moral of the story is
to never **** a *****

Mike Cotts said:
A Yellow Bird, with a Yellow Bird
Was perched upon, my windowsill,
I lured it in, with crumbs of bread,
And then I crushed it's f**king head

The Airborne Fly, the Armd Drive
The Finance Clerks, f**k up our lives


Kinda curious about how the rest of that goes, lol.
C-130 rollin down the strip
54 troopers on a one way trip
mission top secret destination unknown
they dont know if their ever comin home
stand up hook up shuffle to the door
jump right out and count to four
if my main dont open wide
I've got a reserve by my side
if that one should fail me too
look out earth I'm comin through
looked to my left and looked to my right
slipped on down to a firefight
if i die in the combat zone
box me up and ship me home
pin my wings upon my chest
tell my mama i did my best

Pfc Spence 10th Mountain. Just checkin in on my fellow Canadians while in country! Cheers.
The regular army USED to sing, at least until after Korea...
There are a few songs out there that are worth-while to learn...

Here's one for you PPCLI guys out there....


Dear Mother, Dear father, this army's the place..
The things that go on are a $%^&^%$ disgrace!
There's Captains and Looies, and Warrants Class 2;
With their hands in their pockets...and fuck all to do!


Look away, he's alive
Sweet Briar was never like this,
Lah di da, take a piss.
Sweet Briar was never like this...

In the First Battalion, they've all got Jump Boots.
they wear tailored trousers, that really look zoot!
They wear Cherry Berets, of which they're quite proud!
And big fucking mouths talking too fucking loud!


In Second Battalion, they have NCO's
Where they got their hooks from, Christ only knows!
They rant, and they rave, and they scream, and they shout!
And its all over things, they know fuck all about!


Now up on Sweet Briar, we played lots of games,
Built great fucking snowmen, got pushed out of planes,
And when we were frozen, all near half to death...
We packed up our things and we fucking well left...


A young Canuck soldier on Tokyo leave,
Was stopped by a Provost who said, pardon me!
There's mud on your trousers and blood on your sleeves!
I think i will cancel your R&R leave.


Dear Provost, Dear Provost, the Army's disgrace,
i've come from Korea, one hell of a place,
Where the mountains are rugged,
And a Man is a Man!,
Who don't hide from the bullets, Way back in Japan!


Dear Meathead, Meathead!
If you're half a man,
You'll take down that armband,and come to Pusan!
Where the whiz-bangs are flying and comforts are few;
And godd men are dying for BASTARDS like you!

Note: Sweet Briar was a big Arctic Sovriegnty ex designed to test the ability of teh Army to stop OPFOR if they invaded the arctic.
Steel Badger,

I remember well the songs you sang to my comrads and me during basic in 1990, I have a tear in me eye.
