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March Past Music

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Okay so this is something that confused me at camp. Whenever the pipe band would play a song, cadets from the regiment would stand to attention, for example engineers would stand to attention when "wings" was played...I think.  Anywho, I was woundering if anyone knew what armoured's march past song is.
Here's the CFAO regarding regimental/formation/etc marches, it's no longer a CFAO per se, but you get the idea. The BCDs have two marches, "Scotland the Brave" for pipe bands and "Fare Ye Well Inniskilling" for brass bands.

Here is the official publication number.

A-AD-200-000/AG-000   "The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces"

As far as I'm aware, this isn't available on the internet.
I have the 202 - Band Instructions. It contains a listing of every unit's marchpast.

PM me if anyone wants it.

- The resident cadet BandO
Each regiment has its own march past. the only difference is more that one regiment can have the same one. but it isnt separated into sub elements, like arty, armoured infantry etc. the best way to find out is to ask one of your officers, or someone from your offiliated unit if you no any
Eowyn said:
Here is the official publication number.

A-AD-200-000/AG-000   "The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces"

As far as I'm aware, this isn't available on the internet.

It's on the Internet...have a copy on my computer...now the only question is where I got it from...because I don't remember...I believe there's a cadet site w/ a lot of .pdf files...may have come from there...but I also don't remember the site.
joe_2701 said:
Each regiment has its own march past. the only difference is more that one regiment can have the same one. but it isnt separated into sub elements, like arty, armoured infantry etc.

Actually, some elements/branches/etc do have a march past, the Armoured Corps is one of them and their march is My Boy Willie as recceguy stated.

Stick to what you know and don't state something as a fact if it isn't a fact.
Hmm.. I went to Band Camp (Pipes and Drums at Blackdown to be Exact) And there The song Was Called "Black Bear", or that was the abbreiviated form.
Hmm...Black Bear is the regimental march of Black Watch...
Well Inch, im sorry that i offended you so terribly with being somewhat misinformed. But as far as i had been educated, branches did not have their own march. So I will try to stick to your ever so kind advice and "stick to what i know" which just happens to be more than you might think.
joe_2701 said:
Well Inch, im sorry that i offended you so terribly with being somewhat misinformed. But as far as i had been educated, branches did not have their own march. So I will try to stick to your ever so kind advice and "stick to what i know" which just happens to be more than you might think.

I never said I was offended and I never made any comments with respect to how much you know. I simply corrected your comment since it was in fact false information, so my advice still stands. I look forward to reading some insightful posts on subjects you're familiar with since you claim to know more than I might think you do.
Sorry Burrows,I have to disagree with you on that one.
"Highland Laddie"is the march past of the Black Watch.
The march past of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch is "Lille Bulero"then"Aupres de ma Blonde" played directly after.
I belive that "The Black Bear"is the march past of Canadian Scottish.
joe_2701 said:
Well Inch, im sorry that i offended you so terribly with being somewhat misinformed. But as far as i had been educated, branches did not have their own march. So I will try to stick to your ever so kind advice and "stick to what i know" which just happens to be more than you might think.

Inch gave you good advice, try to benefit from it please.
gun plumber said:
Sorry Burrows,I have to disagree with you on that one.
"Highland Laddie"is the march past of the Black Watch.
The march past of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch is "Lille Bulero"then"Aupres de ma Blonde" played directly after.
I belive that "The Black Bear"is the march past of Canadian Scottish.

Really??? Can we get a third opinion on this scott?
Well i apologize, i meant nothing by it, and i will indeed take your advice. I look at this as a learning experience, and now i know that my previous thought was indeed wrong.
Thank you
Sorry Burrows, it's The Highland Laddie. Interesting though, they only list one march. The NSH has a few:

Quick: The Sweet Maid of Glendarvel
Slow: My Home
1Bn Quick: The Athol Highlanders, and The Piobaireachd of Donald Dhu
2Bn Quick: The Highland Laddie

A good reference is www.regiments.org

EDIT: The only Regiment I could find that uses the Black Bear as a march is The Royal Gurkha Rifles
gun plumber said:
I belive that "The Black Bear"is the march past of Canadian Scottish.

Negatory, their quick is Blue Bonnets Over the Border
Ok...So were both wrong...Im going to go change the name on my ITunes Library right now...Regimental march of the black watch...Pfft...My Ass..
That is not very Power Positive.. Not like i Care though..

Does it really matter that much?
