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March Madness - Selection Boards 07


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I'm starting this thread for those of us who have our completed applications into our local RC and are merited.  Some of the most interesting reading comes from old threads in this time of year, so eloquently called 'March Madness' by a member here some time ago.  Either the filling of the 06/07 budget or the intake of the fresh 07/08 budget, this seems to be the busiest time of year for applicants (and recruiters alike I'm sure)

Last April, I submitted my CT (component transfer) for Image Tech and AC Op.  In September, I pulled AC Op off as I had some very difficult times personally, but once 07 came around, I was ready to move this process forward yet again.  As of 2 weeks ago, I'm merited (again) for Image Tech, and am waiting on my air factor for AC Op.  Like everyone else, I'm waiting patiently for the results of today's board.  As for feedback, it will likely be a couple weeks at best, so in the meantime, trying to stay entertained.



(edited spelling)
I too am awaiting feedback from today's board. I was merit listed last Tuesday (March 13) for Medical Technician. The recruiter said I had a good chance of being picked up this time around, but at the same time, not to hold my breath. So we'll see. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat ready to put my life in storage at pretty short notice! Best of luck to you!
Good luck to you, Pea!  I sympathize with putting the military on hold for a while as you did.  Hopefully you'll get in soon and it'll be everything you hoped.

It's funny, I've spent hours and hours reading on here, and feel so much more prepared for the process. Looking back, intentions are always good, but amazing what a few hours reading old posts will do for you.  Will be less likely to say, Hindsight is 20/20.   ;)

I'm hoping that two years of hoop jumping will be coming to a close with today's selection board. I'm merit listed for comm rsch op and was told that I'm highly competitive for this fiscal year's few remaining positions. *crosses fingers* If not, well, there's always next year... seeing as it's only a couple weeks off. ;D

Good luck all!

Well the officer that did my interview just called..... It seems my eye glass prescription form didn't make it into my file on time, so I missed yesterday's selection board. Ah well. Next board is supposed to sit 23 April, and he said to expect a call on the 24/25 at the lastest with my offer. I can handle that! He also warned to also be prepared to be picked up sooner, because I never know if they do a "real time" selection.

Hope some of you got good news today.
Hey Pea,

Too bad about the prescription!

That is very interesting saying that if the next board is 23 APR to expect a call the next day or so after.  I called my RC today just to see 'how long these things typically take' and granted my file manager was away on course, but there was a young officer (new) who told me it would likely be a couple weeks before I hear anything. He said they just started receiving word about the ROTP results and they were done in mid to end Feb, so likely to call back in 2-3 weeks earliest.  You know, who knows what to expect.... I get a little frustrated with inconsistencies like this, though I'm sure there are several variables which make it inconsistent.

Oh well, I'm going to call them next week anyway.. :)

Here's hoping for end of April, Pea! GL

Ya I am never sure what to think/believe. I am dealing with the officer that does the interviewing and merit listing, and he said he'll also be the person that provides me with my offer when it comes in. He told me that if a selection is made on the Monday, he has the results for "his people" a day or two later and will get that to me asap. So far he's been calling me exactly when he said he would, so all I can do is have faith.

Best of luck to you as well. End of April isn't too far away for me, just means more running time!  ;D
Good point about your officer calling you.  What I did get out of my conversation today was that my file manager was out and its very possible they could get an email or msg personally and have to pass that along to their candidate.  So may need to give him a couple days, then start hoping for the next board.

I just got a call from a very good friend who I got in with back in 94. (only 2 ppl left from our platoon - PRes) He's been accepted for MP and starts OJT/ride alongs on April 2nd. That is quick. He did his MPAC last month (for those MP people looking for info). 

pylon said:
As of 2 weeks ago, I'm merited (again) for Image Tech, and am waiting on my air factor for AC Op.  Like everyone else, I'm waiting patiently for the results of today's board.  As for feedback, it will likely be a couple weeks at best, so in the meantime, trying to stay entertained.

Still waiting for the air factor eh !  ::) Join the crowd  ;D

And what's this about the selection board ? I thought for most NCM trades the selection is being done locally. Not what I want to hear, time to call CFRC.

I think it depends on the trade. My recruiter said that some trades were being picked up "locally", but as of right now, Medical Technician is not one of them.

Not all NCM positions are selected locally.  In demand trades certainly are like combat arms and some other in-demand trades. (Open to Selection Locally)  Can't believe your air factor hasn't come back yet???!!

Give them a call and keep us up to date.   :)

Flatspin said:
And what's this about the selection board ?

When I was waiting for selection last fall, I was told that it was dependent upon trades.  For AC Op, there is no set board, but instead your file is put in a pile to be read when they get a few board members together.  Therefore, if there was a board sitting for something else, those types of files would be added to it.
pylon said:

Not all NCM positions are selected locally.  In demand trades certainly are like combat arms and some other in-demand trades. (Open to Selection Locally)  Can't believe your air factor hasn't come back yet???!!

Give them a call and keep us up to date.   :)


I know there was a list on here somewhere indicating the NCM trades open to local selection (and AC Op was on it). I couldn't find it in my search.

PM inbound soon,
The way local selection was explained to me, was that it was for CFRC to select people to load them on BMQ, not to select them for their trade.  Therefore, if you have RSBP, you wouldn't be up for local selection anyway.  Can anyone confirm that is what local selection is, or isn't?
I copied this post from this board (recruiting process).

Here is what I found.

****Thanks to Kitrad1.



(edited to give credit)

Re: Next date for board selection for Reg. Force Med Techs?
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2006, 10:07:11 » Quote 

The following occupations, as of 10 July 06 are OSL trades:

Armoured Soldier
Arty (Field)
Cbt Engr
Line Maintainer
Naval Weapons Technician
NE Tech (A, C and T)
Comm Rsch
Mar Eng Mech
Veh Tech
AVN Tech
AVS Tech
Sup Tech
Nav Comm
SOnar Op
EO Tech (formerly FCS Tech)
Sig Op
Med Tech

Hope this helps. Good luck to all.

pylon said:
I copied this post from this board (recruiting process).

Here is what I found.


Thanks for your help. Unfortunately the darn list of trades changes so that particluar one is probably outdated now. Yep, the CF is in a constant state of evolution...which doesn't make it easy to answer questions at all.

It's darn frustrating!!  :-\
pylon said:
Thanks!   I think...  :-\ 

Okay, everybody off the bus...   ::)


Let there be no doubt in your mind...I thanked you.

And to illustrate the rest of that last post by me....

Everybody...back on the bus.  :)
Atleast you guys got to do your testing. They won't even be calling me to do anything until the new fiscal year when my trade will have positions to fill. But I've been around the army long enough to know it's hurry up and wait. >:D
No getting off the bus! You just might miss it...  ;D I'm firmly planted in my seat, waiting.  :)