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Man drives CF truck onto airport runway

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Man drives truck onto airport runway
Staff Writer Posted: 2/09/2010
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WINNIPEG police have arrested a man after a pickup truck belonging to the Canadian Forces was stolen from 17 Wing and driven onto an active runway at Richardson International Airport early Wednesday morning.

The control tower alerted airport security patrols about the unauthorized vehicle.

It was stopped and the man was taken into custody without incident shortly after 5:15 a.m.

Winnipeg Airports Authority spokeswoman Christine Alongi said the runway was closed for about 20 minutes.

"Nothing was disrupted because there were no incoming or outgoing flights. We're not sure how he entered the air field," she said.

The police major crimes unit is investigating the incident.
Guy Incognito said:
That explains the ID check at the gate this morning.

Hasn't everyone been getting ID'd by the commisionaires there in the past at 17 Wing?
Another reason why we need to have closed bases.

No more Commissionaires at gates and half manned guard shacks. We have a MP force, let's put them to actual use.
-Skeletor- said:
Hasn't everyone been getting ID'd by the commisionaires there in the past at 17 Wing?

The only time I ever see them doing ID checks is during a random check or when the individual doesn't have the 17 Wing sticker in their window.
A small update:

WINNIPEG - Police have charged a 23-year-old Montreal man who allegedly stole a military truck and drove it onto a runway at Winnipeg's airport on Wednesday morning.

The security breach, which occurred while a small plane was departing, set off alarm bells across Canada and kick-started a security review by several agencies.

None of the agencies would reveal the male suspect's motive, how he entered a restricted area at 17 Wing Winnipeg, a military base located within the airfield, or how no one noticed him until he got on the runway at 5 a.m.

Several investigations or reviews are attempting to determine how and where the security breach occurred or if any security measures must be changed or added.

"If there are any lessons learned from these investigations, we'll implement those," said Capt. Jeff Noel, a 17 Wing Winnipeg spokesman.

There is no indication the perimeter fence was breached, said Christine Alongi, a Winnipeg Airports Authority (WAA) spokeswoman.

Transport Canada spokeswoman Amber Wonko said the impact on airport safety and operations was minimal.

Noel wouldn't comment on whether the suspect is employed by the Department of National Defence (DND).

It doesn't appear the man is in the military, said Winnipeg police spokeswoman Const. Natalie Aitken.

Aitken said the male entered the restricted area and stole a DND-owned 2009 Ford F150 pickup truck parked on a runway apron.

Its keys were inside, Aitken said.

She said the suspect drove on to a runway when a Beechcraft King Air plane, carrying cargo and three people, was departing.

Aitken said the plane took off without incident.

By then the control tower had dispatched the airport's duty manager and Winnipeg police airport unit.

Officers arrested the male on the runway.

He wasn't intoxicated, Aitken said.

At the time no one knew if the male posed a legitimate threat or was a buffoon on a dangerous joyride.

Aitken said a larger plane, carrying 101 passengers and crew, departed three minutes before the male drove on to the runway.

Alongi said runway 1331 was closed for about 20 minutes but no departures or arrivals were disrupted.

Police said Michael Doss is charged with theft over $5,000, damaging or interfering with a navigation facility and mischief endangering life.

Doss is in custody. He declined an interview request.

Aitken said police don't know why Doss is in Winnipeg.

He arrived a few weeks ago but it appears he has no family or ties here, she said.

MedTech said:
Another reason why we need to have closed bases.

No more Commissionaires at gates and half manned guard shacks. We have a MP force, let's put them to actual use.
I agree with this. I don't mean to flame the Commissionaires, but they aren't very good at what they do. I'm not sure of an actual CFB, but I know that the Vernon Cadet base is really easy to access. You can just drive through and wave and you're on. I had one experience where I was in a vehicle that drove to the gatehouse there and we stopped to get signed in. The man waved us through, and then grudgingly got out of the gatehouse to sign us in after a couple minutes of being stopped there.

Now, I don't like to assume, but I'd guess Commissionaires are pretty much the same across the country, so this is probably the type of security on a CFB.
crooks.a said:
Now, I don't like to assume,

So don't.

Here in Shangrila, you dont get on the base without a sticker (outside of regular hours you have to show ID as well), and you dont get on the secure side without a pass, that you have to show the comissionaire. Theres no "wave through" to the airfield side.

crooks.a said:
but I know that the Vernon Cadet base is really easy to access.

Its a kid's camp. Lots of sensitive activities and multi-million dollar peices of kit to guard there.

CDN Aviator said:
Its a kid's camp. Lots of sensitive activities and multi-million dollar peices of kit to guard there.
Yeah, true enough. There isn't as big of a need for security, but I'd figure that a Commissionaire should take their job seriously no matter where they are. They're paid to provide security, and they should work to a continuous standard without considering the circumstances.
crooks.a said:
Yeah, true enough. There isn't as big of a need for security, but I'd figure that a Commissionaire should take their job seriously no matter where they are. They're paid to provide security, and they should work to a continuous standard without considering the circumstances.

You really have to stop. Don't make assumptions and don't make statements about things you know nothing about.

Milnet.ca Staff
Hmm.. when I took my father to Petawawa a few weeks ago to see the Armoured Museum (nice place) the gatehouse was abandoned. It looked like it was being used for storage. Deserted. When I was at Borden a few weeks before that, the commissionaire asked to see my driver's license and I had to state my purpose. Both gates there were in use.  I dunno.. I figure Pet would have even higher security than Borden.
DCRabbit said:
Hmm.. when I took my father to Petawawa a few weeks ago to see the Armoured Museum (nice place) the gatehouse was abandoned. It looked like it was being used for storage. Deserted. When I was at Borden a few weeks before that, the commissionaire asked to see my driver's license and I had to state my purpose. Both gates there were in use.  I dunno.. I figure Pet would have even higher security than Borden.

The gatehouse is definitely NOT abandoned, or being used for storage. The main gate is manned 24/7, however, sadly, no one checks IDs there anymore. The little guard shacks at the Canex and back gate seem only to manned occasionally, and the storage you saw was more than likely the equipment used for traffic control during ID checks, BASF ex's, etc...
Capt. Happy said:
The gatehouse is definitely NOT abandoned, or being used for storage. The main gate is manned 24/7, however, sadly, no one checks IDs there anymore. The little guard shacks at the Canex and back gate seem only to manned occasionally, and the storage you saw was more than likely the equipment used for traffic control during ID checks, BASF ex's, etc...

It must be a guardhouse then.. it was the one on Montgomery road. We also went out the one that goes right into Petawawa to get lunch then back in again to shop at the Canex before going home.. and there was also nobody there that I could see. It looked so deserted. I was expecting to have to check in and get a pass or something. But I dunno.. maybe they don't check visitors on Sundays. I could just drive in and go anywhere it seemed.. only security I saw was at the museum. Maybe it's all electronic surveillance.
I have never been stopped once at the Edmonton Base either, I don't even think they have anyone inside the booths anymore.  Wainwright was hit and miss.  Most secure base I have been on so far was CFLRS in St. Jean.
really?............I guess St Jean is hit and miss too.  I walked right into the Mega, over to the bank machine and into the canex without so much as anyone saying boo to me.
The most secure base I have seen is CFB Long Point in Montreal, Its got multiple layers of barb wire fencing around it, cameras covering the entire base, all walking access points require proxy cards, you have to show ID whenever you enter the base, the guardhouses are all manned and there are usually MP's parked right outside them.  You actually can't even get into most parts of the base without some sort of special authorization.

(Removed so I don't give anyone any ideas)

I can only hope we  don't ever have some disgruntled soldiers decide to take matters into their own hands, like this guy did in the States http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msPrOIAVUZo

Imagine a LAV rolling through downtown Fredericton crushing cars at free will  :o
Stymiest said:
As for other CF bases, the fact that I can drive into a base, park my vehicle and walk right into an area with LAV's parked everywhere, (some of which are probably not even locked and even if they were a simple pair of bolt cutters would do the trick) and take the vehicle for a joy ride if I desire speaks volumes of the level of security or lack thereof on certain CF bases.

Shhhhhhhh  :-X
All due to a "Weak kneed" federal government who bow down to the crys of every little fringe element that is more vocal than the silent majority.  The "Open Base Policy" came about because a very vocal minority were loudly protesting to their members of parliament (NO capitalization required as they are not real MEN/WOMEN/People with "balls") about their "rights" as tax payers to enter any Government and Military facility to see where their Tax Dollars are being spent.  This at the same time as Defence Budget cuts, and the cutting back on hiring Commissionaires to man the Gates.  Then again, how many Government buildings have open access to the public at all levels?  Makes you wonder what Canadians really think "Security" really is.  I know, the majority of Canadians have absolutely NO concept of what "Security" is.
Its really funny George you drive down to the States, and the security on their bases is astounding, I do think they are a little over-zealous at times but you can't hack them for doing a good job securing their bases.  As for other NATO countries, France was the exact same.  I had the opportunity to fly into France on a Canadian government jet for the 60th Anniversary of D-Day and we landed at a French air force base outside Evreux.  The security at that base in comparison to our own was astounding.  I know it was probably elevated due to the fact that dignitaries were arriving there; even still, I imagine it was maintained at a very high level at all times.  When we stepped off the plane we were greeted by armed soldiers, this shocked me in comparison to what we are used to seeing in Canada, not only that but there were soldiers armed to the teeth everywhere, it provided a real show of force. 

In fact it was a common sight in France to see gendarmes armed with FAMAS assault rifles patrolling the streets of France while I was there.  It makes me laugh when I think of the huge uproar that was created over providing RCMP officers with MP5's on Parliament Hill.

Apollo Diomedes, I know its probably not the best thing to say but maybe some one on here will actually read about this and do something about it.  So many things strike me as funny, I mean we do a pretty good job in terms of securing personal weapons yet I can walk onto a base and with little effort hope into a million dollar war machine: Does this make any sense?

On the note of comissionaires, I think a lot of them do a fairly decent job given the amount of resources they have to work with.  A fair number of them are ex-military and see the importance of security.  With that being said; they are not police officers, they are unarmed and realistically if something were to happen the most they can do is call the MPs/RCMP/other local police force to come deal with the situation.