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Living Quarters in the regs

  • Thread starter Thread starter jmackenzie_15
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Im considering transferring to a regular force unit.... im leaning towards PPCLI at the moment... id like to live in edmonton... ive lived in a small town forever and I hate it.
Would be nice to try something different!

One question I have that I can't seem to find out about is, where do you live if youre a single guy in the regiment?
Do only families get PMQs? I would assume that you can just rent an apartment or a home somewhere in the city like anyone else
but I could be wrong?

My understanding is single people cannot get PMQ's.

And PMQ's are just as expensive as a good mortgage.. so..
get a mortgage... own your own home...  better than paying
If you were to join the regs and end up in edm you'ld probably live in shacks if your single.  If your an ncm, they are either singles or doubles.  The singlie is long and narrow and has a sink in it.  You share a shower and toilette with a neighbor.  A double is more L shaped and has its own shower and can, but you have a room mate.  You can get a small fridge and a microwave and may want to go on rations.  Or you can rent an apartment in town like anyone off the street.
Do most guys live off base?

From what im hearing, the shacks dont seem to be satisfactory for alot of people.
(Poorly insulated, needs renovations badly, etc)

Is there a high demand for infantry soldiers? I heard alot of guys got out the last couple years, or are getting out, because of tour after tour
after tour.... theyre doing double shifts in a-stan now =/

If I told them i wanted 3VP in edmonton, is there a good chance they could get me there, or is placement a bit more random than that?

Most guys live off base - only 2 in my platoon live in the shacks.

Yes, the shacks suck. Your chain of command can walk through your room whenever they want, you can hear yourneighbour banging his girlfriend, there is always blood/vomit/butts in the hallway saturday morning.  They are new, just small.

There is always a demand for infanteers, just as there is always lots of guys leaving. Turnover is huge (10-30%) every year.

There's no telling where they would send you if you signed up. They send you to the unit where the need is greatest.

In my experience, guys don't quit as a result of multiple tours. They quit because of the grief associated with garrisson routine, which in some units, demands just as much time away from home.

Hope this helps.
Trinity said:
My understanding is single people cannot get PMQ's.

Depends on the base. I know when I was in G'town and here in Pet, single guys can get Q's no problem - depending on the vacancy rates of course.

And PMQ's are just as expensive as a good mortgage.. so..
get a mortgage... own your own home...   better than paying

Some bases' PMQ's are cheaper than others; i.e. $1000/mth for a row house in Ottawa  :o vs $400/mth for a 2 bdrm single house with garage in G'town. In any case, I agree - get a mortgage and own your own home instead of paying for nothing :)
Thanks for the info so far guys, its much appreciated!

So the odds of me going to whatever unit are just as good as the next? I would highly prefer 3VP over RCR, no offense to RCR, but ive lived here forever and would like to get out and see another part of the country.I have some friends in alberta that used to live here, and they recommended it lol.

I am also under the impression that nomatter where I go anyway, ill be moved around alot.Do infantry guys reposted to different bases often? I thought they were in the same regiment like, forever untill they wanted to switch =p

Until you reach Sgt you won't get posted (or very rarely) in the Infantry.  Here in Shilo single guys got together and got PMQ's.
Hmmmm... well i could live with that lol

How good are the chances that if I told them I would really like to go to 1 or 3VP, I would end up there?
You will undoubtedly be surprised at how often the army completely ignores what you "would really like"

Realistically, they will send you where they need you. Don't believe what anyone in uniform says until you have it in writing.

and even if its in writing don't believe them that your posted somewhere until your posted out of there years later.
so..... i guess odds arent good =p

thanks for the input.I guess ill just pray i get to go to edmonton.... thats where i would really love to be... i hate gagetown =/
from what i hear, shilo and pet arent very nice either :(
Is it as bad as they say? lol

Ive lived in a small town for years.Not a fan.
But hey, wherever they tell me to go, ill go.
What are the sourrounding communities like? how big are they?

I think its in manitoba though im not positive... is it cheap or expensive to live there?
jmackenzie_15 said:
What are the sourrounding communities like? how big are they?

I think its in manitoba though im not positive... is it cheap or expensive to live there?

There are lots of small communities in southwestern Manitoba but the biggest around Shilo is Brandon.  Its approximately 40,000 people and has all the major services that you could want.  Main industries are focussed on agriculture (ie Simplot and Maple Leaf Foods) but it is a provincial and federal administration centre for the surrounding communities.  It also has a university that provides limited access to education (mainly undergraduate).  The university attracts alot of young people from the surrounding communities so the bar life it pretty good (or at least it was 12 years ago).  I don't compare it (cost wise) to the major urban centres that you could be posted to.

If Brandon doesn't fill your cultural requirement there is Winnipeg about 2 hours down the road or you can go south to Minot, North Dakota, etc.

I enjoyed my time in Brandon, I think it is a great community to raise children in and it is close enough to Shilo (20 Kms) that you can commute every day.
Sh0rtbUs said:
Heres a more relevant question, how are the women!?   ;D

Let me put it this way.  A girl, upon reaching the age of majority, will often leave her small farming community or small northern community to attend Brandon University.  At university, it will be her first time away from home for a long period of time, she is lonely and will often head to the bars with her new friends (who are all new in Brandon and are all away from parental supervision for the first time).  While at the bars, they will meet well dressed, fit, young men, with money to spend on them. 

How do you think they are?