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Liberal or Conservative?


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:cdn: Which one will keep their promise to bring the National Deffence back to life?

600 million for 2004
+5000 men/women regular
+3000 men/women reserve

1.2 billion per year for 5 years
+30 000 men/women regular!
+ ?????  reserve
This should probably be moved to the political forum.

Personally, I can't trust either side to commit to drastic increases in military spending...but I trust the liberals less, especially after both the trial education reinbursement program ended (probably too costly to continue) and my summer infantry course was cancelled because of a lack of instructors.  No...I'm not bitter at all.  ;)
i didn`t know there was a political forum?
i shall continue my search.
How do you become a full member?
Thats just a title for your number of posts. Vous avez les meme droits que tout les autres ici.
300 posts... Oh! and would you look at that! I'm no longer a Junior Member, but a Member!
Who will keep their promise?

Something will come up. Thats the way of politics.
I think the conservitives will come closer to keeping their promise than the liberals though.
I think so too. Even if they don't reach their goal fully, there would still be more money and personel in the forces. I hope you can understad what I an tryin to say :-[ lol
Elections are always full of false promises. I wont be voting in teh Cdn election, as I am still a Cdn citizen, I believe why vote if I no longer reside there, and I think thats fair.

We too here in Australia are having a federal election rumoured to be in August, but either way it will happen this yr. One thing about our voting system,  it is compulsory to vote in any local state or federal election. If not you are FINED, unless you have a bonified reason to miss out.

Its the Liberals vs the Labor here, and here Libs are the conservatives, and Labor is liberal.

So when there is an election its always on  a Saturday, and there is no early knock off from work either. You must find the time to vote or get fined. with such a low population (19,000,000) over the years, the compulsory vote is the only way to encourage everyone to get it done. I value the democratic system, and I love voting, so I never miss one.

The current govt has the lowest unemployment in over 25 yrs, are in the green budget wise, and are pro-defence, so I am sure 'Jackboot Johnnie' (AKA John Howard) will be re-elected. we now have a very anti-assylum seeking policy where it comes to boat people etc, and this is the overal want of mainstream Australia. Our immigration laws have been indeed strengthened.

At the end of the day all pollies lie, promisse and kiss babies, thats one thing that never changes.


I always admired John Howard's conduct regarding the War on Terror.  Its good to hear that he is competant domestically as well.
Maybe it's just my opinion but I think some of the biggest problems in Ottawa with DND and all the other bureaucracies
will not be fixed with money alone.   I believe there needs to be an inherent philosophical shift in "how we do things".

I think the chances of Liberals forcing such changes are exactly nil. 

I think the chances of Harper forcing such changes are actually pretty good.

On that note alone, the Conservatives would earn my vote.

But the one thing I've actually found most troubling (and I've watched a ton of political coverage this year) is that after
really paying to attention to Liberal tactics and ethics (kind of an oxymoron), I wouldn't let Paul Martin much less any of
his scumbag advisors (Tim Murphy his chief of staff in particular) as much as carry my golf clubs.

They are a truly repugnant and deceitful group and should not have any influence whatsoever on the shaping of our society.

Matthew.   ???
Hey Cole,

When ya get to Sydney, and if I am in town (AASAM deployment 10-25 Nov), I'll take ya to the oldest pub in town. Its at The Rocks right at Circular Quay and its called The Fortune of War Pub, and needless to say quite crouwded every 25th April!


Cole, try www.therocks.com.au and www.seesydney.com and www.ourshire.com.au and www.news.com.au  Check out the live surf cams on the ourshire site. But beware the seatemp is 19C and its winter here right now.


Im not able to vote due to my age right now, but if I was I would vote for conservatives. I watched the english debates and conservatives seemed to be worth their salt on the military issue. Liberals were avoiding questions and try to cover up their sponsorship scandal more than discussing their platform. I also believe Harper to understand why Canadians need military personnel, equipment, and entering the Star Wars program while Martin kept saying "Canada is a neutral country, we don't need to protect ourselves by putting missles in space" etc. etc.

Dunno bout the rest of Canada but I'd like to be safe from long range missiles if crap ever hits the fan.

My 2 cents, I can only hope Conservatives get a majority from my military stand point.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Maybe it's just my opinion but I think some of the biggest problems in Ottawa with DND and all the other bureaucracies
will not be fixed with money alone.   I believe there needs to be an inherent philosophical shift in "how we do things".

I think the chances of Liberals forcing such changes are exactly nil.  

I think the chances of Harper forcing such changes are actually pretty good.

On that note alone, the Conservatives would earn my vote.

That's how I determined who I would vote for. The Liberals had over 10 years to make all these changes, why didn't they make them then. Or better yet, why did they decrease military spending during those years? It's kind of silly for them to think people are going to believe that they're going to, all of a sudden, put more money into the military.  ::)
Imagine having the budget of the American army. I know it ridiculous, but imagine having 500 billion dollars just on the military. we wouldn`t have to pay our debts to the countries we owe money to. I think thats what the Americans are going to do. But it highly improbable.anyway we would have a greater power of decision over other countries. not that we should.
The buget for the american military is not that high, its just over 300 million i believe, and a huge percentage of that money goes to their over sea comitments, so you cant picture that all that money goes towards equipment purchases.
Good God....if it was 300 Million, Indonesia would have a bigger force than them....

The US defence budget is roughly 400 Billion. (almost half our GDP...)
The buget for the american military is not that high, its just over 300 million i believe, and a huge percentage of that money goes to their over sea comitments, so you cant picture that all that money goes towards equipment purchases.

Again you interject with useless information; if your going to state a fact, please provide a link to the proof less this thread get even more convoluted with schoolyard guessing.

Google is a charm, kids:


400 Billion is the figure, as Lost Warrior stated, and I highly doubt it is being used to blackmail other countries into releasing the US from foreign debt; where do you guys come up with this stuff?
Infanteer said:
where do you guys come up with this stuff?

They like pretending they're special. :D

300 million... haha... that would pay for their ammunition... maybe.