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Liberal Leader Stephane Dion promised not extend Canada's mission in Afghanistan


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What you folks think about this,?? I would love to see the Learders of other parties take a visit to Afghanistan to really see what We the Canadian forces do over there, I would love to give up my time to travel the the leaders and if they have any BALLS and can show any Leadership LIKE THE PM AND THE CDS we will all be better off on this mission.

This mess( conflict at arms ) or WAR depends on what side of the fence you are on will not be fixed over night nor should we think it will,
Been there and maybe going back soon, Lets hope we get the Support We need to do our jobs,

Take care all,

Agreed. Remember, the Liberals and NDP were the ones bashing PM Harper for going to A'stan to visit the troops.  Stephane Dion needs to get his ass in gear and see what our troops do for him so he can sit in the House of Commons and argue about nothing all day.

Is this the guy who spent the last 30 years outside of Canada or something?
Flawed Design said:
Is this the guy who spent the last 30 years outside of Canada or something?
Yes, and he had a hell of a time finding a way to bend the rules so he could be Liberal leader. But of course, it worked out perfectly  ::)

Flawed Design said:
Is this the guy who spent the last 30 years outside of Canada or something?

No, your getting him mixed up with Michael Ignatieff.

How Ironic.  Wasn't it the Liberals who sent Troops to Afghanistan is the first place? 
Another example of political backpeddling by a pompous Liberal Party.  With a possible (if the Libs push the unpopularity of it) election around the corner, they are not making themselves look good in the eyes of the Military. 
Political grandstanding awaiting the polls.  Shame on Dion and the Liberal Party, using (as always) the military as a politcal crutch.
Sorry to say, I voted for these guys in the last election.

Fool me once...shame on you.  Fool me twice...shame on me.

Cheers,  ;D
I believe Mr Dion holds dual citizenship with France.

A whole other kind of scandal if you ask me.

One has to ask, where does a leaders' loyalties lie?
To a party? To an ideology? or the people of Canada.

I have never forgiven Prime Minister Jean Chretien for
saying " Canadians are too rich....It might cause resentment"

Who do these liberals work for anyway?

Just another sign that the Liberals do not want to finish what they started.

Remember......"It's unfair"        ::)

silentbutdeadly said:
Mr Dion needs to win a election first and i think thats not happening anytime soon!
Dion sounds exactly like Jack Layton. Simply shooting off his mouth about everything and hasn't even won an election. Have you ever thought of the NDP being a "puppet" for the Liberals after the election when the Liberals had no proper leadership. Layton continually questioned PM Harpers motives and ranted on and on about how pointless the Afghanistan mission was. To me, it seems believable because the NDP is shutting up and the Liberals are doing all the talking.......

Just a thought
Flip said:
I believe Mr Dion holds dual citizenship with France.

A whole other kind of scandal if you ask me.

One has to ask, where does a leaders' loyalties lie?
To a party? To an ideology? or the people of Canada.

I have never forgiven Prime Minister Jean Chretien for
saying " Canadians are too rich....It might cause resentment"

Who do these liberals work for anyway?


Dual citizenship
Soon after Dion's selection as Liberal Party leader, the Conservatives and the NDP (but not the Bloc) began to criticize his dual citizenship as posing a possible conflict of interest. Dion has dual citizenship through his mother, who was born in France. [55] A Dion aide reportedly said that his French citizenship was conferred honorarily at birth[56], but Calgary Sun columnist Ezra Levant claimed that Dion "sought out his citizenship based on his legal entitlement." [57] However, critics were quick to point out that Conservative Minister Tony Clement and Conservative MP Myron Thompson and NDP caucus members Libby Davies and Olivia Chow also hold dual citizenships. Dion responded to this issue by stating that "Multiple identities should be seen as an asset, not a threat. There is nothing wrong with multiple identities. The hearts of people are big enough to accept different identities." [58]. He maintained, nevertheless, that his loyalty is "100 per cent to Canada first."[55]

In a December 7, 2006 interview on CBC's The National, Dion pointed out that Prime Minister John Turner had dual citizenship and questioned why it would be an issue now if it was not an issue in the 1980s. However he promised that "f it's a problem for a significant number of Canadians and if it's a liability that may keep Mr. Harper in power and prevent us [from bringing] together more than any other country in the world: economic prosperity, social justice, environmental sustainability, then I will do this sad thing then, to renounce my French citizenship that I received from my mother."[59]

Oh man, if WIKIPEDIA says it is so, then it must be, eh?

Funny, Mr. Dion never once saw "security" as an issue in his big three in that quote...
Twitch said:
Yes, and he had a hell of a time finding a way to bend the rules so he could be Liberal leader. But of course, it worked out perfectly  ::)
You're talking outa your a$$
Be so kind as to tell us which rule he bent?
If Dion will not extend the mission, then will he double and triple the effort now to ensure the job is done before 2009? A question interested people should start asking publicly, on all channels.