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Layton Says It's OK for Candidate to Holler @ CF Members

The Bread Guy

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MacKay demands NDP drop candidate over military remarks
Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 8 Sept 08
Article link

OTTAWA – Defence Minister Peter MacKay has called for NDP Leader Jack Layton to fire a Nova Scotia NDP candidate for her behaviour Thursday at a Halifax peace protest.

But the party says the candidate did nothing wrong.

Halifax West NDP candidate Tamara Lorincz was among a group of Halifax Peace Coalition protesters demonstrating outside the Cunard Centre on Marginal Road. They were protesting the DEFSEC Atlantic 2008 exhibition, a trade show for defence contractors.

Ms. Lorincz hollered at some uniformed members of the Canadian Armed Forces as they drove by.

"This is a racket and it should be shut down," she yelled. "We need a peace economy, not a military economy."

That shows that Ms. Lorincz is "unfit for public office," said Mr. MacKay.

"I felt physically ill," he said Sunday in an interview. "I thought it was just one of the most disgusting things I’ve heard in a long time. I honestly believe Jack Layton should pull that woman’s nomination papers."

Mr. Layton did not respond to Mr. MacKay’s attack, and Ms. Lorincz was not available for comment Sunday, but she issued a news release defending her actions.

"I was protesting the presence of major American military contractors’ attempts to influence the type of equipment our Armed Forces purchases," she said. "Our ongoing in mission in Afghanistan is building a military that works in Afghanistan’s deserts and we need our soldiers focusing on peacekeeping and protecting Canadians.

"I was not protesting the Canadian Armed Forces. In fact, I have the utmost respect for the women and men serving our country proudly; and any suggestion that I would purposely offend veterans is clearly politically motivated."

Mr. MacKay said he can’t believe the NDP would harass members of the Forces, and he can’t recall his old rival, former Halifax NDP MP Alexa McDonough, ever behaving like that.

"Obviously, Alexa and I differed on a number of issues, but I can’t ever imagine Alexa McDonough showing that kind of public disdain for our veterans."

Sackville-Eastern Shore MP Peter Stoffer, the NDP veterans affairs critic, said Sunday he wouldn’t approve of someone showing disrespect for members of the Forces, and he believes Ms. Lorincz was not doing that. And Mr. Stoffer said that Mr. MacKay should worry about the record of his government.

"If Mr. MacKay wants to look in the mirror, maybe he wants to revoke his own nomination papers because his government made an awful lot of promises to our veterans and to our military personnel and they’ve failed to keep them," he said.

( smaher@herald.ca)

Just another reason to ignore these baffoons that call themselves a political party.  I am glad the mbrs just continued to drive by and give this "politician" the attention she deserves. 

clearly politically motivated

That about sums up when she was at the  sing-a-long in the first place. 

Ms Tamara Lorincz's website.

milnews.ca said:
"This is a racket and it should be shut down," she yelled. "We need a peace economy, not a military economy."

Yeah, let's just get rid of the CF altogether and see how long "peace" will prevail.  ::)

milnews.ca said:
"I felt physically ill," he said Sunday in an interview. "I thought it was just one of the most disgusting things I’ve heard in a long time."

Ditto and ditto. What a jerk.  >:(

milnews.ca said:
Shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act.

MacKay demands NDP drop candidate over military remarks
Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 8 Sept 08
Article link
"I was protesting the presence of major American military contractors’ attempts to influence the type of equipment our Armed Forces purchases," she said. "Our ongoing in mission in Afghanistan is building a military that works in Afghanistan’s deserts and we need our soldiers focusing on peacekeeping and protecting Canadians.

"I was not protesting the Canadian Armed Forces. In fact, I have the utmost respect for the women and men serving our country proudly; and any suggestion that I would purposely offend veterans is clearly politically motivated."
( smaher@herald.ca)

In other words she doesn't want the Government of Canada to make procurement decisions based on the best affordable principle. She proposes we should buy what: Russian clubs and shields?

And what in hell do veterans, offended or otherwise, have to do with 'kicking the tires' of some of the hardware we might need?

It's silly season election time: Caution - Stupid People on the Streets!
Gotta love it.

Lawn junk and strangers pounding on the door spewwing forth utter lies all in the hopes of stealing a paycheque for the next 4 years...

I'm sure she will kiss ass up to the CF and Mr Mackay in hopes of downplaying what her intentions are/we're about the CF and it's membership. lets hope she gets what she's asking for... a place back home where she can contemplate her peace while looking for a new hobby job. As for Layton it's pretty well known what he stands for and what he will do if gets the votes.

Go green party Go

In reality, all this does is ensure the NDP will never get anymore in the governemnt then they are now, and I am sure the next election coming up will sort them out even more so, as any decent Canadian with sound values adn good morals would be a fool to vote for such trash, and a waste of government wages.

The NDP has become a national embarassment, and the grass root founders of the party would be rolling over in their graves if they knew how things have become.

So, keep on doing what you're doing Jack, your day is coming in October

My thoughts,

Maybe it's just me, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable if we had a Conservative Minister of National Defence who could reply to such left-wing nonsense without getting "the vapours".

"I felt physically ill."

Oh puhleeze.

How about: "That pissed me off", or, at the very least, "that was nonsense." without the swooning, back-of-the-hand-to-my-forehead "oh-untimely-death" crap that we usually hear from the Libs/NDP.
Whom can forget her.... I know I won't ... hehe..  ;D

Still a waste of oxygen.
The beautiful thing is that this party is really just a distraction for voters rather than a serious political party. Honestly, does ANYONE take them seriously? Are they even a formidable political threat? They rate up there with the Green party...

Taliban Jack and the rest of the NDP have simply smoked a little too much of their 'green' agenda in the form of weed. Or they've partaken in mushrooms, the only other natural substance I can think of off hand that might induce the sort of hallucinations required to think that the world is a happy, friendly place that has no place for us war mongerers.

I have often loved the phrase 'Galactically Stupid' and I think this might be applicable in this case.....OF COURSE they LOVE the members of the CF...There's an election! As soon as it's over, they'll go back to slagging us and everything we stand for.

If Jack Leighton or any other NDP types frequent our forum, I hope they know that this member is generally sickened by their policies.
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Seriously?  ???


Well, to date we have 3 NDP, 3 Green and 2 Spoiled ballots on the Poll.  It is heart warming to think we are such a site that all can enjoy.  I do wonder though why anyone would spoil their ballot.  A vote isn't a Protest.  A spoiled ballot simply gets thrown in the trash.  If you want to spoil a ballot, why waste your time and effort.  It does nothing.  You have effectively done nothing; not even Protest.  Be an Adult and make a decision, and make a Real Vote.

Sorry!  In my haze, I forgot that not all the people entering the Poll are Adults.  Some are in fact Children, who are not of age yet.
I wanted to find out alittle more about this...member of the NDP, so poked around on her site for a few.  Turns out she has ties with...


Time to break out the bright orange toga, my harp, grow a pony tail and change my name to Starburst or Meadow-lark or something... ::)
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Seriously?  ???


We have nothing else to lose by going "green" with the exception of our sanity. The NDP,CONS,LIBS and PQ"blocheads" are all tried tested and failed over and over and over again. Atleast the greens deserve a shot at getting it wrong too before they are herded into the pile of miscreant babblers.

eduted fer speelin
Snafu-Bar said:
We have nothing else to lose by going "green" with the exception of our sanity.

I think that states it all there.

I would prefer to keep my sanity, thank you.
Snafu-Bar said:
. Atleast the greens deserve a shot at getting it wrong too before they are herded into the pile of micreant babblers.

Just finished reading all their policy stuff on their website. Managed not to throw up my supper but not by much.

I'm surprised they are not being sued over their "Green tax shift"  ::)

CDN Aviator said:
Just finished reading all their policy stuff on their website. Managed not to throw up my supper but not by much.

I'm surprised they are not being sued over their "Green tax shift"  ::)

No that was reserved for the Libby Leader Mr Dion. He liberally ripped off the Green Shift from some company and tried to peddle it off as a "hey look what i didded"  ::)
Snafu-Bar said:
No that was reserved for the Libby Leader Mr Dion. He liberally ripped off the Green Shift from some company and tried to peddle it off as a "hey look what i didded"  ::)

Wait a minute! 
  The Liberals would never do anything like that
Snafu-Bar said:
We have nothing else to lose by going "green" with the exception of our sanity. The NDP,CONS,LIBS and PQ"blocheads" are all tried tested and failed over and over and over again. Atleast the greens deserve a shot at getting it wrong too before they are herded into the pile of micreant babblers.

Nothing to lose? Give yer head a shake there. How about national security, the nations infastructure, tens of thousands of jobs deemed 'environmentally unfit' by the Greens that would be terminated, how about Canada's place on the international scale? A nation run by people who have zilch experience when it comes to running anything more powerful than a smart car can have only one outcome: Bad.

