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Knee problmes for the PT


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as been a CI hopefully one day getting my CIC I have to wonder I have knee problem wear and tear in the back on knee there was no surgery cuz it impossible to get to..I can't do the heavy pyscial actives so am I going to be screwed for this? or would I'd bypass this part?  :salute: :cdn:
CIC applicants don't do the physical fitness test or the CFAT and if you are breathing you should pass the medical.
Not to be rude but from the way you write, perhaps you shouldn't be worried about the medical.
kincanucks said:
CIC applicants don't do the physical fitness test or the CFAT and if you are breathing you should pass the medical.

your not joking? yes so I don't have to worrie about the fitness or the CFAT thank God you just made my year I  :salute: you Kincanucks!
CI.Robertson said:
your not joking? yes so I don't have to worrie about the fitness or the CFAT thank God you just made my year I  :salute: you Kincanucks!

I don't joke. >:(
CI.Robertson said:
as been a CI hopefully one day getting my CIC I have to wonder I have knee problem wear and tear in the back on knee there was no surgery cuz it impossible to get to..I can't do the heavy pyscial actives so am I going to be screwed for this? or would I'd bypass this part?  :salute: :cdn:

Ummm...isn't the CIC Basic Officer Training 10 days in length? Coffee, Smokes, MS Power Point, 3 or more square meals a day, 8 hrs of sleep everyday? PT hmmm, that's a tough one...last time I heard PT wasn't an issue in the CIC...not to sound insulting or anything but I have seen people wearing the CIC Cap badge and weighing upwards of 350 + lbs but in their defence they did say they were band officers...

correct me if I am wrong here...
>>Paladin<< said:
Ummm...isn't the CIC Basic Officer Training 10 days in length? Coffee, Smokes, MS Power Point, 3 or more square meals a day, 8 hrs of sleep everyday? PT hmmm, that's a tough one...last time I heard PT wasn't an issue in the CIC...not to sound insulting or anything but I have seen people wearing the CIC Cap badge and weighing upwards of 350 + lbs but in their defence they did say they were band officers...

correct me if I am wrong here...

oh I'm not 350+ pounds lol I'm only 190  8) yeah my one of the capt. at my air cadets corp is heavy lad but he's funny tho
Ummm...isn't the CIC Basic Officer Training 10 days in length? Coffee, Smokes, MS Power Point, 3 or more square meals a day, 8 hrs of sleep everyday? PT hmmm, that's a tough one...last time I heard PT wasn't an issue in the CIC...not to sound insulting or anything but I have seen people wearing the CIC Cap badge and weighing upwards of 350 + lbs but in their defence they did say they were band officers...

correct me if I am wrong here...


Oh boy, huge can of worms that has already been discussed here and there on the board and unfortunately the answer is Yes and No.  i would love to elaborate further for ya via PM.


2023 said:
Not to be rude but from the way you write, perhaps you shouldn't be worried about the medical.
If you refer to my profile - you'll note that I have been in for a long time
I'm in a area HQ and have to deal with a lot of issues on the G1/J1 side of the house. Because CIC officers are classified as Reserves, like it or not, I have to deal with their personnel issues once in a while.... The number of dissability claims from seriously overweight CIC officers is there. Blown out knees and hips are a happening & that's a fact.

So when I rhetoricaly stated "there's a medical?" You could've fooled a bunch of us... and they aren't "band" people.
geo said:
If you refer to my profile - you'll note that I have been in for a long time
I'm in a area HQ and have to deal with a lot of issues on the G1/J1 side of the house. Because CIC officers are classified as Reserves, like it or not, I have to deal with their personnel issues once in a while.... The number of dissability claims from seriously overweight CIC officers is there. Blown out knees and hips are a happening & that's a fact.

So when I rhetoricaly stated "there's a medical?" You could've fooled a bunch of us... and they aren't "band" people.

Ease up brother beaver, I was refering to the original poster, not you.
kincanucks said:
I love it when beavers go bad and attack each other. ;D

There is a time and place for everything. hahaha
geo said:
If you refer to my profile - you'll note that I have been in for a long time
I'm in a area HQ and have to deal with a lot of issues on the G1/J1 side of the house. Because CIC officers are classified as Reserves, like it or not, I have to deal with their personnel issues once in a while.... The number of dissability claims from seriously overweight CIC officers is there. Blown out knees and hips are a happening & that's a fact.

So when I rhetoricaly stated "there's a medical?" You could've fooled a bunch of us... and they aren't "band" people.

yes but do the CIC have to do the PT tho? um Whats your RAnk anyways?
2023 said:
Ease up brother beaver, I was refering to the original poster, not you.

jeez sorry my grammer isn't too good but you got what I was saying right? then good...like if my spelling is that horrible then don't say anything for future postings I might make.  :nana:
No problem at all, however, if you are serious about being in the Cadets, Reserves, or Regular Force then you will appreciate that most of my criticism is constructive. Your poor grammar won't help you years from now when you are writing Trg Instructions, Memorandums, PDR's and PER's.

2023 said:
No problem at all, however, if you are serious about being in the Cadets, Reserves, or Regular Force then you will appreciate that most of my criticism is constructive. Your poor grammar won't help you years from now when you are writing Trg Instructions, Memorandums, PDR's and PER's.


yeah to true...never though that far hey it's still a while away :D
yes but do the CIC have to do the PT tho? um Whats your RAnk anyways?

Yes we do on courses.  Not as much as my Reg and PRes associates, nor as much as i would like-but we do.  And if your a good Officer and role model, you'll keep your physically fit status beyond courses in order to provide the best possible example to the Cadets.

Writing a proper memo is part of a pre-testing to get loaded onto your BOQ.........FYI.


2023 - no problem. didn't check your profile but having to deal with some sorry excuse for a "serviceman", the idea turns my stomach at times. Not all cadet officers are that bad but I have seen many that could call "omar the tent maker" when they need a new uniform.

you'll find my profile to be fairly complete.