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Keiths Beer Guy goes Regimental in the playground

Walrus said:
you guys are afraid to admit it.  When those commericals first came on, you guys were doing your best scottish impersinations and copying the commercials. hell I cannot put my Kilt on for formal occassions without doing it just once.

Ah!  Yes!  Remember all the comments when the Keith's truck spilled all those beers onto the MacDonald Bridge.  Come on, you know you wanna!  ;)
Actually I cringed and said "for F444 sake what were they thinking." I personally liked the ad campaign where they Admiralty was loosing ships in the Atlantic and were commenting on "those poor soles" find out Halifax was Harbour was crowded with ships and drunken sailors.

Unlike today where there are a few ships but lots of Crack addicts.

You people will fight about almost anything!

Tone it down please.

The Staff
Slim you better not have typed that in a scottish accent  :threat:
Frederik G said:
Oh, yes, because if I were to just go around saying "so-and-so likes kiddie porn" it wouldn't constitute libel. If the media does it, however, they're just "reporting what they're told." Either way, it hurts (ie destroys) someone's career and quite possibly their whole life. When was the last time someone being acquitted made the front page? (I remember... hmmm... Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson, that's about it.) It's like when a newspaper makes a mistake on the front page; the erratum is found somewhere where nobody looks for it, therefore it is not there to inform, but it is there to cover the newspaper's ass.

If you are saying it, yes.  It may be slander.  But if you were passing on a press release from a police department, it would be called "reporting".  Funny the two acquittal cases you mention are far and beyond the best cases of judicial miscarriage in our time.  Child pornography is very hard to prosecute and is not done lightly.  And we are not talking about someone going to www.myfirstfisting.com [not a real link, didn't realize it would make one when I first posted] where the "teens" are obviously in their early 20's.  Investigators have to examine photo's in detail and only in cases where they are clearly under age (and horribly that is usually 12 and under) do they tender them as evidence.   If you could ever track down and talk to these kids, you could pin down the exact age.  Thats why only the most blatant cases are used.  I know there is a due process, but if you hear of someone charges with this sort of thing, they are guilty.  No if's, and's or but's.  Follow the case in something other than your local liberal rag.  I guarantee that if he gets found not guilty, it is for a technical evidential rule, such as the seizure of the computer was deemed unlawful and therefore inadmissible.  Common sense says "his computer, his porn".  But the legal system doesn't get all hung up on common sense. 

I don't agree about the career flame, either.  Look at Pee Wee Herman (Paul something?) or Roman Polanski.  Hollywood has a horrifyingly short attention span. 

For the record, I have been flying into Scottish accented rants for many years before the commercials came out.  I am 3/4 Scotch heritage.  Hell, what child of Scot didn't get to hear such loving terms of endearment from their gran'pap as "I'll beat ya till ya bleed, then I'll beat ya fer bleedin'".  There is no way to say that effectively without the accent.
Back on topic

Well now that the Keith's Beer Guy is gone.

On to bigger and better things, lets say we start a letter writing campaign to get Molson to bring the "I AM CANADIAN" slogan back!!!!

I don't know if this is confirmed but I heard that guy was a sellout and basically moved to the USA after he got enough money and pursued his acting career there.... But I did see him at EdgeFest about .... 6 years ago??? He did his schpeel as part of the Canada celebration there in Barrie, when Molson owned the park (Molsen Park) that the concerts were held at....


Yeah, back on topic...

If you say bad things about him then in fact you are saying bad things about Alexander Keith's
and need I remind you "it was the pride of Nova Scotia for over 200 years" (typed in a scottish accent)

Walrus ;D
Zipperhead, I won't quote your entire post, but I guess I was wrong in my previous one. Obviously, not being in law enforcement or having a terribly high interest in it (beyond liking the idea of bad people getting what they deserve) I don't know exactly how everything works.

Glad to know crooks are actually crooks. It sucks it's hard to prosecute, though. Thanks for the info.
Actually I just want the " I am Canadian" slogan back. The "it Starts here" sologan is dumb. Just like that Keiths beer guy...he was dumb....a dumb sicko...
Walrus said:
If you say bad things about him then in fact you are saying bad things about Alexander Keith's
and need I remind you "it was the pride of Nova Scotia for over 200 years" (typed in a scottish accent)

Walrus ;D

I thought that was Ann of Green Gables  ;D

[Daft Ontarian comment by design]
mover1 said:
Actually I just want the " I am Canadian" slogan back. The "it Starts here" sologan is dumb. Just like that Keiths beer guy...he was dumb....a dumb sicko...

We we're sitting in the mess one night, adding to that new slogan when we saw the commercial.

It starts here....The American takeover of the Canadian Beer industry


It starts here.....Teen pregnancy

where two of my favourites  >:D
zipperhead_cop said:
I thought that was Ann of Green Gables  ;D

[Daft Ontarian comment by design]

You forgot the "e" on the end of that name. Anne, which by the way is a PEI thing and equally as annoying as the Keith's guy.
Gramps said:
You forgot the "e" on the end of that name. Anne, which by the way is a PEI thing and equally as annoying as the Keith's guy.

hey! Easy there bud when picking on the little red haired girl...I had a crush on her when I was 10 I'll have you know! :tsktsk:
So, why did we need some foriegn sounding guy who talks like a Right-off-the-boat Scottish Communist Union Organizer to sell us our own beer anyhow?

Aren't we an independent nation now?  Did we not cut the apron strings from the mother countries at Vimy Ridge? 

TCBF said:
So, why did we need some foriegn sounding guy who talks like a Right-off-the-boat Scottish Communist Union Organizer to sell us our own beer anyhow?

Aren't we an independent nation now?   Did we not cut the apron strings from the mother countries at Vimy Ridge? 


Nova Scotia = New Scotland

Im thinking they're living a bit in the past mind you..
Kat Stevens said:

Eeeeeeeasy now - you're about one vowel away from being on the receiving end of an "anti-American!!!" bludgeon attack. Incidentally, does anyone know if Labatt's is in the same position?
Slim said:
hey! Easy there bud when picking on the little red haired girl...I had a crush on her when I was 10 I'll have you know! :tsktsk:

So does the Keiths guy from what I hear

Oh God I'm going to hell for that one.
"Eeeeeeeasy now - you're about one vowel away from being on the receiving end of an "anti-American!!!" bludgeon attack"

- Naw, he's right.
