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Karla Homolka gives birth

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I was just about sick to my stomach when I heard this.

source: http://cnews.canoe.ca/

Karla Homolka a mom, ready to wed

Karla Homolka is nursing a newborn baby, Sun Media has confirmed.

Using the name Leanne Teale, Homolka gave birth to a 7-pound baby boy Saturday at St. Mary's Hospital in Montreal.

Homolka and the baby's father took the newborn child to their bungalow on Montreal's South Shore Monday.

The couple plan to jet off to the sunny Caribbean, where they will get married in the Antilles islands, sources told the Journal de Montreal, but first they have to secure a passport for the baby.

It is not known if the couple is going to the West Indies only for marriage, or whether they plan to leave Canada forever.

According to an anonymous letter sent to the Journal de Montreal, Homolka was first admitted to St. Mary's Hospital with contractions last Tuesday.

But the contractions proved to be false labour and Homolka was released after a few hours.

She returned again Friday morning and gave birth the next day.

"The baby had the umbilical cord rolled up around the neck, which complicated things a little," a source said.

St. Mary's Hospital officials said yesterday they will probe claims that hospital staff recognized Homolka and initially refused to give her treatment.

The confirmation of Homolka's baby comes despite denials by Homolka's sister and her lawyer, Sylvie Bordelais. Sources say Homolka was introduced to the baby's father by Bordelais.

"I do not know anything" other than what she read in yesterday's Toronto Sun, Bordelais said.

As reported in the Sun yesterday, rumours surrounding Homolka's motherhood were running rampant since the weekend.

Homolka, 36, spent 12 years in prison for her part in her ex-husband Paul Bernardo's sex murders of teens Leslie Mahaffy, 14, and Kristen French, 15, and the fatal drug rape of her own sister, Tammy, 15.

Homolka pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter and accepted the prison term in exchange for her testimony against Bernardo at his first-degree murder trial.

She claims to have been a battered woman and that Bernardo was the mastermind behind the rapes and deaths.

Homolka went into hiding after her release from prison July 5, 2005.

Reporters found the Homolka bungalow occupied in a visit this week.

Nobody answered the door, although occupants peeked out from behind the curtains.

Quebec children's aid said despite Homolka's past, the new mother will not automatically be scrutinized.

Homolka has said that she dreamed of meeting a new husband and having a baby ever since she was first imprisoned in 1993.

I guess her fairy tale wedding to Paul Bernardo DID have a happy ending after all??
CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD More than anyone else, Karla Homolka has always put the Canadian justice system, not to mention the nation's dearly regarded sense of fair play, to the test.

With police needing her testimony, or believing they did, in the prosecution of Paul Bernardo, she and her lawyer managed to ink a nifty plea bargain with Ontario authorities that saw her sentenced to only 12 years for her acknowledged but unspecified "role" in one accidental death and two homicides, respectively the drugging death of her sister Tammy and the murder of two strangers, fine young women all.

Aided and abetted by the prosecutors, who were wedded to the vision of her as a poor wee lassie (either too young to have known better or a battered spouse or the compliant spouse of a sexual predator -- the labels were interchangeable and equally without meaning), she pulled off a miracle while on the witness stand during her former husband's lengthy trial.

Although she was transparently self-confident there, often pugnacious and sublimely indifferent to any pain but her own, on the official record, she nonetheless emerged as a victim. Later, when it emerged that she may have "forgotten" to mention one of the episodes where she and Mr. Bernardo sexually assaulted other teens -- there were so damn many of these episodes, all so of a sameness, how's a girl to keep them straight? -- and that there might exist a way to reopen the vile plea bargain, no one in power could quite summon the will to do it.

Article continues:
NavComm said:
I was just about sick to my stomach when I heard this.

source: http://cnews.canoe.ca/

Pass along the puking bucket Nav, please
I suppose the silver lining is that the child is male. Her victims were all female, so let's keep our fingers crossed for this little soul.

edit: spelling
I'm absolutely disgusted. My heart goes out to this baby. What a horrible life to be born into. People like Karla should be sterilized before they are released. I don't even care if that sounds too harsh. No innocent child should have to grow up with a family like this. Excuse me while I have a temper tantrum over this.
Pea said:
I'm absolutely disgusted. My heart goes out to this baby. What a horrible life to be born into. People like Karla should be sterilized before they are released. I don't even care if that sounds too harsh. No innocent child should have to grow up with a family like this. Excuse me while I have a temper tantrum over this.

I'll second that one.  She doesn't deserve to have the happiness that comes with being a mother, nor does an innocent child deserve a mother like that.  >:(

Thanks for the link, Baden Guy. I was looking for an article by Chritie Blatchford that
the Globe had lock without luck. Now I have it :)

This shouldn't be possible, what a horrific fate for this poor child. How can she possibly be allowed to keep a baby? I thought child molesters weren't allowed contact with children, it shouldn't matter that it is her own. Why can't children's aid remove the little one from her? I'm sitting here holding my little girl, wondering how it is we can leave such precious gifts in the hands of monsters.

Piper, 'Devil's advocate' is quite apt in this case.  Do you believe she is reformed just because she served her sentence?  Would you trust her to be a babysitter? 
Anyone check nearby graveyards for freshly buried hyena carcasses?  I'm hearing "Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield everywhere I go lately.  This explains a lot.
Piper said:
You know....to play devil's advocate here...

While she DID play a role in one of Canada's most horrendous crimes and she DID get off lightly for what she did....

she HAS done her time and is now a free citizen again, which allows her all the rights that every other Canadian is priviledged to, including having and raising a baby without her and especially the child being subject to any retributions. While I am often the first to criticise our justice system and often the first to advocate vigilante justice in some occasions, the rule of law must be respected and that means that you should not be subject to any extra-legal sanctions once you are released.

I hope hospital staff did not refuse her service just because of who she is, and if they did, they should be disciplined severely (they put an innocent baby's life at risk too). Further to that, she should be left alone with her new hubby to raise this child, if nothing else then for the child's sake.


Yes there counselor, remember that the next time you want to type and be the opposite factor.  This was her partner in crime..


Legally yes, Morally never has she paid her time to society.

May she rot, and I feel for the child.



As much as I can't stand hearing about plea bargains, I think that she has served her time and should be left alone.  She is not having a child so she can molest it, so it doesn't matter that the child is male.  He is now foder for the media to "molest".  There are far worse who have kids and are ill-equipped to do so -- I just read an article in the paper about a guy in the states who hit his daughter in the head because she wouldn't go back to bed and then he left her outside to die.  She will probably be a great mother and should be allowed to raise her child outside of the media spotlight.
I'm sorry, I fail to see how someone who all we really know about, is that she helped rape and kill her OWN sister, will probably be a great mother? What about that says nurturing to you?
Mapper said:
She is not having a child so she can molest it, so it doesn't matter that the child is male.

How do you know that ? Are you speaking to her psyche, her inner self ?
We know nothing about her boyfriend, the baby's father. He could be a child molester,
wanting to raise his own playting, for all we know.

Didn't you heard that while still in custody, she correspond with a prisoner that wasn't kind to women ?

We don't know nothing, one way (mother) or another (creating plaything)!
I hear you.  I don't disagree that what she did was horrible, disgusting and uncomprehensible.  But, I think she should be given a chance to raise this child.   She is obviously being watched by many, so Child Services (or whatever they are called) can step in.  I feel for the child in all of this because he will not have a normal life.
Mapper said:
As much as I can't stand hearing about plea bargains, I think that she has served her time and should be left alone.  She is not having a child so she can molest it, so it doesn't matter that the child is male.  He is now foder for the media to "molest".  There are far worse who have kids and are ill-equipped to do so -- I just read an article in the paper about a guy in the states who hit his daughter in the head because she wouldn't go back to bed and then he left her outside to die.  She will probably be a great mother and should be allowed to raise her child outside of the media spotlight.

You Pal,

Are a sick puppy.  Period said and done.  For you to throw in the "quotes" about molest and then to claim

She will probably be a great mother and should be allowed to raise her child outside of the media spotlight.

In fact, ya know what...I call BS to you...I think you are a troll....here to cause shennanigans, especially with the first post.  In fact, prove me wrong.


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