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How long ago did you start your application? Im about to start mine, don't know how long it will take if I will have a shot at july or not.
I handed my forums in early October I believe. I did my aptitude in November and my reserve interview and medical. Then I decided to change to reg force and i did my reg force interview first week of April. And i just got my job offer with my travel date last week.
ohh cool, yeh the recruiter told me it varies but he said not to apply unlil I would be prepared to leave in a month, chances are it wouldnt be that quick though.
you can just tell them (like I did) that you cant leave before a certain date.. for me it was when i graduate high school... but it could be different for people who have already graduated
yeh iv finnished college so im ready to go soon, im going to tell them that
What if your not planning to finish high school? And just want to do full time? Because I plan to continue school until I get accepted into infintry, and please dont think that im not a dumb drop out because I am pretty smart. Also I intend on handing in my application in the end of May, does any think or might think that I would know if I got in by Sept? (Assuming everything went well) Thanks!
Kr3w said:
What if your not planning to finish high school? And just want to do full time? Because I plan to continue school until I get accepted into infintry, and please dont think that im not a dumb drop out because I am pretty smart. Also I intend on handing in my application in the end of May, does any think or might think that I would know if I got in by Sept? (Assuming everything went well) Thanks!

1- Finnish school......trust me

2- It is "Infantry" not "infintry"
definetly finish highschool, especially if you are in grade 12 right now, im not sure if thats the grade your in but your only a month out till graduation, and that one extra month of school will open a whole bunch of doors for you as well.  My buddy took off 2 months out of graduation and my recruiter said that could have been the stupidest thing he could have done to begin his career.  Just my 2 cents
Yeh man you should finish up school first. When I graduated from high school I very seriously wanted to join but also wanted to go to college. And im very glad I decided to go to college and get that experience first and now I feel im totally ready to join and committ to the army. A bit more mature now at almost 21, than I was at 18 and have been out on my own. And if your graduating that soon you should finish what you started. The army isnt going anywhere. It will still be there when your done.
Well guys i got another offer today, and i accepted it.  Now im not to sure right now If i start BMQ on July 7th in St. Jean or if thats the day i leave home to make the trek to St. Jean.  I got accepted as a combat engineer, so if anyone else is going on the 7th let me know cause ill see ya there!
Siege- BMQ's start on Mondays. Therefore You will probably be leaving on 5th (Saturday) or 6th (Sunday) if your BMQ starts on the 7th. Good luck!
Thanks for the input, I graduate highschool on the 25th so they don't give you much time do they lol
On the contrary...What may seem like very little time to you may feel like an eternity to others. It's all on how you look at. From the time I got my offer to my BMQ start date was 7 weeks. I'm now down to 3 weeks left to wait and it feels endless. Although the amount of time between your school ending and BMQ starting is rather short. However you do get the same 7ish weeks to prepare. :)

I just got a job offer yesterday. I get sworn in on the 13th of June and head off to BMQ on the 28th. So I have about five weeks. My trade is NES Op. Maybe I will see some of you there. :)
sorry i graduate on the 25th of june, and start BMQ on the 7th of July, so its roughly 2 and ahalf weeks give or take.  I was hoping to be here for a month of summer to have with my friends, but im not complaining, ill be doing a job that i look forward too
Dolphado said:
28th of which month 1988 -18-18 ?

June would seem about right. Sworn in on the 13th June ... report for BMQ 28 June.

I'm more interested in the date being used as user name??

Is this a birthdate?? What month is the 18th month??  :o
I just got merit listed and am waiting on my job offer I don't think it should take too long, so I'm hoping to see some of you guys there in july :P thats
what i am hoping for any ways, nice weather and such to train in, I will post back when i get my dates to train :)
ArmyVern said:
June would seem about right. Sworn in on the 13th June ... report for BMQ 28 June.

I'm more interested in the date being used as user name??

Is this a birthdate?? What month is the 18th month??  :o

The 28th of June Dolphado. As far as my name I was born the 18th hour of the 18th day of February so I just threw two 18's into my username.