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Hi all. 

I'm getting ready to start the application process.  I've done my research and read the boards thoroughly before I decided to post this.  Kudos for having all the info in neat little link sets.  Makes things very easy to find.  A little about me... I'm 30, married, 2 kids, dog.  Husband is currently serving in A'stan.  So I'm waiting til it's closer to him coming home before I start my paperwork and all that junk.  Just started back at the gym after a 2 year hiatus.  All I can say is OW!  Good pain though.  Getting my butt in gear so that I can do well at BMQ. 

Don't really have any questions - as of yet.  And if I do, well, google is my friend.  My top 3 have been changing somewhat lately - well... the bottom 2 of my top 3 anyway.  But hopefully once all is said and done, I'll get my top choice, and the whole thing will be moot.



On week 3 of the physical training.  Got myself a personal trainer to get me into a routine.  She's a slave driver, but it's going well.  I did 2 sets of 12 assisted chin ups.  And coming from someone whose upper body strength is pretty sad at this point, I'm pretty happy with that.  It's a real eye opener though, I've got a lot of work to do to get to my goals...  my running is going well so far.  Sit ups not so much, but working on my core strength now.  I have set a bunch of short term goals that will help me reach my long term ones, so hopefully everything will go smoothly in that regard.

Have my references lined up, and will be putting in for my transcripts soon.

Going to go do a search now WRT student loans.
Just to let you know, the trade selections that you are making are exactly that and are not necessarily in priority.  Please ensure that when you make your trade selections, that you are prepared to accept any one of them.  You do not have to choose three, you simply have up to three selections.  This way there is a balance between the applicant and the CF, you get what you want, and we put you in an occupation that needs you, if you selected it.
thanks for the info.  the 3 that I picked I'm really interested in so I'll be happy with any of them. 
Hi there,

Good for you for getting out there and getting a trainer to help you get in shape, I wish I had done it before I joined, but anyway.

As someone who joined last year I woud recommend you start your process now, it took me almost a year to get my process completed.  If your file moves really quickly, you can inform your recruiter of your circumstances, husband being deployed, and worst case they can put your file on hold after you are merit listed.  They are pretty accommodating in that regard.  I joined last year, I was 31, 2 kids and a hubby in the army who is now set to deploy when I am done my 3's :(  Living the dream, that's what they keep telling me :S  I honestly do not regret my choices, I find it hard somedays knowing that I am missing some very important time with my family.  My hubby and kids are very supportive though so I get through.

Good luck, feel free to ask me any questions.
hey thanks a lot.  I'm trying now to get one of my girlfriends to watch the little guy for a little while so I can go down to CFRC Ottawa and talk to the recruiter/ start my paperwork.  Honestly, it's exciting, and scary as hell all at once.  I'd love to pick your brain when you have a free minute as I"m going to be in the exact same spot as you (except hopefully there won't be another deployment in our future).

I'm guessing by your screenname you're a (soon to be) Met Tech.  How are you guys going to work postings/ co-location?  What are your kids ages?  mine are 12 and 18 months.  I won't lie, I'm anxious about leaving the baby for so long - and what if I end up in PAT?  Could they send me back to Ottawa for some OJT or joe jobs or something til it's time to go on my 3's?  What took the most time in your process?  Was it due to the trade you selected or were there other stumbling blocks? 

There are so many what-if's going through my head.  What if there's some medical thing that comes up that slows me down? What if I train too hard and I hurt myself? *knockwood*  Ugh.  What if I bomb the CFAT?  LOL.  I know it's not likely, I've been studying my math more, and I've  done really well on my spatial aptitude and my language skills so I'm not overly worried.  But it's just that anticipatory nervousness. 

I'm so glad I had a trainer to get me started.  Today I started my fitness program solo, having that foundation and support with my trainer was fantastic.  I'm already stronger after a month of working out than I was when I started.  I've already surpassed the minimum for my pushups and I am slowly dropping the weight on the assisted chin ups, plus, My run times are getting better and better.  *proud of me*  ;D
Back from the Rec Ctr.  It went really well, even though I was really nervous (for no reason other than career changes are scary).  The recruiter was talking to was nice, helpful, and said it seems like I have all my ducks in a row.  So we discussed my issues/ concerns.  Co-location, my student loans, asthma (yes I have it, yes it's very mild and I'm scheduling a PFT and methacholine challenge to allay those concerns).  Everything went well and I am very optimistic.

Funny side note.  One of the Sgt's there was on the phone with someone who thought they applied for the military because they went to Service Canada and emailed their resume.  The Sgt asked "are you sure you applied for the Canadian Forces?"    I got a chuckle out of that. 

So, wish me luck, I'm on Step 2.  Filling out paperwork and getting required docs.  :)

Application is filled out, references done, transcripts are in.  And I'm in full on panic mode.  I know rationally there's nothing to really be afraid of.  But I want this so much and I am putting way too much pressure on myself.  At least I'm aware of my neuroses right? 

Nothing ventured, nothing gained right?
Lil_T said:

Application is filled out, references done, transcripts are in.  And I'm in full on panic mode.   I know rationally there's nothing to really be afraid of.  But I want this so much and I am putting way too much pressure on myself.   At least I'm aware of my neuroses right? 

Nothing ventured, nothing gained right?

I feel ya. I am only 18 so I have FAR LESS in terms of change and loss by trying out for the CF. I was nerve wrecked for awhile also (so I cant imagine how you must feel), but now that my processing went well and my application is finalized and waiting - I feel.. better. haha.

Although right now I am applying to a couple universities for I have more of a chance in ROTP.. Applications to these are so.. Empty feeling? compared to the process it takes for the CF.

I am applying as Officer through ROTP fyi. (Combat arms)

Good luck and all the best with the rest of your processing.

PS: What exactly are you applying for? If you do not mind the question.
Don't mind at all.  I want to join as an RMS Clerk (NCM)  though depending on how things go, I may go UTPNCM  (LogO) after a while.  But I'd just like to get in first before I make any other big plans LOL. 

Good luck to you too.  I hope you get into your selected university.
Lil_T said:
Don't mind at all.  I want to join as an RMS Clerk (NCM)  though depending on how things go, I may go UTPNCM  (LogO) after a while.   But I'd just like to get in first before I make any other big plans LOL. 

Good luck to you too.  I hope you get into your selected university.

hoping that is RMC before CivvieU. And yeah, you are usually applying into a trade family.. So that is what I have been telling myself.. "Get in first"..
right - it's good to have a plan.... and a plan b, c etc.  right now it's my "plan" to get through the application process without spazzing.
Hi There!

Just wanted to say good luck, it is nice to know that it is normal to be nervous... ;D
I thought I was beeing too sensitive... I guess we are all nervous, there is so many things to learn and so much unknown

good luck!
hey thanks... good luck to you too.  I think the nervousness is totally normal.  hubby can't relate since it's been like 15 years since he joined and barely remembers that far back.  Taking my application down Friday and feeling very ohmygod! about it.
Lil_T said:
Asthma (yes I have it, yes it's very mild and I'm scheduling a PFT and methacholine challenge to allay those concerns).

Curious how your tests went?

still waiting for them actually....  :-\  hope to get in to take them soon.  I had an awful chest cold so my Dr wanted to wait til I was 100% to schedule - his office is supposed to get back to me soon with a date/ time.

dropped off my application about an hour ago... let the waiting game begin. 
Nope, recruiter I was speaking with told me it would be 2-4 weeks before they contacted me.  I'm anticipating it taking even longer than that due to the upcoming holiday.  He told me that they'd contact me to write my CFAT and for the medical interview.