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Joining while being a fulltime University Student

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Hello everyone,

I need a few suggestions and answers on joining the Reserves.
I am 19 years old and am going to be going into my second year of Business Management at Ryerson University in Toronto. I have a close friend who has been in the Reserves since he was 16 and I now regret not joining with him. I also have another friend who joined just recently and he is 2nd year University aswell.

My question is, can I be a fulltime University student in downtown Toronto and still join? Would I be able to do courses all through the summer months back in my hometown of Sault Ste. Marie? I am still not sure how far I want to go with the Canadian Forces but I would definately like to get some training and knowledge.

So any suggestions for University students wanting to join?

Any input appreciated,


-Mike Gualtieri
Hey Mike!

I can finally put some useful input, thanks for asking a question I actually know something about. The joining process, depending on what trade you go, can take up to a year once you get all your ducks in a row. So at this point you would probably be in courses next summer, or doing them on the weekends with your unit. As to downtown Toronto, I'm not sure about the closeness of reserve units to there, but given it is a major urban center I imagine there are some! This is where more experienced people will now chirp in and say "yada yada" and then "Contact a recruiter".

CFRC is a great place to go to sound out these questions! They'll even pay for your transportation there! I.e.- bus fare. If you make an appointment!

Good luck,
Welcome to army.ca

If you do some reading, you will find that for the past 140 (plus or minus) years, there have been many university students who have decided to become full-time or part-time members of what is now called the Canadian Forces.  In your reading, you will find that many have juggled both a full-time university year of studies and a part-time career in the Reserves.  You will also read how many have used their part-time career as a Reservist, to finance their university studies.  These topics and more have been covered adnausium since the creation of this site. 
Hey so I'm really considering joining the reserves in chilliwack BC as class A but the problem is I'm attending school and have little to no free time during the week. Weekends are usually free so would I be able to do the training then? And how does the basic training go? I'm guessing a part timer wouldn't bunk there?
Reserves basic training happens on weekends so that might take time out of your studies. All the courses are run over the summer as well so if you're taking summer classes there might be some conflicts. Also note that if you start the application process right now, you most likely won't start until next semester if you're lucky (or most likely the following school year) so you'll have to plan your classes around the Wednesday training nights. Reserves and university is doable providing you can schedule your workload properly and sort out your priorities.
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