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Joining Help


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Hello, I will be finaly completing my Grade 10 home school this year. I would like to know I am 18 years old, I will be 19 when I apply for infantry. What is the average age for the military for the joining part? 18,19,20, If i join at 19 how long will I be able to stay in till? Any 50 year old Infantry soliders out there?
If you look at the threads that are stickied to the first page of this section you will find one that contains an FAQ where you can find the answers to your questions about joining. As well, the DND site had an article on it about the average ages of recruits these days, I can't remember what it was exactly but I believe it was around 24 years old, shouldn't be too hard to find there. If you do a search on here about older people in the infantry you should find a few threads at least, I believe it was also mentioned on here of a 50 year old man joining the infantry.

Edited to fix a mistake or two.
Thanks for the reply, I will look more into it. I am hopefully, going to be in BMQ for summer nexted year. That is my plan, Work hard on school and at my work place and become an infantry solider.
Thanks Guys
Skeletor said:
Hello, I will be finaly completing my Grade 10 home school this year. I would like to know I am 18 years old, I will be 19 when I apply for infantry. What is the average age for the military for the joining part? 18,19,20, If i join at 19 how long will I be able to stay in till? Any 50 year old Infantry soliders out there?

Standard military contracts are 25 years.  Retirement age is 55 or 60 depoending on circumstances at that time.  Not everybody sticks around that long for a wide variety of personal reasons.

Stay in school and finish high school first, you'll find lots of threads discussing that specific advice if you look for them.

Yes there are 50-year-olds in the infantry, but you should worry about getting through high school, then recruiting and then basic training before you plan for that.

And here is the link to the Recruiting FAQ - start by reading everything here. - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html
This was my plan, Join the army as infantry soldier. Get Basic, Battle school done and Finish school with the army. My friend went this way and did fine, he says he would of not changed anything. So my plan was finish school with the army, why not?
Skeletor said:
This was my plan, Join the army as infantry soldier. Get Basic, Battle school done and Finish school with the army. My friend went this way and did fine, he says he would of not changed anything. So my plan was finish school with the army, why not?

How, exactly, did he "finish school" with the Army?
I am not sure, Hes in afgan. Next time i talk to him, I will ask. GED could of been it, Army bases have night schools I thought, U.S does. When i was a Air Cadet we stayed at the U.S Night School place, we slept on the ground. Lots of fun though, best time of my life.

    This is from a Recruiter's point of view. Although Gr.10 is the minimum standard required to be met in order to be considered as an applicant in the Canadian Forces, often then not, we like to see people complete their high school at a minimum prior to applying.

    Now I say this because, even in the military you are required to read and write clearly, in order to communicate your ideas on paper. You also need to be able to communicate verbally as well. Now, that may sound really simple, it is not. There are also technical manuals and other guides and publications that are written in a way that you must have a good grasp of the language in order to comprehend, interpret and apply.

    Now, there is a written component to the application process, and although it is based on a Gr.10 level of education often then not those with only Gr.10 education are not successful at it. It would be my strongest suggestion and professional opinion for you to complete your High School diploma in your respective province, prior to your application to the CF. It would aid in your career advancement and benefit the forces, to have a well educated soldier.

    Take that as you please.

There are a few threads here that discuss the advantages of staying in school.  I recommend you search them out and read them carrefully.  The plan you have in mind may sound good for the short term, but it may not be your best option for a long military career if that is your plan.  We expect more and more from our soldiers and non-comissioned officers all the time, and that includes the ability to communicate effectively in written and oral work - both of which are best developed with a sound general educational background.  If you are thinking about a service career, you will be providing yourself a better start point if you finish school before you enrol in the Regular Force. 

Even if you don't stay in the military - whether that be because it's not for you in the long term, or because of a training or operational injury, you would be better off starting with a High School diploma rather than rushing to join and hoping to pick up a GED along the way.

I guess, I will try another 2 years of home school which will turn in to 4 years of home school like grade 10 turned into a long year and a half.
Think about it, Skeletor. If you go join the regs and go for a GED, you will be training hard all day and then going to school in the evenings. To make things short and sweet: Your experience in the CF will not be enjoyable. You will be dead tired from many long days (and nights) and trying to maintain a passing grade in highschool.

If you want some CF experience, join the Reserves. I did this and am going to finish highschool (and possibly university) before I even think about the regs.

Plan ahead. You will thank yourself a few years down the road.  :)

Edit To Add:

I neglected to mention that I have been homeschooled from Grade 7 on. It's much better than the public system in terms of flexibility. As long as you set yourself a good schedule, you won't take a year and a half to finish Grade 10. You can even get ahead.

My schedule allows me to take a day off to go on an exercise with the Reserves with no homework worries. All I gotta do is get a little extra work done the day before!

Think of homeschooling as an opportunity, not a disadvantage.  :)

Best of luck to you
Skeletor said:
This was my plan, Join the army as infantry soldier. Get Basic, Battle school done and Finish school with the army. My friend went this way and did fine, he says he would of not changed anything. So my plan was finish school with the army, why not?


As others have pointed out, there are MANY threads here on this particular subject.  I've posted to quite a few of them.

I'll summarize my previous posts here.  The situation you are envisioning is a close approximation to my own situation.  I joined (1977) with only a Grade 10.  I'll be honest - I really liked it.  BUT, life moved on, I partied a lot - school slid down on my priority list.  I eventually got married, had kids, and school got LOWER on the priority list.  I won't get into the details of my personal epiphany, but suffice to say that ONE day, SOMETIME in the future - you're going to realize just how limited your options are without having graduated from high school.  At that time, you will attempt to study up and get your GED - it won't be easy, you'll give up some valuable time with your family ( in addition to what the military demands), you'll give up socializing with your friends, and you'll sweat to achieve that goal of graduation.  It'll be HARDER to do than it would be to do it NOW, while you have no OTHER responsibilities in life.

As for home schooling - I don't have an opinion, but I have made some observations.  I've known home schooled folks who were outstandingly prepared for higher education, and did it in quick-time - taking MUCH less time to graduate than those in the public system.  I've also known some who took FOREVER to graduate, and were not ready for the rigours of life after having done so.  My current neighbour's kids are home schooled, and they definitely fit in the first group of over-achievers.  Of course, their Mom is a former teacher in the public system and therefore has a detailed understanding of the curriculum, methods of instruction, and so on.

My point is this:  your posts seem to indicate some considerable angst and disillusionment regarding home schooling - I don't know the details, and given the intertwining of familial relationships involved in home schooling, I probably wouldn't understand anyway.  HOWEVER - you state you are 18 - and considering joining the Military (a VERY adult decision).  If you're so disillusioned with home schooling, why don't you make a different KIND of adult decision; withdraw from home schooling, and check yourself into the local public school, community college, correspondence course, or whatever meets your needs.  I'm sure this might cause some friction at home, but surely not more so than joining the Military.

Trust me - do it NOW, while you've got nothing else on your plate, it only gets HARDER later.  Others have suggested that you join the local Reserve regiment in the mean time, and that's not bad advice - it'll give you a taste of what you're getting into, and will actually assist you in completing school (all discipline is self-imposed, including study habits - the military can show you how to discipline yourself to achieve a goal).

Naturally, of course, you're 18, full of piss and vinegar, and sure that YOU are different and can handle it; therefore you'll disregard this posting, as well as the many others on this thread (and other threads on the same subject.)

Whatever you decide - good luck to you; make up your mind NOW to live with the consequences of whatever decision you might make.

Stay in school. You asked for advice, you've gotten good advice from some excellent, knowledgeable soldiers, now take that advice. Stay in school in some form or other. The army will always be there, and joining when you are a bit older is a complete non-issue.
Also your home schooling must be accredited by the local school board so that you can have a certificate to show that you have completed Gr 10 to meet the entrance requirements.
Lets say, I sent in my application. Is there people with grade 10 getting into the military as infantry? I would really like to finish school with them, My boss is ex military. Hes an ex sgt, tells me the storys. I really would like to be off to basic as fast as possible, I work 12 hours aday plus do my home school so I think it would not stress me out doing military plus school. I am not trying to say anything, I am taking everyones advice.
Chris :cdn:
Thats just me, I think. I do not know, but I am serious wanting to go. I have since a kid, I always loved the army. My friend went before me which I got him into it, I just want to know if its possible? I work hard, I out work 20-27 year olds. My boss loves me, I just would like to know if this is possible?
The advise that you are getting from the others is very good.  Do what you need to complete you high school before you get into the military.  For the first one or two years you will not have time to work on your schooling, as military training will take up most of your time, and it will include a fair bit of study.

As well, the infantry is looking for people with more than the basic education.  
Skeletor said:
Lets say, I sent in my application. Is there people with grade 10 getting into the military as infantry? I would really like to finish school with them, My boss is ex military. Hes an ex sgt, tells me the storys. I really would like to be off to basic as fast as possible, I work 12 hours aday plus do my home school so I think it would not stress me out doing military plus school. I am not trying to say anything, I am taking everyones advice.
Chris :cdn:

With Gr 10 you are not as competitive as someone with Gr 12 but that shouldn't stop you from being accepted if there are lots of positions.  You will have to finish your high school on your own time not the military's.  Based on your writing a few more years in school wouldn't hurt.  Good Luck.
Well, when I am done my grade 10 I will apply and see how that goes. At the same time work at school and if I go I go, I will finish at a later date. Cant hurt to try right?