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January 2010- BMOQ


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hello everyone, really new at this so I oppologize if this is a little off.  I just have a few general questions about BMOQ.  I've had an application in with the forces since February and I should be merit listen by mid May.  I was just informed that the Sept/09 BMOQ was full?  I really had my hopes up for this one but it looks like the next course will probably be January?  I was wondering if a few of you who are in the somewhat same spot in the recruiting stage as I am? and also, what sort of comes next after being merit listed?
This is where my confusion stems from, I keep on getting told by recruiters that I talk to on a regular basis that BasicMQ starts every 2 weeks all year round, BUT, I see posts like this on the boards about how  from September too  next January is when people are waiting, am I missing a crucial piece of information becuase I highly doubt my recruiters are lying????? ??? :salute:
This is insane. I have had my application in since October. I received my invitation to the NOAB last week. Now your telling me that if accepted at the NOAB I would have to wait until January to do Basic? That will mean the my application process will haven taken 15 months. Who has the patience for this. I hope the recruiters are lying.
CombatRomeo said:
This is where my confusion stems from, I keep on getting told by recruiters that I talk to on a regular basis that BasicMQ starts every 2 weeks all year round, BUT, I see posts like this on the boards about how  from September too  next January is when people are waiting, am I missing a crucial piece of information becuase I highly doubt my recruiters are lying????? ??? :salute:

Are you doing Basic Officer Military Qual or BMQ?
OhhhHH Nooooooo :'(, I just called the North York Recruiting Center, and they said I will be getting a call in 3 days, but the TERRIBLE and HORRIFIC news is that Army BMQ is full and I wanted INFANTRY, and they have started doing NAVY BMQ now.

Regarding PMedMoe; Regular BMQ for me, not officer.

OhhhHhh NooOoOOoo, I will be praying HARD that they have a spot for me still. :camo:
huhu...uhhhhhh...I missed the "O" my bad.....heh.......BUT still...it's terrible and Horrific, is it not?
Well I am happy for the Forces that there getting plenty of volunteers, but damn, I wanna get my career going.
They usualy run three serials of BMOQ in the fall. So far only one is open and when it is full they will open another one. You should get better info after your NOAB, they will have up to date info. Enjoy your day sail.

It is what it is I suppose, If we have to wait until January for BMOQ that is fine but I have my doubts. My CFRC said if all goes well I would be looking at Sept, which he said they only recently started slotting people in.
So there is only one serial open for September?  I was applying for armoured recci as well, so I guess there might be a little more emphasis for combat arms?  Just looking for some more info, its been a month since i've spoken with the recruiting center?  is anyone else at the same stage as me? (just fnished nterview)

Two people from my NOAB will be starting with you in January, they could not start next week with the rest of us due to family issues.

I'm hoping to be there with you.  I just need to get through a NOAB course (hopefully this sept) then ill be there!  Which trade are you in?
Good for you Girlfriend !
J'espère t'y voir (if I can get that call for Sept. NOAB first !!)

My second choice is AEC, but I had to redo my blood test since the one I did at the ''garnison'' they said the amount of my ''globules blancs'' was not right.  Now it is ok, so maybe I body was fighting something that week !  Anyways, I'm really hoping to get to NOAB and then to Jan BMOQ, but I keep all my options open, in case I change my mind ! hihi

What did you apply for ?  I thought you were in the Res.
Hey !

I am signals... and yes I am in the reserve.. the offer I got was in fact my transfer offer to the reg. One happy customer!  ;D  I hope you all make it to the Jan BMOQ... there is plenty of time left...

(I forgot to mention that I am in the french platoon, but we will meet in the common room for sure :nod:)
Happy to hear it Girlfriend! ;D Make sure you train hard... if you're fit, you'll have a good time and the boys will be right there behind you. :) Jumping over a 6' wall when you're somewhere around 5' 4" is a bit intimidating, but definitely not impossible (it's actually a lot of fun)! Also, brace yourself for some tough ruckmarch training... for the 6,4K this week, I pretty much had to jog to keep up (damn short legs!) and all the gear was something like half my body weight. It's tough for someone who hasn't trained for that kind of thing before, only two of us girls were able to keep up, and we got a lot of injured.

Oh, you'll get to meet your sister platoon once in a while... when both platoons are running across each other to go to their next class because YOU'RE ALREADY LATE. :P

Anyway, the most important part is to have fun, regardless of 5-minute meals!  ;D