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Iso posting screening


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Question- if you're being screened for an iso or "semi isolated" posting will diagnoses in kids (specifically ADHD) hinder your file? As well as a custody court case?
I can only speak to the OUTCAN one, the medical portion there was determining whether the services your family needs are available in that location.
For the custody portion of your question, it may affect your screening, depending on the circumstances. If you do not currently have full custody of the children and are hoping that the pending court proceedings will keep you from being posted, I wouldn't hang your hat on it. Many individuals have been forced to commute back to the place the proceedings are being held (in a pre-covid world) using annual leave and traveling on their own dime. That said, it is a consideration the medical staff and CoC will take into consideration before signing off on the file.
For the custody portion of your question, it may affect your screening, depending on the circumstances. If you do not currently have full custody of the children and are hoping that the pending court proceedings will keep you from being posted, I wouldn't hang your hat on it. Many individuals have been forced to commute back to the place the proceedings are being held (in a pre-covid world) using annual leave and traveling on their own dime. That said, it is a consideration the medical staff and CoC will take into considerati
Not trying to get out of the posting at all. Mostly concerned because my son lives with us full time but we have joint custody- other parent lives away but doesn't want us to move so far away due to access constraints. If the posting goes thru I can't exactly leave him..there's no other guardians here. It's a hot mess. If it will be a show stopper id rather just know now. But no one ever wants to give direct answers with these things. Social worker interview was 0 help.
You are in a tough position. It doesn't sound like there is any reason the CAF would not approve your posting, however, the CAF also can't guess what family court says in the matter. What happens if the other parent seeks a court ruling to change the custody agreement, or gets a ruling precluding you from taking the child out of the province? You should get this dealt with now, so it gives the CoC time to find a solution that works for you and the CAF.
You are in a tough position. It doesn't sound like there is any reason the CAF would not approve your posting, however, the CAF also can't guess what family court says in the matter. What happens if the other parent seeks a court ruling to change the custody agreement, or gets a ruling precluding you from taking the child out of the province? You should get this dealt with now, so it gives the CoC time to find a solution that works for you and the CAF.
We went ahead and filed with the court to bring him but these things can take a long time due to covid so who knows. I've brought it up with the CoC suggesting we revisit it next year once I can get the court order changed but no one seems to want to discuss it or plan ahead. I'm going to try and be patient but there's no scenario in which I leave my kid behind so I really hope they throw me a bone.