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is this a good idea?


Jr. Member
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i wanna have a big reunion for the platoon iwas in at camp. i know some of my buddies from the same platton thta do too. the thing is i dont know if it is a good idea. also i dont konw where to hold it seeing as everyon lives so far from each other. so i dont think it is a good idea. please give me your feed back.

depends on how much ppl want to go... chances are if your lucky you might get 50% of the ppl...

best idea is to try to contact everyone and run the idea by them
the best thing you can do, is finish off your summers as a cadet, and staff and whatever else you plan on doinging, then joining the Cadet Camp's Alumni Assosciation, and telling all of your camp buddies to do it. You wont need to be too heavily involved in the planning of the meetings, and everyopne would be able to get together every year...you could even make some mew freidsn by doing it/
Yeah I agree with Ryan....an already functional organisation would be best.
well thanks for your feed back. you are all probley right i might not be able ot get evryone there and stuff. then there is the question of where to hold it. so yeah i guess it is not a good idea. thanks fro you help.

just a point of interest... which platoon were you in pongo?
24 platoon all the way...with wo grant untill he got sent home and then wo menzies.......i do know you though.....you were always like asian pride.....it was cool...my last name is James if you would like to know....pongo is a nick name a friend of my mums gave me.
hey pongo,

I would love for us to get together again. It's gonna be fun getting together for D&C too, but as mentioned earlier, we'er only going to get 50% turn out. We'll get them all together on msn or something. The only matter though, is the $ it's going to cost us all!!

Buschgirl427 :D
If an organization meeting is planned as well, I think, and I stand to be corrected, that you'd have to make sure it was a bunch of friends getting together, and not something that was for a bunch of cadets in uniform and such, or there could be a drove of work done to get that to swing with cadets. :)
i wanted to have a reunion for my plt last year. me and some other guys are still trying to save up some money to plan it. i don't know if it will ever really work considering they live all over north America and the great Britain.
As a moderator I am required to inform you that sexual innuendo between underage people as well as innuendo at all will not fly here.

no your not. if i had of come on like 10 minutes earlier i could of seen the original post. but obviously it was very inappropriate, it must have been to get completely changed.
Ahem ;) Yes...it was VERY inappropriate.
sorry i havent been on in a while so i dont remeber what i posted....how bad was it?.....i dont think i ment to put a bad thin on there
Ahem...it was bad enough for the entire thing to be taken out.  Sexual banter falls under the "if you fly here you can learn to fly without a plane because my AA Battery is going to spatter that hunk of metal you call a plane from its earthly existance zone"

Saw this as obvious and had to throw my two pence in.
well im sorry i didnt mean to put anything bad.....but if i might ask(i dont mean to go to it agian) but did it have anything to do with PT?