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Is recruiting still a pain?

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Couple years ago I applied for the CF and I just found it was just a wild goose chase. I had to redo forms at least 4 times and I kept on getting conflicting information every time I went into the recruiting office. I scored well on the aptitude test, I met all the requirements, but I just got fed up with the run around I got from everyone and before the physical I just quit the process. Is the process still the same or has it been changed? (I was also told there is like 6 month wait)

I am a little bit more mature now and I know what I want to do. I speak 4 languages and I have a university degree and I am thinking about applying once more after I finish my contract in ROK. I really enjoy reading about CF and CF life and I would like to be part of it.
I have found the recruiting process to (so far) be quite adequate. No, you will not be off to basic training within a few weeks of application, but I have found my CFRC to have an excellent, professional staff, and I have moved through the process at a good pace so far.

The speed of your recruitment process depends on a good many things, Regular or Reserve, officer or NCM, and of course your trade.

All one can really recommend is that you be patient and tough it out. If you really want to be in the CF, that is essentially the only option you have. You will run into snags, and the recruiting process can be frustrating, but you simply need put your nose to the grindstone and "soldier on" so to speak.

Best of luck!  :cdn:
Thanks for the quick reply. I might give it a shot once more when I come back.
Expat said:
Couple years ago I applied for the CF and I just found it was just a wild goose chase. I had to redo forms at least 4 times and I kept on getting conflicting information every time I went into the recruiting office. I scored well on the aptitude test, I met all the requirements, but I just got fed up with the run around I got from everyone and before the physical I just quit the process. Is the process still the same or has it been changed? (I was also told there is like 6 month wait)

I am a little bit more mature now and I know what I want to do. I speak 4 languages and I have a university degree and I am thinking about applying once more after I finish my contract in ROK. I really enjoy reading about CF and CF life and I would like to be part of it.

Well my first question to you is how long have you been out of Canada?  If you have been out longer than six months then you will be subject to a pre-security assessment which can take up to 18 months and longer to complete.  So when you get back and apply and start waiting you can compare how slow it is now to when you first applied.
I asked some of the guys in my Platoon what kind of wait they had and if they had many problems in the process, What i was told from some is that it went quick and smoothly, but for the majority and for myself the process was very slow. If you are seriously committed to joining the CF and don't have too much of a problem being separated from your loved ones for extended periods of time, then i suggest you just stick with the process, the CF can be very rewarding if you come in with the right mindset. Good luck!!!
Huh? WTF..what do being seperated from your loved ones and the recruiting process have to do with each other?
Expat said:
I am thinking about applying once more after I finish my contract in ROK.

kincanucks said:
Well my first question to you is how long have you been out of Canada?   If you have been out longer than six months then you will be subject to a pre-security assessment which can take up to 18 months and longer to complete.   So when you get back and apply and start waiting you can compare how slow it is now to when you first applied.

Very likely "and longer" considering where you've spent your time.
18 months? Wow thats a long time for a security clearance.

I guess if it doesn't work out I could always go back to europe.
The waiting time is agonizing. I have applied several times to the CF and it takes forever. The excitment of joining is kind of fun though - gives you somthing to look forward to (or potentialy disapoint you). The staff is always extremely professional and helpful.

Here's a question from a civy to you military dudes (and gals). Is it appropriate to address a CF member by rank as opposed to their name?
If your familiar with the rank structure? Sure, why not? They earned it. You can also use them in combination ie: Capt Smith.
what you babies crying about?? :P

I applied in 2002 and Im still waiting for my presec to clear.

I was whiney and bitchy for the first 8 months(coz recruiters were blowing smoke up my arse. They dont do that anymore...thankfully & hopefully )
Like someone said on a previous post somewhere on this forum, I felt like a mushroom ..kept in the dark and fed shite.

The rules of recruiting changed so many times on me that I was at the point of screw this.....

AND NOW a new rule, surprise surprise....maybe its just a rumour. My buddy who went to get enrolled last friday told me that IF your NOT Born here you have to wait till you pass the 10 year mark of living in Canada, even if you have been a citizen for a while.
We cant fix it if we dont know its broken or wont admit it is or actually dosomething about it. recent efforts are promising so cross your fingers and pray.

This is the part where Kinkanuck chimes and puts an end to all this CFRC bashing, come on I know you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant it..lol

Here are some simple answers:
If your waiting for presec its gonna take a while so dont hold your breath.
If your waiting for meds to clear, its almost within the timeline the CFRC gives you

Heres a peice of advice that will actually do you good other than explanations of why the process is taking so long

Stick to what you are doing, Keep at your workout routine and forget that you ever applied till you actually get the call to get sworn in and get that flight ticket to basic. Trust me it will make the wait more bearable. For all you impatient types checking in every 3 months couldnt hurt, unless you are a sucker for punishment and like people telling you its outta their hand or its gonna be soon.

To sum up, yes the recruiting process is still a pain for Canadians and even more so for us Canadians not born in Canada

But wait it out it will be woth it if you truly want it. :salute: :cdn: :salute:

Stick to what you are doing, Keep at your workout routine and forget that you ever applied till you actually get the call to get sworn in and get that flight ticket to basic
I wish. Not me, I got to keep my mind on it. Otherwise I will be too temped by other avenues and probably would persue them instead. Gotta wake up and think about the Army, read on it, watch movies etc. It is also my primary source of modivation for working out all the time. If I was not joining,   I would be content with a light workout and semi-active lifestyle. Instead of my rather intense work out routine I have now. I simply would not have the modivation if I did not do it with the Army and my future career in the back of my mind....it's like some kind of slow self torture really. :)
When one of my friends from high school joined it took him two years of waiting.  When I joined it took 6 months to process everything.  Other guys that came in the same time as me were waiting a year and a half to two years.

I guess I lucked out since I had the shortest wait time out of them all.  :crybaby:

Ah well... good luck all. :salute:
Well i guess its all about luck.......when i did my recruiting process it took me not more than 4 months..and now its been almost 1 month i am waiting for the CALL...well i will See if luck is with me. By the way i am not born Canadian i came in Canada at 8 years old so now I've been 10 years in Canada full citizen and for the security clearance they are not going in too deep just doing the normal security check, maybe be because i am from Bulgaria a little non offensive country.

Well i am gonna pray not to wait more than 1 year....... :-\ :salute: :cdn:

next selection board is september, 6 ,2005 i hope i am in ......

Like someone said on a previous post somewhere on this forum, I felt like a mushroom ..kept in the dark and fed shite.

Stick to what you are doing, Keep at your workout routine and forget that you ever applied till you actually get the call to get sworn in and get that flight ticket to basic. Trust me it will make the wait more bearable. For all you impatient types checking in every 3 months couldnt hurt, unless you are a sucker for punishment and like people telling you its outta their hand or its gonna be soon.

To sum up, yes the recruiting process is still a pain for Canadians and even more so for us Canadians not born in Canada

[Acting mushroom who's getting the Chinese drop]

Really, it's hard on morale.

More and more there are people (especially those who went to university and applying for officer) will have spent more than 6 months outside of Canada for whatever reason (work, internship, student exchange...). Canada connects to all the world and people do go out there. Now, because you spend this much time to earn experience in another country, your reward is to wait 'til they sort that out... ??? Still, I know the process is good, but it's just freakin too long. I think the CF loses the best candidates for this long wait. Yet, I know people will answer, if you're really interested in getting in, you stick to it... hmm. Yeah and no. The ones burning for it will wait, but the others who burn for it and would do good officers (or NCMs for what I know) will be lost to other jobs equally interesting, if not rewarding. This would be just the uniqueness of being military that makes me go forward, I resist. I'm hungry for it, I read every single day on military and my knowledge expand in consequence.
But i don't get it how come there is people who are waiting now more than 1 year and in this time other people are getting recruited in less than 6 months and sometimes for the same military career ???  ??? :salute: :cdn:
Wolfe said:
But i don't get it how come there is people who are waiting now more than 1 year and in this time other people are getting recruited in less than 6 months and sometimes for the same military career

First off, there's no one case the same as another.

The other thing is that the pre-security assessment is taking a long time because the CSIS conducts it and part of it is being conducted by a tier country(ies) where the candidate has been living more than 6 months (period considered as an official leave of the country). Pre-security assessment can take anywhere from 1 year to forever. That's what officially said and the CF recruiting or DND won't be accountable or won't enforce it when it comes with dealing with another country for such sensitive issue.

Now, even without a pre-security assessment, there could be health issues (as repiratory issue, past operation, child disease, asthma, drug, past injury, etc) that could lenghten the whole process or this could be military history (i.e. CT from Reserve to Regular force...) issues like file hard to find, files lost, etc...

So, does that answer your question?
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