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Inf. Officer advancement hindered?

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Hey everyone! First off I have been doing a great deal of research about our armed forces etc... I have been talking to graduates from RMC and from ROTP program to find out what its like. Interestingly enough, I told one of the now Ret. LT.Col in the air force that I was very interested in Infantry as a career. He then proceded to tell me he knew men that graduated from his class at RMC and after 25 years of service was only a Captain. Whereas other men he knew, in the engineers, Sig ops, MARS etc...Finished their careers as Lt.Col- Maj Gen. I am looking to a career in the army preferably Infantry but I wish to advance and hopefully by retirement be a Lt.Col if not more. So my question finally is, should I look towards another trade if I wish to advance farther, or can I do my five year commitment and then re-muster? Thanks
Is this your only motivation to be an officier in the canadian army, being a Lt. gen. or a Bdg. gen.? I think that's pretty funny.

I'm saying this with no experience in the Force, but I think you have to deserve your gallons. It goes from one person to another. If you're fit to be a general, you'll probably become a general with luck, experience, leadership and hardwork. If you're fit to be a captain or a major, then so be it, there's no shame to be a junior or senior officier at the end of your career.

Hope it helps.
I think it was Field Marshal Waverly that said " There is a Field Marshal's baton in every soldiers pack." Simply stated, if you have the potential and ability to excel you will.

My advice to you, don't worry about becoming the CDS at this point in your career. You should pick a trade that you have interest and ability in doing. Infantry is a fine vocation, more of a calling then a trade, for a person that is in it for their career. If you are looking for an easy life, thats not it...and probably the Forces isn't for you.

However, if you want to work with professionals and some of the finest soldiers in the CF, meet challenges every day, and make yourself better then you ever thought possible, then consider the Infantry. :salute:

At the risk of sounding preachy, career progression should not be your guiding motivation.  I suppose that a little ambition is a good thing, but setting your sights on LCol as a minimum career goal and agonizing about MOC choices to get there is perhaps skewing your priorities.  Careerism can be a nasty vice for a prospective OCdt to have.


Ok so my post sounded like I wanted to be the super cool ninja asasin general!No. But I do wish to make a career in the armed forces and I think the infantry is something that really interests me, that being said I do wish to succed in the world, undersatandably so. I just wanted to know from anyone if what this ret. Lt.Col told me was true or just an isolated occurence about inf officers not being able to advance as quickly as other trades. My interest will not fade if promotion is harder n the infatry if anything it will make me want to work harder. Thanks again guys
p.s I think the rank of super cool ninja assain is taken anyways ;)
That reminds me of a story a friend told me about a Ncdt who went through CFLRS last year. The guy was about 30 y/o, and was telling his instructors he was expecting to be a Ship's Captain 10 years later. When the instructors, including a Navy Officer, told him that was impossible, he put his VR in...  :P
Just choose your trade according to what you would like to do; don't worry about advancement, there are too many deltas involved with career progression.
Promotions are not any harder in the infantry.  Every trade has its career captains.  Infantry is actually probably the most "unlimited" of all trades.
Thank-you, I just wanted a straight answer. I understand and know that looking too far in the future is bad, I will do something I like as a career no matter the pay, benfits etc... thanks again
If anything from what I heard there is a good chance of movign up the ranks as an infantry officer.  As long as you enjoy the job and are good at it everything should fall into place.  Just make sure your french profile is pretty good, if anything will slow down the promotion process past Captain it would be not having a high enough profile in the other official language.
Awsome, as it turns out I am bilingual, thanks and keep em' comming
Though I agree that pursuing rank as a sole purpose for joining the military is a bad thing, I see nothing wrong with seeking out promotions, greater responsibilities and thus higher pay.  I will hopefully get in as an infantry officer for January and a huge reason I joined was becaause of the pay and benefits.  I am married, have 3 kids and have TONS of school debt from my degree.  Although I believe that the infantry is a great match for me, I would not do it unless it paid well.  Anyone who says they would do it regardless of pay iI believe is really just commenting on their dedication to the CF which is commedable. 
It pays comfortably but not well......I'll be starting at roughly 45,500/year as a DEO 2LT.  For a single male with no debt and no commitments this is enough for me.  If however I was working at a civilian job I would be making closer to 100k/year as that is what my equivalent classmates are making.

The work days for the Army especially when training are long as well so if you work it out on an hour basis you are not getting paid that well compared to what you may be making in the civilian world. 

I chose the job for the opportunities and the things I would get a chance to do.  I tried the civilian job after grad and could not spend the rest of my working life doing something like that.  But at the sametime if it paid any lower chances are I would not have pursued it

Jungle said:
That reminds me of a story a friend told me about a Ncdt who went through CFLRS last year. The guy was about 30 y/o, and was telling his instructors he was expecting to be a Ship's Captain 10 years later. When the instructors, including a Navy Officer, told him that was impossible, he put his VR in...   :P
Just choose your trade according to what you would like to do; don't worry about advancement, there are too many deltas involved with career progression.

LOL! What are the odds...I know who that OCdt is and he is waiting to be released (he wasn't on any of my courses thankfully as his reputation is close to one of Pvt. Pyle's), but his brand new excuse is a cover to the one previously stated, what a nut!
Let's face it, there are more infantry & Logistics officers in the CF than there are in the Armoured, Artillery, Engineer OR pretty much all other branches (even Airforce & Navy {JK}).
3 Inf Batallions for every Armd, Arty, Engr regiments.

With that taken into consideration, it is obvious that advancement in the other branches offers more potential. It's a question of how small your "family" happens to be.

Don't make your choice by the field you are most likely to get promotion - find the field that suits you best and let your tallent bring you on top.

DrSize said:
It pays comfortably but not well......I'll be starting at roughly 45,500/year as a DEO 2LT.  For a single male with no debt and no commitments this is enough for me.  If however I was working at a civilian job I would be making closer to 100k/year as that is what my equivalent classmates are making.

Would you mind telling me where you got the sources to back up those figures. I'm starting in St-Jean in next September, and the number the recruiting center gave us is much less than that (i.e. 3337 $/month, gross).

waters said:
Would you mind telling me where you got the sources to back up those figures. I'm starting in St-Jean in next September, and the number the recruiting center gave us is much less than that (i.e. 3337 $/month, gross).
Please look up the Pay Scales, in another Topic and the links there.

You can not compare your pay to his, as you are both of different ranks, and perhaps not not even under the same 'program'.
I think all you DEO's will get the cadet pay while at basic.  However, many will get IPC level 2 for 2Lt. retro to the beginning of basic, once passing basic. 
yep...3337 $ is officer cadet pay. At the completion of St-Jean, then you are ranked 2lt, and then you are back paid...no idea what is the 2lt pay.

P.S. I am also DEO cadet officer, infantry.
Once again, I must point out that there are Topics and links on this site that will cover your questions and provide answers. 
DrSize said:
It pays comfortably but not well......I'll be starting at roughly 45,500/year as a DEO 2LT.  For a single male with no debt and no commitments this is enough for me.  If however I was working at a civilian job I would be making closer to 100k/year as that is what my equivalent classmates are making.

Waters said:
Would you mind telling me where you got the sources to back up those figures. I'm starting in St-Jean in next September, and the number the recruiting center gave us is much less than that (i.e. 3337 $/month, gross).

$3337 x 12 months = $40044

Not a monstrous difference.  Calculators, their CRAZY!! ::)
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