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Incredibly underweight


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Hey guys quick question. Im in the process to join but I’ve run into a huge hurdle that’s causing me a lot of anxiety. Like a ridiculous amount. I’m incredibly underweight. Like BMI not on the chart. In the time between my original application and my interview Ive only managed to go from 88lb to 100lb. As a 5,9 guy. And to even achieve that took a lot. Malnutrition as a kid in a 3rd world country is the main factor. I also swim a lot as a lifeguard which doesn’t help. The interview went well and they scheduled my medical for next week. I’m panicking and out of time to gain weight and I seem to have completely plateaued. Have I wasted all this time and effort just for a doc to take one look at me and deny me?Looking for an honest answer not the nice answer so I know whether to go to this appointment at all. Not in the mood to make a fool of myself next week and waste peoples time. I appreciate any insight you can offer.


You should go to your appointment. Medical assessments are made on the basis of a full consideration of the applicant's history and conditions. It is very unlikely that you will be disqualified on the basis of BMI alone.

That said, I recommend that you continue to work on increasing your muscle mass. From experience, smaller people often have difficulty with some parts of the fitness test. It sounds like you are interested in joining the Regular Force, so you probably have some time to work on that.
Hey guys quick question. Im in the process to join but I’ve run into a huge hurdle that’s causing me a lot of anxiety. Like a ridiculous amount. I’m incredibly underweight. Like BMI not on the chart. In the time between my original application and my interview Ive only managed to go from 88lb to 100lb. As a 5,9 guy. And to even achieve that took a lot. Malnutrition as a kid in a 3rd world country is the main factor. I also swim a lot as a lifeguard which doesn’t help. The interview went well and they scheduled my medical for next week. I’m panicking and out of time to gain weight and I seem to have completely plateaued. Have I wasted all this time and effort just for a doc to take one look at me and deny me?Looking for an honest answer not the nice answer so I know whether to go to this appointment at all. Not in the mood to make a fool of myself next week and waste peoples time. I appreciate any insight you can offer.



Youll most likely be ok regarding medical, as long as there aren't any other restricting health issues.

I'm not much more than you ~5'8, 110lbs.

I'm sure we will struggle on the odd fitness thing (sandbag drag) probably ?

BMQ/BMOQs regimented fitness and meal plans will probably load 30lbs on us both. I wouldn't stress it. As long as you're fit, and healthy, it won't hurt your chances.
Hey guys quick question. Im in the process to join but I’ve run into a huge hurdle that’s causing me a lot of anxiety. Like a ridiculous amount. I’m incredibly underweight. Like BMI not on the chart. In the time between my original application and my interview Ive only managed to go from 88lb to 100lb. As a 5,9 guy. And to even achieve that took a lot. Malnutrition as a kid in a 3rd world country is the main factor. I also swim a lot as a lifeguard which doesn’t help. The interview went well and they scheduled my medical for next week. I’m panicking and out of time to gain weight and I seem to have completely plateaued. Have I wasted all this time and effort just for a doc to take one look at me and deny me?Looking for an honest answer not the nice answer so I know whether to go to this appointment at all. Not in the mood to make a fool of myself next week and waste peoples time. I appreciate any insight you can offer.


Hey thanks for writing this, convinced me to still go and the doctor recommended enrolment. One more doctor across the country will have to review the file but looks promising
Hey guys quick question. Im in the process to join but I’ve run into a huge hurdle that’s causing me a lot of anxiety. Like a ridiculous amount. I’m incredibly underweight. Like BMI not on the chart. In the time between my original application and my interview Ive only managed to go from 88lb to 100lb. As a 5,9 guy. And to even achieve that took a lot. Malnutrition as a kid in a 3rd world country is the main factor. I also swim a lot as a lifeguard which doesn’t help. The interview went well and they scheduled my medical for next week. I’m panicking and out of time to gain weight and I seem to have completely plateaued. Have I wasted all this time and effort just for a doc to take one look at me and deny me?Looking for an honest answer not the nice answer so I know whether to go to this appointment at all. Not in the mood to make a fool of myself next week and waste peoples time. I appreciate any insight you can offer.


I would say go for the medical. You can build up your weight and fitness over time. They saw you (I assume) in the interview and weren't concerned about your physical condition, right?

Have you tried, or do you use, protein shakes? If you do, stop doing that. That will make you lose weight. The thing that will probably work best for you is some sort of 60:40 carbohdrate-to-protein mix to supplement a healthy diet. Best thing of all is simply to eat healthy and as much as you can. Maybe slot an extra meal into your day somewhere.

All in all, I wouldn't let it stop you from pressing on with your application since it is very fixable.