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Improving Education Marks?


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Hi All
Searched for this- couldn't find an answer so apologies in advance if it's been covered.

Being 33 and and elderly person considering application I've noticed some of the trades entry are looking for high marks in high school etc.
Being (imho) of slightly above average intelligence (though very unwise) I breezed through highschool so many years ago never studying
with a high 60/low 70 average.(Never said I was a genius ;)  ) Just enough to get me into University where I dropped out after a year of too much partying.
Since then I've gone on to work full time, acquired my own retail franchise and have now sold it.
And (as I've mentioned before) am thinking of joining the Forces.

What I'm wondering is- if I now take night courses in physics etc will the new marks be used? Or will they only consider the slacker marks that I had back in Highschool.
I realize it's more of a question to address to the recruiters, but am not sure when I'm going to get down to see them, so was just curious if anyone had any experience or knew
the answer.

And apologies again if it's been covered.
As I understand your school marks count as X-number of points towards your professional aptitude.  So your high school marks will likely count as so many points, and then the post-secondary courses you're taking and the marks you earn for them will be another x-number of points.  Don't ask me how much weight each actually has towards your professional aptitude, because i've asked my recruiter so many times and he won't give me a straight answer.
I was tempted to avoid saying anything because I do not know for certain, but I think that while it may not be relevant in the 'marks' section, it may give you a few extra points in the interview... Showing initiative and desire to be in the forces goes a long way (Paraphrased a comment by my Interviewer)
Yes it seems that way.
Managed a quick phone call to the recruiters, his response seemed more along the lines of stuff to mention in the interview to show I am improving myself rather
than stuff to bring in to show the marks.
Oh well. My own youthful stupidity had to come back and bite me in the ass sometime.  :P
But the extra points that you gain from improving offset the points from the marks... So at least your aged wisdom buffers the reprecussions of youthful stupidity to some degree :D