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I'm so freaking mad right now ...

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So I applied for the Reserve a couple of months ago. I knew before I applied that it would be a slow process, one with a lot of bureaucratic hoops through which to leap.

Unfortunately as January began to draw closer it became clear that making it by the start-of-year intake cycle became a bit more unlikely. I finally got the appointment for my medical, and it was under the mid-January deadline by a week or so. I had been warned that my exam could be bumped if an applicant for the main forces needed to go ahead, which is fine.

Sure enough I got the call informing me of just such an eventuality, the medical bumped to January 20th or so. Which I guess means I'll have to wait till September to start training.

The infuriating part was, the message was by some bloody corporal who had apparently decided to make the call during a moment of hilarity in the office, and she was giggling her butt off, so much so it was hard to understand her (I couldn't even get her name, just her rank). The message ended without a goodbye, just a hangup.

That message was so damn unprofessional and childish, so rude and infuriating ... here I was being informed that my enrollment had been scuppered for another eight months, and she was laughing so hard she couldn't even talk.

With all the delays -- oh and an application I submitted two years ago that mysteriously vanished -- and now this damn message I'm fighting the urge to decide the show is being run by a bunch of clowns. Worse, I'm wanting to take a tape of that message to my MP, get it to the Prime Minister's Office, raise a big stink.

Am I just being overly sensitive? I just feel as though I haven't been shown any respect. I don't expect bowing and scraping, just a basic minimum.

Someone make me feel better, please!
You are being overly sensitive.  We are all human and even you realised that a moment of hilarity at work was the probable culprit.  Now you need to make the leap that she isn't intentionally trying to make you feel frustrated but is merely relaying how the system is working out. Going to your MP would not be much use either as they probably wouldn't worry about the performance of that single individual in their work place like their supervisor would, nor would they likely have that much influence in that persons annual review.  If you feel that slighted the most effective route is going to the office and talking with her or her supervisor.  You can find the specific person because they keep a record of their communications with applicants.

You should be glad that you are entering a work force that has moments of enjoyment and good times with co-workers and that it isn't going to be a stuffy up tight cubucle environment where everyone working there has no time or tolerance for a good laugh with people you'll spend most of your time with.

And finally I would like to thank you for being patient as I was one of those full time applicants who recently bumped people from their scheduled medical to make room for mine as I was coming in from out of town to do all my application stuff in one day.  There was a reserve applicant who showed up and was upset his process was being slowed but when he found out we were full time applicants that were in the places of a bunch of people in the same boat he was reasonable about it.  He even said that he wasn't paying his mortgage on the job and we would be so no big deal.

Well, I certainly don't blame the full-time applicant in the least.

All I know is, I've worked in offices for many years, and leaving someone a message like that would probably have gotten me fired.
mamoo said:
So I applied for the Reserve a couple of months ago. I knew before I applied that it would be a slow process, one with a lot of bureaucratic hoops through which to leap.

Unfortunately as January began to draw closer it became clear that making it by the start-of-year intake cycle became a bit more unlikely. I finally got the appointment for my medical, and it was under the mid-January deadline by a week or so. I had been warned that my exam could be bumped if an applicant for the main forces needed to go ahead, which is fine.

Sure enough I got the call informing me of just such an eventuality, the medical bumped to January 20th or so. Which I guess means I'll have to wait till September to start training.

The infuriating part was, the message was by some bloody corporal who had apparently decided to make the call during a moment of hilarity in the office, and she was giggling her butt off, so much so it was hard to understand her (I couldn't even get her name, just her rank). The message ended without a goodbye, just a hangup.

That message was so damn unprofessional and childish, so rude and infuriating ... here I was being informed that my enrollment had been scuppered for another eight months, and she was laughing so hard she couldn't even talk.

With all the delays -- oh and an application I submitted two years ago that mysteriously vanished -- and now this damn message I'm fighting the urge to decide the show is being run by a bunch of clowns. Worse, I'm wanting to take a tape of that message to my MP, get it to the Prime Minister's Office, raise a big stink.

Am I just being overly sensitive? I just feel as though I haven't been shown any respect. I don't expect bowing and scraping, just a basic minimum.

Someone make me feel better, please!

Well I honestly had no real problem with the recruiting process, but I feel for you. All the people I dealt with got the job done, but some of it was sketchy like them talking to me about my favourite music... and then blaring TOOL loud in the office, only for the CWO to come in and give them the stare down. But once again I want to re-iterate that they were polite to me, and did all that they could. These are professionals that have a job to help you, and the majority of them will try...

Some of them were pretty young in the CFRC, so maturity issues were there for sure.  However, that is why these people have superiors, and I think its time you take it up with someone a little higher, but in the CFRC CoC.

If you're determined and meet the requirements I think you're gonna get it sooner or later.

You want someone to make you feel better?  Aaaawwww, there there, hush now...need a hug?...better? good.  By all means go to the PMO via your MP.  I'm sure when you get fast tracked to BMQ by a Parliamentary Order, the course staff will welcome you with open arms.  Get over it, it's the army, it's not personal.
I don't expect to be fast-tracked, that boat has sailed. I don't even mind dealing with army bullcrap.

I do, however, expect a minimum level of professionalism. Is that too much to ask?
"I do, however, expect a minimum level of professionalism. Is that too much to ask?"

Too much to ask? No, certainly not.

Too much too expect?  Often times, yes.

There is nothing more childish than a bureaucracy, and it tends to encourage the continued participation of a particular form of idiot who so desparately needs to be drowned in a rain barrel.

Fortunately, these fools often immediately self-identify, thus saving you the trouble.  Ignore them as much as you can, and try to hang with the more advanced specimens who make this Army a truly great place to be.

my 0.02$

Quite simple...live with it...you can cry, you can scream...but at the end...it will all end up to the same...you wanna speak about unprofessional behavior...talk with me and you will see how your case is nothing compare to others.

Get use to it...you will face it all your life. Not only in the CF.

Welcome to life. Shit happens, get over it and move on. Some things are worth fighting over/for and raising a stink about...however this is not one of them. Save your energy for PT. :)
I was going to chime in, because making people feel better about themselves is one of the things I'm really good at - - but you've gotten your answer already.
Journeyman said:
I was going to chime in, because making people feel better about themselves is one of the things I'm really good at - - but you've gotten your answer already.

tee hee hee...
Long thread on a useless and pointless subject about something that happens daily. Sorry, is this the Seinfield show???
SO he says as he posts.
And we're done here.

Original poster can PM either myself or another Mod with a valid reason to get this reopened and/or to arrange for JM to come visit him in person and give him a hug.
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