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I'm 16 and I just joined army cadets.......


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I joined army cadets this Sept., so far it's been a great experience. But since I'm the oldest recruit in my platoon (I'm 16   :crybaby:and it feels really embarrassing), is there anyway I can finish my green star faster than the rest 12-year olds, and skip a rank (from private to master corporal)?
Also, would I have a chance to go on to cadet leadership camp instead of basic camp?
Any help would be appreciated.
talk to your officers and let them know how you feel about being in the same level as the 12 yr olds...if they're understanding enough, they will allow you to challenge your Green Star test, and possibly your Red Star test as well

also, it is possible to attend CL as your first summer camp, based on your age
I would join the reserves instead if I was 16.   I'm sure that being in the reserves is better than being in cadets.
1. Welcome to the organization.

2. Send a message through the chain of command to your TrgO asking to schedule a meeting

3. In Air Cadets, level one and level 2 can be combined for those over 14 years, however it is up to the CO. THere is no CATO dealing with army cadets, so this is the way to deal with it. Talk to your TrgO about your request and your wanting to take CL/I based on your age.

4. Good Luck!
I was in that exact situation, I joined last year in November when I was 16.

I was allowed to write my green and red star levels in the same year.   During ACR I got promoted to Cpl, skipping Pte. This year I will be writing silver, Gold, AND doing my NSCE. I'll be skipping MCpl. and going right to Sgt.  It takes a lot of study and work but you certinly get it done! It also helps to be a fast learner...

As far as camp goes I'm pretty sure they wont put you on basic just because of your age.  For me they were going to put me right on to CL, CLI, or even Staff if I wanted as long as it wasn't instructional.

Talk to your CO, he/she may be able to do something for you.
hey I suggest you Join the reserves! I just joined the reserves I'm 18  and so far its the best thing i have ever done!

1. its more of a challenge!
2. it brings me closer to my goal( join Jtf2 /// i need 2 years reg or 3 reserve)
3.you get payed for your time( Do not join for the money!! that would be the bigest mistake!) Join for other reasons
4.you might actually feel part of an organization!
5 you make friends For life!
6. Good experience

and It Looks awesome on your resume!( CV)

I hope I convinced you to join the reserve!
I guaranty you wont regret it

Soldat Fiset!

If you talk to your officer thats the best thing to do!! Seriously it is.
I joined at 15, but never really had a problem with the age differences; work hard and your NCOs and officers will notice.  I wouldn't approach them just yet, show them that you're worthy first.

I didn't join the Militia til I was 18; the age then was 17 but an extra year in cadets seemed to have been a bonus.  Not everyone feels the need to go Reserves the second they're old enough.  The only big difference is that the Militia pays you.
Yes you should talk to your Platoon WO and go though the chain f command, to show you do know some things about the RCACC. We have had many cadets who ended up in Sliver Star in their first year of Cadets.

                                                                                                :cdn: Caroline  :cdn:
I would join the reserves instead if I was 16.  I'm sure that being in the reserves is better than being in cadets.
I take EXTREME offense to that quote. I am 17, and I know for a fact that cadets is a great organization. I swear by the cadet system. If and when i have children, i hope they do it too.
I can't really say much about Reserves because i dont know too much a bout it, but i think its absolutely wrong to say that either one is "better"
The easiest and quickest way to sum it up is this $

I really don't have the interest in explaining in detail why you're being silly.
You really cant say that one Organization is better than another, because Unless you have been apart of both you dont know the true aspects or meanings of the other organization. Just because you see some downsides to Your organization it dosen't mean that the other organization is automatically better. I personally know some Reserves that say that if they could be Regular Cadet NCOs again then they would because they think its all easy, but we do alot of the same things, so its really not a big change. What I am trying to say is that You were trying to say that the Grass is Greener on the other Side.

I'm sure you are all wondering why don't I join the reserves if I'm 16 (turning 17 in a few months). Well, the reason's that I don't have a Canadian citizen card. Just recently, after 911, the CF changed its recruiting requirements, you have to be a Canadian citizen to apply for reserves or regular. The closest thing to army is cadet, where it's ok if you are a permenant resident.
I also want to join the army cadets. I am 16, but i can't join the reserves... i... um... I don't have my grade 10. I feel like a retard saying this. Let's say that i had alot of problems at school when i was young, because of my physical attributes. But snip that. I get my grade 10 next year, so i want to join the army cadets to be ready for the reserve. What's the closest base to Ile perrot?
You can go to http://www.cadets.ca/directory-repertoire/intro_e.asp   for Cadet Unit Directory. Is it Army cadets that you want to join?
lol... where do you live? If you live in Ottawa, you are more than welcome to join my corps.
Dont join the reserves at 16 like a lot of postings are advising. The drop out rate for kids your age is very high. The training is rigorous and you have to be very fit, especially aerobics. Give cadets a couple of years as I am sure your Training Officer can accelerate your progress if your capable and the CO agrees.
If you still feel like it then go ahead and sign up with the reserves. This is my own personal opinion based on personal experiences.