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"I was born to rape"


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Josef Fritzl: I was born to rape


Published: Today
CELLAR monster Josef Fritzl laid bare his soul to a woman psychiatrist, just like the movie Silence of the Lambs — and chillingly confessed: “I was born to rape.”

Incest dad Fritzl, who caged daughter Elisabeth underground for 24 years and raped her, opened up to Dr Adelheid Kastner in intense one-on-one sessions.

He calmly answered her questions during a series of cat-and-mouse chats reminiscent of Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins in the 1991 Hannibal Lecter thriller.

Dr Kastner, 46, was called in by an Austrian court to unravel Fritzl’s twisted mind.

She questioned the 73-year-old for hours — and her report concludes he is too dangerous ever to be freed.

Dr Kastner believes Fritzl’s childhood with a dominant, sadistic mother who raised him without love and the lack of a father figure helped turn him into a twisted control freak.


He had early psychological problems and as a teenager attacked a girl in a park.

He told the psychiatrist: “I was born to be a rapist. I simply have an evil streak.”

In her report, Dr Kastner writes: “Mr Fritzl was born a disadvantaged child, which will have consequences for his entire life.

“He had to suffer a mother who demotivated him, denigrated him and was prone to violence.

“It was a childhood that left him emotionally crippled.”

Fritzl described being taken into bunkers by neighbours during World War Two bombing raids because his mother refused to go.

He was terrified that he would emerge to find her dead.

Dr Kastner concludes he cannot empathise with others — and has a need to dominate women.

He developed a craving to “own a person”.

Sickeningly, he chose his own daughter Elisabeth as his sex slave victim, forcing her to have his children.

Fritzl locked her behind a steel door beneath their home in Amstetten.

She brought up three of their children there, while he took three others to raise with wife Rosemarie, telling her Elisabeth had run away and abandoned them.

Children Kerstin, 19, Stefan, 18, and Felix, five, never saw daylight until they were rescued in April.


A seventh baby died and was incinerated by Fritzl.

Incredibly, he boasted that he could have done much worse to his daughter — but held back because part of him was GOOD.

He told the psychiatrist he locked Elisabeth up to protect her from drug abuse and really believed that she and her children had a good life in the cellar.

Fritzl said: “I gave them school equipment to study with. I gave them toys and I even gave them pets to play with.”

He remains convinced he will be freed.

Dr Kastner, who has grilled more than 500 killers and sex offenders, insisted no one else was present when she met Fritzl.

She said: “I don’t believe a person can be evil from scratch.”

But she concludes Fritzl knew he was doing wrong and is sane enough to be tried.

Her report will go before a trial judge in St Poelten, Austria, at the end of the year.


People frighten me.
Confinement to the deepest, darkest, most damp solitary dungeon (I sure Austria has some somewhere) for the rest of his natural life, minimal food, no recreation time or supplies.....that aught to do it for now.....the whip annually would be nice, but the tree huggers and such would probably complain, and they get annoying...
we'll see who ends up in solitray confinement when this is all said and done. I sure hope he stays there for a good long time... then feed whats left of him to the hounds. what a sick and perverse individual.
The thing is, if this guy goes into something like solitary, it seems like maybe the voices in his head would be enough to keep him company until he dies...He's in his 70's...Who knows how long he might live. Is there really a punishment fitting enough for someone who would do something like he did?
HollywoodHitman said:
The thing is, if this guy goes into something like solitary, it seems like maybe the voices in his head would be enough to keep him company until he dies...He's in his 70's...Who knows how long he might live. Is there really a punishment fitting enough for someone who would do something like he did?

I am sure the people behind the SAW franchise, could come up with some ideas. 
Sadly, even solitary will not punish this creature.
I think rule 556 is called for here.
solitary or special wings are too expensive; they should be put with the general population where they become someones bitch and eventually get killed. Olson, Bernardo and others are just using up valuable dollars that could be better spent somewhere else.

Hang him. Simple, cheap (what, $0.50 a foot for 1'' manila or sisal), and effective. A monster off the streets, for good, and not as a burden on the state.
Fritzl admits rape, denies murder, Monday, 16 March 2009

Josef Fritzl, accused of imprisoning his daughter and fathering her children,
has pleaded guilty to rape and incest but not guilty to murder. The Austrian
is accused of the murder by neglect of one of his daughter's children. He
also denied enslavement.

TV pictures showed the 73-year-old enter the courtroom with his face
concealed by a blue file. He refused to answer journalists' questions.

The trial, in the city of St Poelten, is attracting intense media interest.
Mr Fritzl is alleged in 1984 to have lured his daughter into a cellar with
windowless soundproofed chambers beneath their house and then raped
her repeatedly.

The daughter and three of her seven children were kept captive in the
cellar until the case came to light in April last year when one of the
children became seriously ill and was taken to hospital.

Some legal experts have said it may be hard to prove the murder charge
but the charge of enslavement carries a maximum penalty of 20 years,
the BBC's Steve Rosenberg reports from St Poelten. Some of the other
charges against him carry a sentence of up to 15 years.

While convicts become eligible for parole having served half their sentence
under Austrian law, there are other clauses which could prevent an eligible
convict walking free if it is considered he could re-offend, our correspondent

'Morbid atmosphere'

Escorted by six policemen and dressed in a light grey, checked jacket and dark
grey trousers, Mr Fritzl made the short walk down the corridor from his cell
to the courtroom, where journalists tried unsuccessfully to question him
before the judges arrived.Speaking in a composed voice, Mr Fritzl gave
the judges his name and other personal details.

In her opening statement, prosecutor Christiane Burkheiser said Mr Fritzl
had used his daughter "as a toy". "[The defendant] showed no sign of
regret or any consciousness of wrongdoing," she said, quoted by AFP
news agency. "Josef Fritzl treated his daughter as his property, he
made her completely dependent."

Ms Burkheiser said he also sometimes raped her in front of their children,
and described the atmosphere in the cellar. "I went down there twice and
there's a morbid atmosphere," she said. "It's damp, it's musty, it's mouldy."

'Not a monster'

The prosecutor also blamed Mr Fritzl squarely for the death of one of twin
boys that his daughter gave birth to in 1996. "He failed to seek any help",
despite his daughter's pleas, when the baby developed breathing problems,
Ms Burkheiser said. "That my dear jurors, is murder by negligence."

But defence lawyer Rudolf Mayer said his client was "a human being not
a monster" and appealed to jurors to be objective. He said his client had
shown concern for the children by removing some of them from the cellar
and taking one of them to hospital. "As a monster, I'd kill all of them
downstairs," he said.

Mr Fritzl himself described his childhood to the court. "My mother didn't
want me. She was 42 when she had me," he said, quoted by AFP news
agency. "She simply didn't want a child and she treated me
correspondingly. I was beaten."

In her introduction, court president Andrea Humer said she wished to
emphasise that a single person was on trial, not a town or a region.
The judge asked Mr Fritzl some questions about his life and work
experience, before sending the public out of the courtroom as the
remaining evidence was deemed too sensitive.

Camera crews and photographers had already been told to leave.
An estimated 200 journalists are in St Poelten for the trial but fewer
than 100 were allowed inside the courthouse. An air exclusion zone
has been imposed above the courthouse to prevent news crews using
helicopters to get aerial shots.

Privacy protection

Mr Fritzl has been held in custody in St Poelten since his arrest nearly
a year ago.

All evidence in the trial is due to be given behind closed doors out of
concern for the privacy of the family. The evidence includes hours
of pre-recorded testimony given by the daughter at the centre of the
case. Edited details of the day's proceedings will then be released to
the press each afternoon.

The trial is predicted to last just a week, with a verdict expected on


Josef Fritzl, his face partially hidden by a folder, attends his trial, 16 March
Murder - not guilty plea
Enslavement - not guilty plea
Deprivation of liberty - guilty plea
Rape - partially guilty plea*
Incest - guilty plea
Coercion - guilty plea
*Understood to mean he is contesting the wording of the charges
It's time for some good old deep southern logic (a la Robin Williams). Criminals don't like rapists or molesters, they will do to him what he tortured his poor daughter with.

Toss him in jail, with no solitary, and let him rot.
I have a theory:

Some people are "hard wired" to do evil.

Some of us are "hard wired" to do good.

I'm no pyschologist. It sure seems that these serial criminals have an "evil" gene or something.
Some people are just too broken to deal with.

Take him out back and quietly put an end to him.
I hope Mrs. Fritzl is scrutinized in the investigation. I find it hard to believe she could not have noticed something of this elaborate and disgusting scheme under her own roof for so many years.
GDawg said:
I hope Mrs. Fritzl is scrutinized in the investigation. I find it hard to believe she could not have noticed something of this elaborate and disgusting scheme under her own roof for so many years.

Good thoughts, but I doubt if it will happen. She may be scrutinized, but I think some lawyer will raise the "battered woman's syndrome" defence and she'll be another victim.
They may do things differently in Europe though.
To our outraged members and guests,

As unseemly as this excuse for a human is, he's entitled to his day in court. It will also be up to the court to decide what punishment he receives.

We've been through this before, on the site. No matter the personal feelings of the poster, we have a certain stature to uphold here as members of the military and of the premiere military site for the CF.

Please refrain from voicing your opinions on the type of punishment, that falls outside the legal dominion, you would like to see. Keep it to yourself. There's no need for it publicized here.

Milnet.ca Staff
OldSolduer said:
Good thoughts, but I doubt if it will happen. She may be scrutinized, but I think some lawyer will raise the "battered woman's syndrome" defence and she'll be another victim.
They may do things differently in Europe though.

Yeah, judging by his "recreational" activities, I can't imagine the above ground Fritzl household was particularly pleasant.