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I want my mommy ! Paris Hilton cries the Blues.

If it went any longer then an hour it'd be almost as long as her sentance was!
She is SO pissweak, honestly she's 27 years old and acts like a 15 year old girl. At 27 you'd have thought that most people would cop their punishment, especially for drink driving, and do the time. Instead, she screamed for her mummy and had a big whinge. If she has a big sook about it when she gets out i'll be fuming.
If she was naked i wouldnt say no, but i'd rather give myself a labotomy with a blunt pencil then have to talk to her. I honestly thank God that theres not too many people out there like her, at least not where i'm from.
Hale said:
honestly she's 27 years old and acts like a 15 year old girl.

Hardly, more like a 12 year old!!

Hale said:
If she was naked i wouldnt say no, but i'd rather give myself a labotomy with a blunt pencil then have to talk to her.

And you guys wonder why she's so popular?  ??? Personally, I think she looks (and acts) like a skank and really needs to clean up her act.
Hey, at least give me some credit for the lobotomy comment, i thought i was being particularly funny there!
I agree that she's a massive skant (We'd call her a "mole" or a "root-rat"). Its disgraceful that a person can be that spoilt and up themselves, yet folks still pay her millions of $ to endorse their products or go to her parties. Like i said, she's 27yrs old! Most people have finished uni, got themselves a job or at least have some direction in their lives. I know that if i'm 27 and still going out every second night, get caught drink driving and get sent to Prison i really need to have a good long look at myself.

Shes a disgrace, and i was just having a craic with the naked comment. COME ON! Blunt pencil!
Good grief ( I have always wanted to say that!)!

An hour!

With her clothes on?

I had seen her other 'interview', and it was way over rated by far.

I am over this tart.

How about this.....

Hale said:
but i'd rather give myself a labotomy with a blunt pencil a rusty Swiss Army knife a dull spoon an unsharpened crayon then have to talk to her.

Can you imagine, Paris is sitting there in a room, talking about her bloody midget dog, her new car or how something is "Hot", while next to her, average man is smashing a blunt crayon against his head, screaming "MERCY!".
Ah, you've got me in stitches on that one!
I'm against all things "Hollywood" so I'm just loving the fact that her pretty arse is finally (dare I say) hardening up. *yeah right*
And there she came. Running,rather, fluttering down the cement incline like so many fashion runways her fame let her use at will. The ditsy,Vally girl shuffle with arms cartwheeling knees knocking and buttucks deeking left to right with grace and speed enough to put most running backs to shame. Yes indeed, the poorest little rich girl in the world is back. My teenage son couldn't,t be happier. Think i will stick with the Tums. Cheers !
Paris Hilton released from jail

I think this article sums the situation up:


You won't see Paris Hilton in US magazine this week; editors have had enough

Tue Jun 26, 9:51 PM

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Paris Hilton gets out of jail Tuesday and she won't be on the cover of US Weekly on Friday?

How, short of the Apocalypse, is this possible? "When it came down to it, the staff and I felt what I believe a lot of people in America are feeling. Which is just enormous Paris fatigue," US Weekly editor Janice Min said Tuesday.

As a result, Hilton not only won't be on the cover, there won't even be a mention of her in the magazine.

"I don't think," Min joked, "we even mention the city of Paris."

That was no easy task, she said, adding US Weekly editors had to comb carefully through every beauty story and every fashion item to make sure there wasn't an offhand mention of the hotel heiress somewhere.

The Associated Press put in place a similar Hilton moratorium for a week earlier this year, just to see what would happen.

As it turned out, the celebutante didn't do much that was of interest to anyone that week. Certainly she didn't get out of jail and get chased across town by a pack of Hilton-hungry photographers.

Still, Min expects her magazine will do just fine without her. Hilton, she said, has become such a mainstream media staple "that in many ways her time with US Weekly has moved on."

So look instead for an US Weekly cover photo Friday of Tom Cruise's baby and inside the magazine a dozen pages of other Hollywood babies.

Which raises the question, what would US Weekly do if Paris Hilton had a baby?

"That will elevate her, probably, back onto the cover," Min said with a laugh.

No doubt that mag is now blacklisted.  :P
Paris Hilton on 'Larry King Live' Here is a transcript of the show:


Your smile for the day  http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/article/230326

This jailbird sings off-key
TheStar.com - entertainment - This jailbird sings off-key

June 28, 2007
Vinay Menon

9 p.m.: Larry King begins his exclusive by asking Paris Hilton a provocative question: "Why are you doing this interview?" The glamorous ex-con bats her fake eyelashes and replies, "I consider you an icon." Oh my, this could get ugly!

9:03: Paris talks about her 8x10 cell. It had a "metal bunkbed," "a toilet" and "a little metal desk." Perfect for writing little mental notes.

9:04: Jailhouse cuisine is "horrible." Poor Paris was forced to eat "mystery meat" and "jail slop." What, no sea bass? No filet mignon? This is an outrage!

9:05: "I wore the orange jumpsuit just like everybody else," says Paris, somewhat stunned by her own revelation.

9:06: "God does make everything happen for a reason," says Paris, as God reacts with a puzzled, "Say what?"

9:07: We learn Paris read a lot of books and fan mail while locked up, including notes from soldiers in Iraq. Hard to believe the war is going so poorly.

9:11: "The whole idea of being in jail is really scary," says Paris, adding the sky is blue and poor people dress kinda weird.

9:12: What? She had to talk to visitors from behind glass? What kind of jail was this?

9:13: "I will never drink and drive again," says Paris. Larry nods and suggests she call a limo the next time she's craving a take-out burger. You know, like we all do.

9:14: Paris smiles and promises to "follow all the laws." Good thing stupidity isn't a criminal offence.

9:15: Paris opens up about her claustrophobia, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, not eating and not sleeping. Ironically, Larry appears to have drifted asleep.

9:17: In jail, Paris meditated, wrote in her journal and pretended she was in her "special place." Funny, millions of viewers have just gone to their special places.

9:23: Says Paris: "I think in life everyone makes mistakes." Right. She just makes a lot of them.

9:24: Oh lord, she's now reading from her prison journal. Something about adversity, the process, the journey, blah blah blah, a new beginning. Hallmark? Any job openings?

9:25: Thought-bubble over Larry's head: "Kid, you are really dumb."

9:27: Asked what she doesn't like about herself, Paris says her voice, like, when she gets nervous. Damn, just lost the office pool.

9:31: Paris says she has attention deficit disorder. She also doesn't like booze, nor does she like drugs. What, you were expecting honesty tonight?

9:35: More ADD talk. Lots of awkward pauses. This interview has certainly lived down to all expectations. I wish I had ADD so I could change the channel.

9:41: Sensing this interview is going nowhere fast, Larry asks about other female celebutantes.

9:43: "I consider myself normal," says Paris, winking her third eye.

9:44: Paris says she wouldn't harm the paparazzi. Because that could be illegal, right?

9:48: Paris says she ordered a Bible while in jail. She thought the menu said, "Bicycle."

9:49: "I've always been religious," she adds, as lighting strikes across the planet.

9:49: On her mugshot, Larry says, "I've seen worse." "Thank you," coos Paris. Larry? Could you at least start referring to her as 9818783 to liven this thing up?

9:50: Paris was strip-searched and it wasn't anything like the home videos she used to make.

9:52: More from her prison journal. I'm too bored to repeat it.

9:58: Larry asks her to name her favourite Bible passage. Silence. Says Paris, "I don't have a favourite."

The only good thing about the interview is that Michael Moore got bumped from Larry King for it.  ;D
Kat Stevens said:
The only good thing about the interview is that Michael Moore got bumped from Larry King for it.  ;D

hehe, I was wondering how he reaCted to be bump by HER  ;D ...
He went on The Daily Show and whined about it to John Stewart.
;D If anyone has EVER a link to a video of that, PLEASE post :):):) !