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I cant seem to figure out the right career path for myself. advice???


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I have already applied, did well on the apptitude test. The interviewer said i did extremely well and i qualify for any position. I am a little older 33.
my choice was med tech-navy. i know ill get that but it might not be exaclty what i want. However during the interview i was pursuaded to apply for the army section. where i can do the soldier qualification course after basic.
so i did. I can still be on a ship as a medic so its ok.
Navy was my choice because of the sea pay and i like being in the ocean.

i need a little excitement, adventure, i want to be deployed overseas, afganistan, and other places. but as a med tech i belive im stuck in canada for at least my first 2 years.
if im with a platoon, i want to be in the action, not just wait for someone to get hurt.
i have talked with many recruiters, some good, some shouldnt be recruiters.
and i still cant seem to narrow my options down.
I dont want to be a supply clerk, not that there is anything wrong with that. its just not for me.
As i mentioned I want some adventure, id like to be in combat. but im not sure which route to take.
i have the brains, just no guidance.

any help would be appreciated.
It's all really quite simple:

If you want to be a medic, be a medic.
If you want to be an infantry soldier, be an infantry soldier.

We get a lot of people on here wanting to be in one trade, but "hope" they also get to do everything some other trade does.  Each trade is different, there are some overlaps in training and in types of employment, but they are not the same.  You need to prioritize your preferences and use them to decide what trade will best satisfy them.

Have you tried the Virtual Advisor on the Forces.ca website?

Perhaps it would be useful to you, perhaps not, but it only takes a few minutes, couldn't hurt right?
A piece of advice I have always found helpful.

Work towards what you want, not away from what you don't want.
Well from what I've read on forces.ca about med tech, sounds like you'll be seeing plenty of action. I'm sure most any job in the military will have plenty of excitement (excluding clerk  :P).
Radius said:
Well from what I've read on forces.ca about med tech, sounds like you'll be seeing plenty of action. I'm sure most any job in the military will have plenty of excitement (excluding clerk  :P).

<ire> Right - because clerks just hide out in the office all the time.  </ire>

As a med tech you can be posted anywhere (regardless of the uniform you're given), which means there will be plenty of opportunity to see some action.  Perhaps you'd be better served if you took a step back and re-evaluated what you want from your military career.
Also, it's not uncommon to not get deployed in your first two years even as an infanteer.
Radius said:
Well from what I've read on forces.ca about med tech, sounds like you'll be seeing plenty of action. I'm sure most any job in the military will have plenty of excitement (excluding clerk  :P).

Says someone who has little clue what the purple trades actually do and have done... ::)
Close your eyes, what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

Remember, we won't be in Afghanistan forever (heck, even if you start the process now, if the 2011 date holds you may never even deploy or may not deploy into 'combat', which is your stated goal).

Radius said:
Well from what I've read on forces.ca about med tech, sounds like you'll be seeing plenty of action. I'm sure most any job in the military will have plenty of excitement (excluding clerk  :P).

If you have not already noticed, alot of us here subscribe to the concept of teamwork.  If you are also in the CF I am forced to assume that you would also beleive in that concept.  So it follows then, that trying to single out one trade, (and hence a group of people busting their arses off every day in that trade), to somehow be less valuable then others is insulting to us all.

Dont do that.