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I am Canadian


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I am in the minority in Calgary , Vancouver , Toronto and every casino in this country.

I was born in the forties, fifties or sixties, yet I am somehow responsible for some First Nations people being screwed out of their land in the

I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario

I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but not allowed to drive without a seat belt.

All the money I make until mid July must go to paying taxes..

I live and work among people who believe Americans are Ignorant....

These same people cannot name this country's new territory.

On April 1st, 1999, the map of Canada changed for the first time in 50 years with the creation of Nunavut Territory .

The Northwest Territories was split and approximately 2 million square kilometers of the central and eastern arctic became ' Nunavut '.

Although I am sometimes forced to live on hamburgers and don't have a pot to piss in,

I sleep well knowing that my taxes helped purchase a nice six figure home in Vancouver for some unskilled refugee.

Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate... Quebec still provides most of my nation's prime ministers.

95% of my  nation's international conflicts are over fish.

I'm supposed to call black people African Canadians, although I'm sure none of them have ever been to Africa for that matter.

I am being told that paying a 200% tax on alcohol is fair.

I am also being told that  the same tax on gasoline is also fair.

Even if I have no idea what happened to that old rifle my Grandfather gave me when I was 14, I will be considered a criminal if I don't register it.

I am being told that spending $15 billion to promote the French language in the rest of Canada is fair when the province of Quebec doesn't support or recognize the English language.

I am being told that paying $1million for 3 Stripes
('The Voice of Fire' painting in Ottawa ) by the National Art Gallery was a good purchase, even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever see it.

When I look at my pension and realize that I take home a third of what I actually make, I say 'Oh well, at least we have better health care than the Americans.'

I must bail out big corporations who drive their business into the ground and say, 'yeah that's ok.'

When they move all their manufacturing plants and jobs to a third world country and say, 'no problem.'

My National Anthem has versions in both official languages.

Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest Military buffer for the United States, and the number one destination for fleeing terrorists.

I am not an angry white person.

I am one pissed off taxpayer, who is broke

I am Canadian !!!

There are french Canadians outside of Québec

Canada is a bilingual country

The last référendum was in 1995 that is almost 15 years ago... the Québec population does not want to hear about this anymore...

We (québécois) hear more about the separatist movement from english Canadians than from the separatists themselves... maybe that is a sign that the english Canadians should get over it... as most of the Québécois already did!  ::)
Actually Canada has regional bilingualism. In BC the percentage of people with French as a first language is 0.01%. In order to fill french positions Revenue Canada has moved Quebecois to BC.
sledge said:
Actually Canada has regional bilingualism. In BC the percentage of people with French as a first language is 0.01%. In order to fill french positions Revenue Canada has moved Quebecois to BC.

I am sure that has helped solve their communications with their Chinese clientele. 

Do we have to bring up the fact once again that French is not the Second Most Often Used Language spoken in Canada after English?

I am of course a "Conspiracy Theorist" when it comes to the "Francofication of Canada".  Look at the spread of Regulator Legislation creeping down to municipal levels in Regions outside of Quebec, that appease Quebec by making all government related jobs bilingual, even down to the levels of Sanitation Engineer (Garbage Collectors).

George Wallace said:
I am of course a "Conspiracy Theorist" when it comes to the "Francofication of Canada".  Look at the spread of Regulator Legislation creeping down to municipal levels in Regions outside of Quebec, that appease Quebec by making all government related jobs bilingual, even down to the levels of Sanitation Engineer (Garbage Collectors).


Rather legislation than bombings and kidnappings.Legislation is the right way to go to effect change.
FastEddy said:

I am in the minority in Calgary , Vancouver , Toronto and every casino in this country.

I was born in the forties, fifties or sixties, yet I am somehow responsible for some First Nations people being screwed out of their land in the

I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario

I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but not allowed to drive without a seat belt.

All the money I make until mid July must go to paying taxes..

I live and work among people who believe Americans are Ignorant....

These same people cannot name this country's new territory.

On April 1st, 1999, the map of Canada changed for the first time in 50 years with the creation of Nunavut Territory .

The Northwest Territories was split and approximately 2 million square kilometers of the central and eastern arctic became ' Nunavut '.

Although I am sometimes forced to live on hamburgers and don't have a pot to piss in,

I sleep well knowing that my taxes helped purchase a nice six figure home in Vancouver for some unskilled refugee.

Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate... Quebec still provides most of my nation's prime ministers.

95% of my  nation's international conflicts are over fish.

I'm supposed to call black people African Canadians, although I'm sure none of them have ever been to Africa for that matter.

I am being told that paying a 200% tax on alcohol is fair.

I am also being told that  the same tax on gasoline is also fair.

Even if I have no idea what happened to that old rifle my Grandfather gave me when I was 14, I will be considered a criminal if I don't register it.

I am being told that spending $15 billion to promote the French language in the rest of Canada is fair when the province of Quebec doesn't support or recognize the English language.

I am being told that paying $1million for 3 Stripes
('The Voice of Fire' painting in Ottawa ) by the National Art Gallery was a good purchase, even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever see it.

When I look at my pension and realize that I take home a third of what I actually make, I say 'Oh well, at least we have better health care than the Americans.'

I must bail out big corporations who drive their business into the ground and say, 'yeah that's ok.'

When they move all their manufacturing plants and jobs to a third world country and say, 'no problem.'

My National Anthem has versions in both official languages.

Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest Military buffer for the United States, and the number one destination for fleeing terrorists.

I am not an angry white person.

I am one pissed off taxpayer, who is broke

I am Canadian !!!

Then should have a chat with your parents or grandparents, telling them that they should have stayed where you guys came from originally.

I am Canadian...isn't that just saying I was born here or not as the case may be, but am a child of immigrants?

Ponder that over
George Wallace said:
I am sure that has helped solve their communications with their Chinese clientele. 

Do we have to bring up the fact once again that French is not the Second Most Often Used Language spoken in Canada after English?

I am of course a "Conspiracy Theorist" when it comes to the "Francofication of Canada".  Look at the spread of Regulator Legislation creeping down to municipal levels in Regions outside of Quebec, that appease Quebec by making all government related jobs bilingual, even down to the levels of Sanitation Engineer (Garbage Collectors).


I am sure that the government hires a lot of chinese people in order to solve this problem...  :cdn:
ruckmarch said:
Then should have a chat with your parents or grandparents, telling them that they should have stayed where you guys came from originally.

I am Canadian...isn't that just saying I was born here or not as the case may be, but am a child of immigrants?

Ponder that over

Shall we go as far back as those who crossed the Ice Bridge between Siberia and Alaska?    ::)
the_girlfirend said:
There are french Canadians outside of Québec

So?  Is there a point to stating the obvious?

Canada is a bilingual country

Most of it isn't.  Quebec isn't even a bi-lingual province ffs.

The last référendum was in 1995 that is almost 15 years ago... the Québec population does not want to hear about this anymore...

We (québécois) hear more about the separatist movement from english Canadians than from the separatists themselves... maybe that is a sign that the english Canadians should get over it... as most of the Québécois already did!  ::)

You are the only person who brought that up.  So...who should get over it??

I must say Eddy, you're rejecting the tenets that make Canadians Canadian.

Our Cultures-within-a-culture, our free immigration, our relatively-intelligent form of democracy, the fact that we're loved around the world, that we have a social net so people with minor health problems don't die from their injuries, and more.

If you're so "pissed off" about being a Canadian, why not try roughing it in the melting pot? I'm sure between the War in Iraq, the right-wing views of many Americans, the gun crime, the allegedly unjust legal system, and the private health care you'd get by just fine.
Neo Cortex said:
our relatively-intelligent form of democracy,


the fact that we're loved around the world,

You should travel more.

  I'm sure between the War in Iraq,

What does that have to do with anything ?

the right-wing views of many Americans,

What about the far-left wingnut views of many Canadians ? Pot, kettle.......

the gun crime,

Ah, yes. Something that we , in Canada, have managed to stop with our brilliant gun registry right ?

the allegedly unjust legal system,

Ours is much better ?

and the private health care

Yeah, private healthcare is horrible. It is much better to be under a publicly-funded system here at home and then have to go to the US for treatment on your own dime when you cant get timely care here at home.

Yes, Canada is a great place to live, but give your head a shake. We are not the posterchild for perfection.
If you're so "pissed off" about being a Canadian, why not try roughing it in the melting pot? I'm sure between the War in Iraq, the right-wing views of many Americans, the gun crime, the allegedly unjust legal system, and the private health care you'd get by just fine.

Actually, neo - I did  just that and have made out just fine for over 15 years. Frankly, I think I have had more opportunity here than I would have in Canada
George Wallace said:
Shall we go as far back as those who crossed the Ice Bridge between Siberia and Alaska?    ::)

Being born in a country where your ancestors aren't from, is different from originating from somewhere. I believe that is called citizenship by birth or naturalization is you emigrated.

Those that came years ago, always think they are better than immigrants that just arrived.

Just for the other poster....immigration isn't free. If you decide to emigrate to Canada, depending on how you go about is, you are looking at minimum 5k in fees.

Refugee status on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish.
CDN Aviator said:

You should travel more.

What does that have to do with anything ?

What about the far-left wingnut views of many Canadians ? Pot, kettle.......

Ah, yes. Something that we , in Canada, have managed to stop with our brilliant gun registry right ?

Ours is much better ?

Yeah, private healthcare is horrible. It is much better to be under a publicly-funded system here at home and then have to go to the US for treatment on your own dime when you cant get timely care here at home.

Yes, Canada is a great place to live, but give your head a shake. We are not the posterchild for perfection.

Compared to Americans, Canadians are looked well upon. The reason I brought up Iraq is because there is deep resentment in America about the war, and while Soldiers are looked well upon they put up with a lot of flak because of it.

The Gun Registry was a bad idea. But regardless, we have less gun crime and less access to guns than Americans. I do agree with you about the "left-wingnuts", that was a bad point on my call.

Private healthcare is great for the rich and middle class, but the people who have most trouble getting it are those who need it most: the elderly and the poor.

While we may not be the posterchild for perfection, I think we're a lot better off than the Americans.
...so if you don't like it here...leave. Simple as that.
Anyone can whine!!!
Eye In The Sky said:
So?  Is there a point to stating the obvious?

Most of it isn't.  Quebec isn't even a bi-lingual province ffs.

You are the only person who brought that up.  So...who should get over it??


I brought it up because of this line from the original post:

"Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate... Quebec still provides most of my nation's prime ministers."

That line is just wrong... yes my parents' generation did try to separate. But the separatist movement is dead... unfortunately politicians tend to have microphones... what they say does not always match what the population thinks. And so the independence is mostly present these days because of the Parti Québécois... which has lost the election by the way. So saying that we constantly want to separate is wrong, and I, as a proud Canadian from Québec had to correct it.

(And these Prime ministers were elected by the members of their party, from all around Canada... And their party have been elected by Canadians... democracy)

because there is deep resentment in America about the war
According to whom?

less access to guns than Americans
soooooo ?

Private healthcare is great for the rich and middle class, but the people who have most trouble getting it are those who need it most: the elderly and the poor.
What are you basing this on?

I have lived extensively in both countries. When you have some practical experience, and not just repeating what you have read or "heard", then maybe I will take you seriously.

There are pros and cons to both nations. You're chanting a Canadian mantra that is as arrogant and patronizing as the American equivalents

muskrat89 said:
According to whom?
soooooo ?
What are you basing this on?

I have lived extensively in both countries. When you have some practical experience, and not just repeating what you have read or "heard", then maybe I will take you seriously.

There are pros and cons to both nations. You're chanting a Canadian mantra that is as arrogant and patronizing as the American equivalents

Alright, I'll admit the Iraq war comment is based on second-hand information, so that comment was out of my lane. But America has more than 75 times the number of handguns that Canada does. You don't think that contributes to violence in the US?

And I'm basing the comment about healthcare being inaccessible to the poor and old on the fact that there are, at any given time, between 20 and 40 million Americans without health insurance. As I understand it (and feel free to correct me) most Americans get their health insurance from their employers.

The poor have employment with few benefits, or no employment at all, and therefore no coverage. I'll concede the point of the Elderly being without coverage, as outside the "Medicare Donut" I don't know enough and I shouldn't have been commenting on that.