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How Will You Vote

As of today, November 30, 2005 how will you vote.

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I just read today that Svend Robinson, has unanimously accepted the NDP nomination for Vancouver center and will try to take the seat away from Liberal quack, Hedy Fry.  WTF? :o

How is it that anyone that has been charged with stealing a $65,000 dollar ring, and got off VERY LIGHTLY (home arrest), can run for a seat as a member of parliament.  ::)

How is it that some one with a criminal record would be allowed to sit and pass laws with other members  (maybe only the PM and Gov-Gen are known as Right Honourable??) that are referred to as "Right Honorable..."?  WTF? ???

This is further indication of the moral watering down of our political conscience. It seems to be Ok to be a white collar criminal in Canada as long as you don't get caught. And if you do get caught you had better be a politician, call a news conference and cry loudly at the camera's while telling all that it was an honest mistake, perpetuated by your emotional state in trying to marry your gay lover.
:rage:  :threat: :fifty:
How is it that anyone that has been charged with stealing a $65,000 dollar ring, and got off VERY LIGHTLY (home arrest), can run for a seat as a member of parliament.

There is something that is really very wrond with our country today. When things like the above are allowed to happen.

Next to the Gomery Report its just a trifle.

Personally I'm disgusted with the Liberal party.

They're thieves.

Its time they were caled on it.

Blue Max said:
(maybe only the PM and Gov-Gen are known as Right Honourable??)

That title is reserved for members of the Queen's Privy Council in Canada.
>I'm just curious, how long ago did you attend university?

I attended 1982-87. Out of curiosity, I looked at the numbers recommended these days for tuitions, fees, residence, etc at my old alma mater and compared what they were relative to the jobs I had then, and what they would be relative to what those jobs would pay now (including, for example, reserve private/corporal pay).

In relative terms, I'd be about the same, or perhaps even slightly better off, now.   How's that for irony?   (I didn't apply for or receive any student loans.)

[Add to drive the point home: estimated cost for a year is about 2.5-2.7 times what it was then.  The daily rate for Private Basic is 2.6 times what it was then, and one doesn't have to stay at Private Basic for long. Most, but not all, of the summer work I found was not with the reserve - most paid better, one paid less.  The secret to graduating debt-free - or nearly so - is the same as it was then: work.]
Infanteer said:
That title is reserved for members of the Queen's Privy Council in Canada.
Actually, members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada (i.e. sitting and former cabinet ministers and a few others) are styled "The Honourable".  "The Right Honourable" is reserved for Governors General, Prime Ministers or Chief Justices and some very rare exceptions.  Backbench MPs get nothing.
hamiltongs said:
Actually, members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada (i.e. sitting and former cabinet ministers and a few others) are styled "The Honourable".   "The Right Honourable" is reserved for Governors General, Prime Ministers or Chief Justices and some very rare exceptions.   Backbench MPs get nothing.

Ahh, that's the ticket.  Thanks for the correction.
I was thinking of voting Liberal in the next election (my first opportunity to vote) with their recent support of our military. But this Handgun ban idea is so rediculus that it nearly gives me a headache. Looks like the Conservatives are going to have a nice boost in votes this time around.
When are the Directing Staff going to run?

And is their going to be a new Digital Green Party?

It seems as though the Liberals have seriously stepped on their John-Thomases. Hopefully the Conservatives can use this chunk of Lib stupidity to their advantage and win the election!

Canada really needs a new govt this time around!
Old Ranger said:
So, are you going to start a "Digital Green" or "Maroon" Party? ;D

Not even my frinds listen to me, never mind other ordinary people! :D

I'd sure support one though
Slim said:
It seems as though the Liberals have seriously stepped on their John-Thomases. Hopefully the Conservatives can use this chunk of Lib stupidity to their advantage and win the election!
Actually, whether you like it or not, the Liberals have just won the election (albeit with a minority).  See you in 2007, lads.
hamiltongs said:
See you in 2007, lads.

I'm wondering if Canadians will be up to another election in 2007.  Let's see how low voter turnout is for this one (since we set the record last time....)
I'm going to wait to choose, we still have 6 weeks left.

Anyways I'm studying for a final today and this scenario crossed my tired mind and I thought I would throw it out there:

Martin wins the next election; party upset and cans him. A possible rising star takes the leadership, (Ignatieff) and calls an election. Seen as a new charismatic fresh face (not laden down by any major scandals), election weary voters decide to elect Liberal majority on his popularity.

(this scenario is loosely similar to another time in Canadian political history, can you guess when?)

Like I said, I'm not going to commit to one party or another until I get advanced polling dates for my riding (good ol' Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke)
2332Piper said:
You'll have to swallow that typical arrogant Liberal pride of yours on the 23rd, mark my words. The election isn't over yet.
Not arrogance, just a hunch.  Banning handguns is a polarizing issue, but the majority of those opposed to it who care enough to make it a voting issue are already unlikely to vote Liberal because of the gun registry.  It is an issue that speaks to a lot of swing voters in the urban ridings, and it looks like an issue that will get out the vote in numbers enough that the Liberals will be able to get a plurality of votes in a plurality of ridings.  The Conservatives have already blown their load by announcing the GST cut in the opening days of the campaign and now have to keep the message fresh for the next month and a half.  Short of promising the Second Coming, I don't think the Conservatives wil be able to announce anything to top this.  And to make things even better for the Liberals, Gomery has completely fallen off the agenda now that the "GST cut vs. gun control" debate has been framed around the election.  From a strategy viewpoint, it was a brilliant move.

Now if they promised to ban handguns while simultaneously ending the registry on long guns, they'd probably win a majority.
Well, if the GST gets cut, we can all afford to buy more guns.  Win, win if the cons get in..... hey, that's just downright poetic, man.
well im not old enough to vote for another yet but if I could Id be voting conservative.
I however don't think they will win the election if they do it will be very close, and I don't they will win because people are voting "for" them more so against the Liberals. Also I figure many former liberals will be voting NDP so that helps to lower Liberal votes also. It's really up in the air right now.

The Torys biggest problem right now id have to say is their leader. People just don't like Steven Harper plain and simple. The man is just boring. If you pay attention to politcs then you notic when Paul Martin gives a speach or Duceppe give a speech they get right into it and are cheering and whatever. A harper speech is just dull, he shows no emotion what so ever he basicaly just reads a piece of paper in the the same tone of voice for 20 min take a couple questions and leaves.I don't know but it just seems like doesnt want to be there.
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