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How Will You Vote

As of today, November 30, 2005 how will you vote.

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Rhinoceros, or Flying Yogis, tough call right now, still early
[The Liberals cannot be trusted, the abuse of power is absolute.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely and The Liberals must be held accountable

My only hope is that the Ontarians will come to realize the power they have been supporting.

Without the support of the Ontario voters the liberals will not hold power.

So whom do we hold responsible for this corrupt government.. ?
Wayne Buss said:
[The Liberals cannot be trusted, the abuse of power is absolute.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely and The Liberals must be held accountable

My only hope is that the Ontarians will come to realize the power they have been supporting.

Without the support of the Ontario voters the liberals will not hold power.

So whom do we hold responsible for this corrupt government.. ?

My good man, there have been so many Liberal bashing threads in this forum that your rhetoric doesn't even raise an eyebrow anymore.  Rather then implying that voting Liberal is voting for the great Satan, and that (of course) it's all Ontario's fault, you might do better by presenting rational arguments for a party rather than against one (assuming that the above could be called an argument).  After all, the problem all the other parties have (besides their regional focus) is that none of them can capture enough of the undecided or split "anti current governemnt" votes to make a difference.

And take care when targetting this crowd, for the Regular Force personnel for the most part all vote in the ridings they were recruited from. So even the full time service members who live in Ontario may not actually vote there.
Where is the Marxist Leninist Party? The Marijuana party? The Green Party? The Monster Raving Looney Party? (oh, wrong election).

The Liberals offer the Open Agenda of theft, while the Conservatives have the Hidden Agendatm of (insert bogeyman here). What do the Non Democratic party offer us?
Cheaper post-secondary education for me of course.  :blotto:

I'm going to wait the entire campaign and decide at the polling station.
Holy Crap! I read the above post about the Marxist-Leninist party and I looked up their site. I NEVER heard of a communist party in Canada! Its so insane that there are all these parties I didn't even have a clue existed. Any other parties that are hidden somewhere in the background?
Doesn't really matter who you vote for; it's all the same. If the Liberals don't get re-elected it's like flushing the toilet; a new turd will just drop in soon as the other one leaves. I just want to wait till the parties announce their new agendas. I'd vote for which ever party that the DND will benefit from the most.
AoD71 said:
Holy Crap! I read the above post about the Marxist-Leninist party and I looked up their site. I NEVER heard of a communist party in Canada! Its so insane that there are all these parties I didn't even have a clue existed. Any other parties that are hidden somewhere in the background?

Registered Political Parties and Parties Eligible for Registration

Google is your friend.
SoF said:
I just want to wait till the parties announce their new agendas.

Anyone have any idea as to when this is probably going to happen? This is going to be my first election and I want to vote!  :salute: Call me weird because I know it won't make a difference, but I never really was interested in politics. I want to know things like why the Liberals have been in power for so long even though they have the reputation of a street hooker. And why haven't I even heard of parties like the CPC(M-L) before. I want to make an education decision as to where I stand!
Yeap I checked out that site earlier today; LOL the "Marijuana Party", don't they think we have bigger concerns than de-criminalzing pot???
AoD71 said:
Anyone have any idea as to when this is probably going to happen? This is going to be my first election and I want to vote!  :salute: Call me weird because I know it won't make a difference, but I never really was interested in politics. I want to know things like why the Liberals have been in power for so long even though they have the reputation of a street hooker. And why haven't I even heard of parties like the CPC(M-L) before. I want to make an education decision as to where I stand!

This should help you

This will be my second federal election.

As a side note I was lookig at the party logos and I found the Western Block Party amusing.
SoF said:
If the Liberals don't get re-elected it's like flushing the toilet; a new turd will just drop in soon as the other one leaves.

:rofl: Best analogy ever.
How will I vote? ...By secret ballot.


The LAST time I voted in a winter federal election, was in the old theatre in Camp Wainwright.  We went inside, walked up to the stage, grounded our FN C1s and FN C2s, voted, picked up our weapons and got back on the deuce-and-a-half.

I will vote for Mike Holmes of the popular tv reno show "Holmes on Homes" 



actually i am a bit undecided at this point.  Leaning conservative.
Still early to make a decision. Right now leaning Liberals because Harper hasn't shown much of a reason why I should vote for him.
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