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How to strip cadet boots


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Hello how do i strip my cadet boots my CO told me 2. i heard just put the boot in hot water but that seem like it would melt the bottom of the boot the kinda plastic stuff? anyone? thanks alot  :salute: :cdn: and im a Air Cadet with 909 in westbank b.c i just got Cpl the other day :D
Do it in your shower, put it under the hottest water that comes out, and give it a good brushing with a toothbrush or ur boot brush. The rubber sole is pretty tough, its resistant to alotta wear and tear, including heat.
k thanks how long should i keep it under the hot shower for? and how can i tell that its all stripped
You don't really have to do it under the shower, just under hot running water. You could do it in a sink, if your mother lets you lol. Just keep it under until the polish is all off. You'll be able to see it just melt off the boot.
In My corps they taught us that rubbing alcohol (yes really) and your boot brush is the easiest. It worked for me so unless you have the old boots then it wont ruin your boots, and i dont even think that it would wreck older boots, unless they are from the 80's..

make sure its RUBBING ALCOHOL, one of our cadets used something else and it turned the leather on his boots white.
I have seen cadets using BUG JUICE and steel wool. I wouldn't recommend that.Hot water will do just fine :salute:
:o What did that Cadet use? like Peroxide? Ammonia? White Shoe Dye?.. My boots are my pride and joy.. I would die if anything ever happened to them!! Your boots should be the Best thing in Your uniform!! My officers would have my head  if that was me, if they got to me before my RSM did!!  I pity the Poor Cadet..

Yeah like people said keep it under hot water and brush at them with a tooth brush and It'll be fine good luck :salute:
My one word of advice is keep the inside dry! It's unbelieveably hard to dry it out and if you don't dry it out it smeels musty (or maybe it's my feert that smell musty). Also if it's tough to see if it's stripped or not just scratch it with your finger nail and see if there's any polish under your nail.
My advice:   If you don't want to risk runing your boots then just do it the long and hard way.   Melt the polish off with hott water, buff them afterwards with your boot brush to fill in any knicks or scratches aaaaaaaand then haul out the kiwi cloth and start buffin some more!   And don't use your saliva...use water with the polish.   Depending on what you eat the saliva could actually strip the boots all over again.    :-X

Have fun!
The water isn't much better than the Saliva, because unless your using like fresh spring water,than the fluoride in water nowadays can ruin your boots as well. So either way, your boots are going to get messed up. And just to let you know, both ways take 5 or 6 years of intense polishing to make a really big difference.

WHAT IN THE HELL POSSESSED HIM TO USE THAT!?!?!?! I mean COME ON!! That is by far the stupidest thing a cadet has ever used to strip his boots..
Lol, calm down, i'm joking. And besides, that stuff is waaay too good to be wasted like that. (not that i would know)lol.
You shouldn't joke about things like that.. That scared the CRAP outta me.. and That stuff is really good and like 50$$ a Pop, so yeah if i was that kids sister, I'd kick his Ass..
I prefer a nice dark lager but to each his own...a true scotsman I be... (Politically Corect side:  Moderator doesnt condone underage drinking but sometimes its hgihly enouraged  :P )
Wow, underage drinking doesn't happen around here. Anyways, I've been told shaving cream left over night takes the polish right off your boots and leaves them as black as ever. And they smell good too! I did it once last year, boots came out fine after.
Big Foot said:
Wow, underage drinking doesn't happen around here.

Underaged Drinking happens everywhere down here. Lots and Lots of it at the schools. But if you dont drink when your young, when you get older it becomes such a shock and you can't take it and end up getting alcohol poisoning or MAJOR hangovers. So where its allowed, to an extent. there not exactly trying to get us drunk.. *My messed Up City Life*

put your boot over a kettle and steam the polish off.  then just rub the polish in like you would normally.  i am asuming he said to strip the boot because of cracks, or bubbling in the polish from before