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How do you "break off" a military for an independent Scotland?

The Bread Guy

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Interesting blog post, with some questions to be asked if Quebec should go that way (remote as the chance may be).  Most interesting assumption:  that a smaller Scottish military would be less aggressive than the U.K. military.
.... At the moment, the current policy seems to be that on separation, those army regiments deemed Scottish will become part of the SDF (Scottish Defence Force). Similarly, an equivalent amount of manpower, roughly 1/8th of all UK military assets and personnel will be offered to the Scottish Government. In broad-brush terms, this leads to an Army of about 10,000 troops, 5,000 air force and 4000 navy/marines (say 19,000 overall).

Here is where the fun really starts. Firstly, the armed forces do not neatly break into component parts which can be divided up. An infantry battalion may have 650 people on its strength, but there may be many more from supporting arms such as REME and so on who will be there to maintain and support weapons and equipment. Do the SNP want to take the supporting arms too?

Secondly - how will they attribute manpower against specialisations - the RN for instance has a deeply specialised manpower structure, made up of composite branches - it's not just a mixy blob of 30,000 sailors looking good and drinking rum prior to catching the eye of hairy women with tatoos, it's a collection of branches and capabilities. Does the SNP want 1/8th of each branch - in which case do they want Officers, SNCOs or Juniors and how will they maintain career structures? Bearing in mind that they are unlikely to want the Submarine service (some 5000 strong), and that the Royal Marines are 7000 strong, this means they only have a pool of 18000 sailors to chose from. Oh wait, what about the Fleet Air Arm, which is another 3000 strong - suddenly that 4000 strong navy needs to be recruited from 15000 sailors. In manning terms, that akin to taking every single surface ship crew member and providing them to the Scottish Government.

The next point - does the SNP want serving personnel who are one deep? In other words, if they took a ship or Squadron, do they want to take those personnel on the ship, or take a ratio of 3:1 (e.g. 3 pilots or Int Analysts for every front line spot). They may get more up front equipment this way, but they will have no depth for courses, support or training / leave. In other words, when that person moves on, they will then have no one to replace them.

Another point - will they get units or people? You can't make someone serve in a foreign armed forces at separation. Surely every member of HM Forces will have to be given the option of transferring, and if they don't want to move, will not be force to go. What happens if insufficient people volunteer to join the SDF - will the SNP insist on their being forcibly transferred? That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen, and it's hardly sensible to rely on a defence force full of people that don't actually want to belong to it.

The author knows relatively few individuals who would willingly wish to transfer to any SDF. Most of the Scots personnel he knows are immensely proud of being Scottish, but are also equally proud of belonging to something much greater in the form of HM Armed Forces. They relish the challenge offered by soldiering in a military that has a track record for being employed aggressively overseas. How many of them will willingly want to transfer to a SDF that is unlikely to be used in any similar manner? ....
Thin Pinstriped Line blog, 20 Jan 12
Easy. Just blame the English for everything, cry 'Freedom for Scotland' and get alot of peasants, landless middle class and Irishmen to do the rest for you:

Viz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLrrBs8JBQo
But...but....there's scads more English Lords to be piked!! and what about the labor laws....is overtime going to be paid?
And who could be the first Honourary Colonel?
milnews.ca said:
Most interesting assumption:  that a smaller Scottish military would be less aggressive than the U.K. military.

You mean on the end of an alcohol bottle?  No contest.  ;D
If you offered them a first class dental plan, I'm sure they'd flock to the colours to avoid this:
Considering the GDP of Scotland, the joke about the "regimental condon" would be pretty close to the truth. I wonder if a separate Scotland would return to it's mercenary past for away to support the army?

I see they are planning to issue Scottish specfic body armour
Body armor that is in the Clan Tartan. Yes that would be...exciting.  ;D
And clan tartan camouflage, too ... enough of this boring "woodland" stuff ...

Scrap this:

And issue this:

E.R. Campbell said:
And clan tartan camouflage, too ... enough of this boring "woodland" stuff ...

Scrap this:

And issue this:

Brilliant! Enough of this 'passive' cam pattern stuff. What we need is an 'offensive' minded cam - paign. And this one, once glimpsed by the enemy, is sure to induce instant elipeptic fits.... ;D
E.R. Campbell said:
And clan tartan camouflage, too ... enough of this boring "woodland" stuff ...


Why does this person remind me of the Dad from So I Married and Axe Murderer?  "Heeed!  Doun!"
E.R. Campbell said:
And clan tartan camouflage, too ... enough of this boring "woodland" stuff ...

Scrap this:

And issue this:

I can only assume that heroin use has gone mainstream in Scotland  :facepalm:
Colin P said:
Considering the GDP of Scotland, the joke about the "regimental condon" would be pretty close to the truth. I wonder if a separate Scotland would return to it's mercenary past for away to support the army?

And just how are the French going to pay for these "Wild Geese"?  >:D
[quote author=Kirkhill]
I can only assume that heroin use has gone mainstream in Scotland  :facepalm:

Since you mention it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpIwshoceFw
How about a swiss model?

A Reg/Miliitia mix

Let qualified active members store their arms at home.  and not just small arms.

Kalatzi said:
How about a swiss model?

A Reg/Miliitia mix

Let qualified active members store their arms at home.  and not just small arms.

What do you mean by "and just not small arms?" Artillery pieces??
Rookie Green said:
Has any sort of separation on this scale happened before?

It's always been one of the thoughts in my head whenever I hear of Quebec wanting to separate from Canada- I've never been able to see how Quebec would develop its own military.

Czechoslovakia would likely be the model to use. Although i don't know if reality would be as much fun as the fantasy.