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I wanna know if untrained Privates ( only THe st-jean course is done) can rent houses on bases or they can only stay in shacks.

The reason is I would like to go live with my boyfriend while he's doing his SQ ( i know that this  may not be possible) and his professional training
thanks !
During SQ, if he is Reg Force, you can bet your money he will have to live in the shacks. If his trades training is in Borden or even Kingston you can live in MQ's. Borden it all depends on your school, because some schools will still make you stay in the shacks even if you have a PMQ. If you guys aren't married or common law you can almost forget it, at least as an untrained Pte.
well he will be doing his Mobile Support Equipment Operator  course in Barrie...IS there a chance we might be livin there together? In do you know if the SQ training is 10 o 4 weeks...cuz on the army website it says 4 weeks, then in the flyer 10 weeks... 
No idea how long it is. When I did SQ it was 7 weeks and then I've heard of it being 4 weeks now. If he is in Borden and awaiting his training for a while, generally PRETC students can get PMQ's. As I said though, unless your married or common law you can pretty much forget about it. I have never seen any non-married students get Q's in Borden, and they have a bit of a waiting list or they did anyways. I was very lucky when I got mine, but if I hadn't of accepted the Q they offered me it would have been a three month wait or more. Your better off to wait until he is done training and he gets posted to a different base.