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Hopeful CF Member

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Just to introduce myself. My name is Stephen Brumm.

It all started with the army toys since I was a little boy, like most guys out there have. I missed out on Cadets and also the Military course in high school. I have finally decided to pursue my dream of being a CF member last year and booked my CFAT for October. Passed it knowing I didn't have to redo to do the Army traits. Picked my 3 "classes" that appealed to me knowing that my grandfather was a Sgt. in the Infantry. I picked "Infantry, Artillery Soldier - Field, Combat Engineer". Passed the medical in Toronto and then proceeded with the interview. I wore dress pants and a dress shirt with a tie and a nice jacket since it was November (Heard that you should dress for the part knowing that it truely is a job interview). After the interview, the Sgt mentioned that nothing would be heard till April because the Combat Arms traits have been closed. I called last month just to double check to make sure my medical passed from Ottawa since I did not receive a phone call nor a letter from them stating I passed. So now I stand like many others in this grueling wait to hear in April that they are receiving a offer from the CF.

I havn't heard anything about me being merit listed as of yet but I don't really want to call and bug the CFRC about it.

Also, just incase you want to know a little bit of my background. I had family members that served in both world wars and other such wars, also a shore that CFB Petawawa bought off my family back in the early 1900's called "Brumm Shore". Seems that my family was really connected with the Military in almost every way possible. Which to me is very exciting.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the read. It is currently "work out" mode right now getting ready for BMQ incase I am a candidate. Will update once more happens.
Thank you very much for the PM FDO (wasn't sure weither or not to post your name). Brings a lot of hope to read that ^_^

Just wondering still if you by chance, can check to see if I am merit listed? would be absolutely awesome to know that.

But thanks again :) :cdn: ;D
HavocSteve said:
I wore dress pants and a dress shirt with a tie and a nice jacket since it was November (Heard that you should dress for the part knowing that it truely is a job interview).

That shows you have respect for the job. Good for you, and good luck, Stephen! I hope next time you have to wear a jacket and tie it's for Grad Parade!
mariomike said:
That shows you have respect for the job. Good for you, and good luck, Stephen! I hope next time you have to wear a jacket and tie it's for Grad Parade!
Ahaha.. Yea..

Actually when I went for my medical, the booklet thing said to wear shorts and a t-shirt so they can check you out. I was the only one wearing camo shorts. Everyone else was wearing jeans. I wore everything that was expected of me because I would not want to hinder my chances at getting into the CF by wearing jeans to my medical.

Thanks you the luck :)
Thanks for the luck :) My mother has that "feeling".. so I'm hoping shes right!

Update :

Since I've been on my butt for the past couple of years. Working out seems to be a little bit more tougher then what I expected. Hoping with the income tax return, I will get a new pair of running shoes and a bike! Thinking the bike riding will just be more "fun" for me instead of the running since I absolutely hate to run. Hopefully that will just entice me to go full out before BMQ.

Just a quick question to a recruiter or anyone with some knowledge.  I know people probably won't be merit listed till April, would that mean say 2 weeks till sworn in and then 2 weeks till BMQ? so really you only have a 4 week span before heading off? or would there be a summer BMQ start date to give people a month or 2 (for work and rent ect.. giving notices)? Also.. just wondering how late into March would you know if you might have been merit listed if it comes early. Just looking for some dates or something.. kind of getting bored with just working out all the time and seeming like days are just floating away lol.
Welcome to the site.

There are a bunch of threads already (in the Recruiting Forum), that address your concerns. Please search for, and read them, along with the Site Guidelines.

Milnet.ca Staff
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