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Highway of Heroes Highway Signs Stolen!

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theres a little more at the article

"Police have reported that signs on a stretch of Highway 401 recently rededicated to Canada's fallen soldiers have been stolen.
Ontario Provincial Police first received reports of a missing "Highway of Heroes" sign on Wednesday, and say at least another two have disappeared.
"We believe one near Port Hope was taken, and a couple near Trenton," OPP Insp. Doug Borton told CTV.ca."

Personally, I just heard about it and I'm absolutely disgusted and enraged beyond words.
I totally agree, a very childish act and a slap to the faces of the fallen.

Maybe what the Government should do is set up a system where people can buy signs, be it signs that were posted there or replicas, sell them so that they can donate the proceeds to the familys of the fallen.

'Highway of Heroes' signs reported stolen


Police have reported that signs on a stretch of Highway 401 recently rededicated to Canada's fallen soldiers have been stolen.

Ontario Provincial Police first received reports of a missing "Highway of Heroes" sign on Wednesday, and say at least another two have disappeared.

"We believe one near Port Hope was taken, and a couple near Trenton," OPP Insp. Doug Borton told CTV.ca.

The 172-kilometre stretch, which extends from Toronto to Trenton, was officially dedicated last month after an online petition to rename the highway was met with overwhelming response.

The route is used to transport the bodies of fallen soldiers to the coroner's office in Toronto once they return to Canada.

Large crowds -- including veterans and emergency service personnel -- have routinely gathered on the highway's overpasses to wave flags in support of the troops.

Borton says it isn't the cost of the signs that makes the thefts upsetting -- it's their meaning.

"It's the significance of the designation of the highway and the signs themselves -- they have 'Highway of Heroes' on them, and the poppy," Borton said.

"It's about Canada's fallen soldiers."

OPP are encouraging anyone who has information about the public tampering with or possessing the signs to contact police.

This is just sick, these people when/if caught, should answer to each member of the Canadian Forces, and make a live national apology. If they refuse, they should be demoted of Canadian citizenship and removed from the country.
Their mothers probably never taught them that stealing from the dead is very immature because the dead can't defend themselves. Regardless, what it boils down to is remembering the fallen even without the signs to remind us. Still a pathetic shame on the perpetrators.  >:(
well since there going missing near Trenton I'm inclined to believe they are probably in the hands of Canadian Forces members, who in reality meant anything but disrespect, that said it was poor judgment.
Thats just my 2-bits.
I hope its all a misunderstanding and not some students taking a stand against the war in Afghanistan. Rusty_Poth- I would love to see that happen. It has the cogs turning in my mind :)
What!!! You've never gone out, got blasted and it seemed like the coolest thing in the world to bring a street sign home? Come'on now, this has been going on forever!

Dumb? yep. Try explaining logic to a drunk!

A "Highway of Hero's" sign.....that would be the big Kahuana!!
haha thanks for lightning the mood GAP, drunk logic may be a decent excuse if there was no intent to do harm to the memory of our fallen or to send a political message.
Yeah whoa, I think I've got to start looking at the bright side. But if it was hippies or something, then  >:(.

P.S I've got a couple of stop signs.  >:D
GAP said:
What!!! You've never gone out, got blasted and it seemed like the coolest thing in the world to bring a street sign home? Come'on now, this has been going on forever!

Dumb? yep. Try explaining logic to a drunk!

A "Highway of Hero's" sign.....that would be the big Kahuana!!

I'm glad you see this as Harmless Drunken Prank. Its in the same league as Urinating on the War Memorial or Vandalizing Graveyards or Tombstones, great fun. If this is the case you better stop drinking.

These sort of incidents seem par for the course in the last couple of generations. really something to be proud of. I guess the guy who struck down and killed the Mother walking on the side walk with her infant child in a stroller was after all only drunk. Your right, try explaining that to him and the relatives of the victim.

You say whats the big deal, well that's the problem, it is a big deal and if you don't get it then your part of the problem.
FastEddy said:

I'm glad you see this as Harmless Drunken Prank. Its in the same league as Urinating on the War Memorial or Vandalizing Graveyards or Tombstones, great fun. If this is the case you better stop drinking.

These sort of incidents seem par for the course in the last couple of generations. really something to be proud of. I guess the guy who struck down and killed the Mother walking on the side walk with her infant child in a stroller was after all only drunk. Your right, try explaining that to him and the relatives of the victim.

You say whats the big deal, well that's the problem, it is a big deal and if you don't get it then your part of the problem.

Let's back it down a notch. I'm sure whatever GAP was implying it wasn't to equate drunks stealing road signs with drunks runnining down mothers and their infants. Let's not extrapolate this to the extreme, when there's no need. It's a sensitive topic, worth the discussion. Let's not let it get personal with outlandish accusations of someone's opinion.

recceguy said:
Let's back it down a notch. I'm sure whatever GAP was implying it wasn't to equate drunks stealing road signs with drunks runnining down mothers and their infants. Let's not extrapolate this to the extreme, when there's no need. It's a sensitive topic, worth the discussion. Let's not let it get personal with outlandish accusations of someone's opinion.


Okay, lets take it back a notch, lets remove my equation of a DUI from my previous quote as you feel its not equatable with "GAP's" opinion or attitude or summations of the incident.

However, if one wishes to "Haw Haw or White Wash" a incident, then they should stand by their statement and expect a rebuttal, even if appears confrontational.

My comments were a generalization on Society in general and based around "GAP's"  comments.

I appreciate the fact that you consider that it is a "Sensitive Topic" .

honestly, i hope its not an anti war type thing going on.....freedom of speech is one thing, a slap in the face of the fallen soldier is another. i wish these war protesters would understand if it wasn't for fallen soldiers they would have no right to voice there opinions so freely.

if it was just a drunken night and a few guys or gals decided to come home with a Highway of hero's sign to display proudly in there house, that's different. Bad judgement on there part, although the intentions were right, thinking it would show there support by hanging it proudly on there wall....it was not the smartest route taken. i agree with the statement earlier signs should be for sale and profits donated, maybe that would help stop the signs from disappearing.

as for fasteddy's rebuttal to Gap's comment, i only speak for myself when i say this but the way i took his comment was, Gap was not condoning the act just because they were drunk, but implying that maybe everyone has done something dumb when they were drunk, because as innocent as it seemed while doing it, others might take it the wrong way. I'm sure 90% of the population has done something dumb or regreted something they did while they were drunk because it offended someone. this is just one of those cases, yes driving drunk and striking down a mother and child is one of those things that cant be written off because you were drunk, but innocent acts, poor judgement with in reason can be looked passed. i do believe no bodily harm was caused in this case, nobody was killed or beaten up, just a few people offended.
DUMB.....maybe, worth putting these people in the same class as murders.....no

my 2 cents
mckee19 said:
honestly, i hope its not an anti war type thing going on.....freedom of speech is one thing, a slap in the face of the fallen soldier is another. i wish these war protesters would understand if it wasn't for fallen soldiers they would have no right to voice there opinions so freely.

if it was just a drunken night and a few guys or gals decided to come home with a Highway of hero's sign to display proudly in there house, that's different. Bad judgement on there part, although the intentions were right, thinking it would show there support by hanging it proudly on there wall....it was not the smartest route taken. i agree with the statement earlier signs should be for sale and profits donated, maybe that would help stop the signs from disappearing.

as for fasteddy's rebuttal to Gap's comment, i only speak for myself when i say this but the way i took his comment was, Gap was not condoning the act just because they were drunk, but implying that maybe everyone has done something dumb when they were drunk, because as innocent as it seemed while doing it, others might take it the wrong way. I'm sure 90% of the population has done something dumb or regreted something they did while they were drunk because it offended someone. this is just one of those cases, yes driving drunk and striking down a mother and child is one of those things that cant be written off because you were drunk, but innocent acts, poor judgement with in reason can be looked passed. i do believe no bodily harm was caused in this case, nobody was killed or beaten up, just a few people offended.
DUMB.....maybe, worth putting these people in the same class as murders.....no

my 2 cents

Dumb or Socally or Personally Offensive is a far cry from Theft, Damageing or Defacing Private or Public  Property.

Minimizing such acts or behavior is tantamount to condoning them, especially if drunkenness is the bases for such behavior.

DUI causing Injury or Death does not fall in the parameters of Murder, MAYBE IT SHOULD.

As for the 10% of us (your statistics) who have never stolen a Street or Highway Sign or Defaced or Damaged Private or Public Property to what ever degree, Drunk or Sober. Saintliness no ! just doing the right thing.

Future Unknown said:
well since there going missing near Trenton I'm inclined to believe they are probably in the hands of Canadian Forces members, who in reality meant anything but disrespect, that said it was poor judgment.
Thats just my 2-bits.

Really? Wow if this is CF members then we are really in trouble in this outfit. These signs honour the service of our fallen comrades, if there are CF members who think stealing these is a fun prank they should be severely disciplined. I highly doubt that this is done by people who wear the uniform.
FastEddy said:

Dumb or Socally or Personally Offensive is a far cry from Theft, Damageing or Defacing Private or Public  Property.

Minimizing such acts or behavior is tantamount to condoning them, especially if drunkenness is the bases for such behavior.

DUI causing Injury or Death does not fall in the parameters of Murder, MAYBE IT SHOULD.

As for the 10% of us (your statistics) who have never stolen a Street or Highway Sign or Defaced or Damaged Private or Public Property to what ever degree, Drunk or Sober. Saintliness no ! just doing the right thing.

i think if you cause a death while driving impaired you can be tried for murder in the 2nd or 3rd degree, not 100% sure on that, but thats beside the point

i did not say 90% of the population has stolen, damaged or defaced public and or private property. What i did say is 90% of the population has done something they regreted while being intoxicated.

have you have never once said something rude comment or done something that might of offended someone while you were drunk and would not of said it being sober?

thats all im getting at. being drunk is not an excuse but like Gap said trying to dicuss logic with a drunk person doesn't work. I guess what im trying to say is that yes if it was the work of some drunk individuals it is still wrong, just the intentions were not to offend the soldiers, fallen soldiers or supporters...  it was a mistake made while being intoxicated and like jesus said "he who has never sinned may cast the first stone" (might not be word for word, but i havent read the bible in awhile)

mckee19 said:
i think if you cause a death while driving impaired you can be tried for murder in the 2nd or 3rd degree, not 100% sure on that, but thats beside the point

i did not say 90% of the population has stolen, damaged or defaced public and or private property. What i did say is 90% of the population has done something they regreted while being intoxicated.

have you have never once said something rude comment or done something that might of offended someone while you were drunk and would not of said it being sober?

With regards to Nr.1   You missed the point completely.

As for               Nr.2   You might as well have implied it.

And                  Nr.3    That came under, Dumb, Socally or Personally Offensive, of course that's true
                                  Drunk or Sober.

In conclusion, I suggest you reread "IN HOC SIGNOs" quote, now theres a reasonable and Intelligent take on the matter.
fasteddy, your missing my point completely

I'm not going to even waste my time reiterating my stance as it is clearly stated in previous posts.

i will say this though, if you have never done anything wrong ever, go ahead scream for the electric chair all you want. The way i see it is they took a few signs, made a few bad decisions just don't put them in the same category as people who go out of there way to blatantly disrespect fallen soldiers or veterans and even people who take someones life by drinking and driving.

they deserve the slap on the wrist they will get, and learn from it....

mckee19 said:
fasteddy, your missing my point completely

they deserve the slap on the wrist they will get, and learn from it....

No ! your definitely wrong there, I get your point Loud and Clear.
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