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After spending over three hours straight of going through various FAQs and sticky threads, thought I would make an intro and summery of my experience before I submit my ROTP application. For the past month, been actively thinking about joining the military after being in the back of my mind a lot in the past university term, especially while taking a Women and Peace course in women's Studies program. Something I thought about before on and off since I did the whole Air Cadets thing during junior high and high school, yet decided as being unrealistic due to various mitigating factors. While researching for my essay in that course critical analysis various feminist notions in regards to the relations of war, military, and gender equality, realized that I am at a point in life that I can seriously consider in joining unlike before.

I am presently doing my second year of university which was another thing I originally thought I would never be able to achieve in city I have been wanting to move too for several years before. Also the most fittest I ever been since I started doing roller derby (yes, it is back, google it) last January, which resulted in feeling more confident and happier with my body and myself. So when the thought of joining the military came to mind, admittedly due in part to unstable financial situation that has been gradually spiraling downwards since August, it just seem right and natural next step, more so than any other career I could think of doing after University.

Silly as it may, only thing that is rally making me hesitate from even applying is roller derby, as half if not most of my derby league's games happening in the first half of the summer a long with a roller derby conference. Derby such a huge part of my life right providing a lot of physical, social, and mental benefits, and 2009 going to be even more awesome with potential achieving lots in skill and experience. Yet, it unfortunately doesn't pay, in all actually it cost money to even play. Assuming I get enrolled, I see the military being similarly beneficial and more, plus provide financial stability during my remaining two years of school and  rewarding (starting at least) post-university career. Also, not like I will be able to do roller derby for the rest of the year while I am still in University, nor return to it once I have completed military service (there women in their 40s and 50s playing derby and kicking butt out there). Overall, one set of needs versus another. Now I came to conclusion to just apply anyway either way, letting fate determine the path. If I do get enrolled this time for whatever reason and do basic during the summer, then at least I have derby and the championships, otherwise, complete focus on school with no financial stress or worries. :D

The occupations that I am interested in (and can realistically do) is Intelligence and Aerospace Control. If not those, then anything else within the Air element that I can do, or some in Army. Mainly only considering ROTP as a way to take advantage of my major in Political Science and Minor in Women's Studies (hey, they balance each other out) which I will eventually acquire.

I do have concerns and questions in regards to the application process, but much of it have been answered already by RC, some folks in another message board I frequent, and here. Should of saw me when I first discovered milnet.ca/army.ca, glaze eyes and all at the wealth of information, as well source of amusement from some of the discussions. Main concerns that I have which will be potential negating factors to my application is my present not so great GPA due to screwing up two Poli Sci classes last term, the beating my credit has been getting this fall due to unfortunate financial downturn thanks to lack of not getting enough from student loans and lack of work hours, and the whole me needing to wear glasses or eye contacts.

Physical Fitness I am confident I can achieve by summer due to already being physically with roller derby, just that I need work more on my arm and core strength to make the push-up and chin-up requirements, especially with my 6'0" 185lbs bulk. There one potential headache and slowdown in regards to medical, but it has been non-issue for years. Aptitude I will for sure have to work on my math and problem solving skills which has been rusting away since high school. There is also references which may pose a problem, due to not being in contact or friends with few people that known me for 5 continuous years that wouldn't take an issue of me wanting to join the military. Reliability check shouldn't be too hard as I already acquired before via a temp agency few years back, possibly Secret as well which I never heard back on. Of course, present financial problems and credit beating may change that, but I hoping to have that under control by January and back on track before summer even comes around.

So yes, I do intend to continue browsing this forum for more info and use the search topic/FAQs before asking any questions. :) 

If the main reason you're applying is finances, and the main reason you're delayed in doing so is roller derby, perhaps you should reconsider. If you're sure, then welcome to the site and good luck.
benny88 said:
If the main reason you're applying is finances, and the main reason you're delayed in doing so is roller derby, perhaps you should reconsider. If you're sure, then welcome to the site and good luck.

Not the main reason, otherwise I wouldn't be applying, just the motivation that got me to actively think base on actual interest. While derby is a big deal to me, realized joining the military is as well with the help of derby and university. The interest been there since the cadets, just been quiet and impossible until now. Apart from subsidization, it will also provide an experience and challenge I been seeking, as well provide some structure and self-discipline which has been lacking my life. So yes, bit hard to explain without appearing too spiritual and weird, but thank you. :)
I do not need any more competition, so forget it and get lost.

Haha joking!

Go for it! But do it ASAP because the deadline is soon approaching for the ROTP 09-10 program. Do not procrastinate and get that application into the CFRC or you may find yourself waiting until the 10-11 Program. :/

Good luck! keep us updated.
Marshall said:
I do not need any more competition, so forget it and get lost.

Haha joking!

Go for it! But do it ASAP because the deadline is soon approaching for the ROTP 09-10 program. Do not procrastinate and get that application into the CFRC or you may find yourself waiting until the 10-11 Program. :/

Good luck! keep us updated.

I am aware, just still have to track down some information that I am missing and needed for the application, as well figure out the references.
mellian said:
I am aware, just still have to track down some information that I am missing and needed for the application, as well figure out the references.

Yeah, references can sometimes be annoying. But at least with the CF you just need their phone number etc instead of getting them to fill out forms and such like a lot of CivvieU's hehe.
Marshall said:
Yeah, references can sometimes be annoying. But at least with the CF you just need their phone number etc instead of getting them to fill out forms and such like a lot of CivvieU's hehe.

That good to know. For the transcripts, would photocopies and print outs be fine, or do they need stamp ones?
mellian said:
That good to know. For the transcripts, would photocopies and print outs be fine, or do they need stamp ones?

You need the originals. They will make certified copies at the Recruiting Centre.
benny88 said:
You need the originals. They will make certified copies at the Recruiting Centre.

That includes all the original IDs and certificates I am guessing. Fortunately, RC is like a block away from University.
mellian said:
That includes all the original IDs and certificates I am guessing. Fortunately, RC is like a block away from University.

They will take copies of items such as ID, Diploma etc if the situation calls for it (you live 200km away from CFRC  ::), but they required me to bring them when I came for processing) . But transcript HAS to be official regardless. You sound like you are close so they would probably want everything original to make lives easier.
Marshall said:
They will take copies of items such as ID, Diploma etc if the situation calls for it (you live 200km away from CFRC  ::), but they required me to bring them when I came for processing) . But transcript HAS to be official regardless. You sound like you are close so they would probably want everything original to make lives easier.

A question just came to mind, would it matter if the transcript doesn't include the latest completed term? My marks still hasn't come in and not sure when it will, so if it still haven't by the time I get an official university transcript printed out, do I just send RC another copy when it does? Right, i'll do that.
mellian said:
A question just came to mind, would it matter if the transcript doesn't include the latest completed term? My marks still hasn't come in and not sure when it will, so if it still haven't by the time I get an official university transcript printed out, do I just send RC another copy when it does? Right, i'll do that.

That I am not sure since I applied out of school. Something to ask the CFRC I guess unless someone enlightens you here. I am guessing though that they would want the most up to date marks in your possession.
mellian said:
A question just came to mind, would it matter if the transcript doesn't include the latest completed term? My marks still hasn't come in and not sure when it will, so if it still haven't by the time I get an official university transcript printed out, do I just send RC another copy when it does? Right, i'll do that.
They'll take whatever you have - the most recent one preferably - even if it is preliminary marks. If you are concerned about your marks, make sure you emphasize extra-curricular activities that demonstrate leadership as well as team sports... I think RD qualifies even if unconventional :-)
At lest that's what they did for me.
Good luck.

PanaEng said:
They'll take whatever you have - the most recent one preferably - even if it is preliminary marks. If you are concerned about your marks, make sure you emphasize extra-curricular activities that demonstrate leadership as well as team sports... I think RD qualifies even if unconventional :-)
At lest that's what they did for me.
Good luck.


Oh that I plan to do in spades, just that a lot of the extra-curricular activities and volunteering over the years may seem unconventional. :p
I am still waiting to get the needed references which taking longer than I would like. Bit hard to ask friends that known me for a number of years for this kind of reference, especially without getting into a discussion about pros/cons dis-mythizing the military. Also doesn't help losing the contact info for someone, and then needing to wait for others to respond to provide the contact info before using it. I at least have two, one 5+ years and the other 1 year (I am told as long provide one or two 5+ years, rest usually okay), but trying get bit of variety than just friends like maybe a doctor or youth counselor who known me since I was little and the other since high school, despite on and off. Not sure if they would be acceptable thought.

I plan to go through my stuff again for that contact info, as well maybe find my old reliability forms for contact info and addresses that I am still missing, otherwise it is the waiting game. :/ 
mellian said:
I am still waiting to get the needed references which taking longer than I would like. Bit hard to ask friends that known me for a number of years for this kind of reference, especially without getting into a discussion about pros/cons dis-mythizing the military. Also doesn't help losing the contact info for someone, and then needing to wait for others to respond to provide the contact info before using it. I at least have two, one 5+ years and the other 1 year (I am told as long provide one or two 5+ years, rest usually okay), but trying get bit of variety than just friends like maybe a doctor or youth counselor who known me since I was little and the other since high school, despite on and off. Not sure if they would be acceptable thought.

I plan to go through my stuff again for that contact info, as well maybe find my old reliability forms for contact info and addresses that I am still missing, otherwise it is the waiting game. :/ 
The references requirements is quite messed up to be honest. I was told by 3 different recruiters that:

1 Reference must have known you for 5+ years
ALL References must have known you for 5+ years
All 3 References combined must have known you for at least 5 years total.

My references knew me for 5+, 5+ and 3. They ended up only calling the 3 year because she is my employer hehe. Or at least thats what I heard.
Marshall said:
The references requirements is quite messed up to be honest. I was told by 3 different recruiters that:

1 Reference must have known you for 5+ years
ALL References must have known you for 5+ years
All 3 References combined must have known you for at least 5 years total.          ???

My references knew me for 5+, 5+ and 3. They ended up only calling the 3 year because she is my employer hehe. Or at least thats what I heard.

I don't think you have your facts correct. 

You are lucky in that one of your references was accepted (perhaps) in this case.  As you progress through your screenings, and get to the SECURITY CLEARANCE, that reference will be rejected.  SO!  Be safe and follow the instructions and put down references who have known you for at least five of your sixteen or so years.  Surely you have at least three friends or acquaintances over your short lifespan, who will fit that criteria.  As I said, you will need them later, so stop fooling around and list them NOW.
George Wallace said:
I don't think you have your facts correct. 

You are lucky in that one of your references was accepted (perhaps) in this case.  As you progress through your screenings, and get to the SECURITY CLEARANCE, that reference will be rejected.  SO!  Be safe and follow the instructions and put down references who have known you for at least five of your sixteen or so years.  Surely you have at least three friends or acquaintances over your short lifespan, who will fit that criteria.  As I said, you will need them later, so stop fooling around and list them NOW.

I was told those 3 scenarios by the ones who helped me with my file, the facts I am going by are of that supplied by my recruiters  :P And the recruiter told me during the interview that they do not always use all the references unless needed. I also asked at that point about the requirements for references because I was still confused and he said I was covered and It should be nothing to worry about o.O
Marshall said:
I was told those 3 scenarios by the ones who helped me with my file, the facts I am going by are of that supplied by my recruiters  :P And the recruiter told me during the interview that they do not always use all the references unless needed. I also asked at that point about the requirements for references because I was still confused and he said I was covered and It should be nothing to worry about o.O

And I do Security Clearances, and I know that what I said is something you will have to worry about........in the very near future, if you become an officer cadet.
George Wallace said:
And I do Security Clearances, and I know that what I said is something you will have to worry about........in the very near future, if you become an officer cadet.

Can you explain it for me please? When does this take place? And would you just use the other references if you found the 3 year one insufficient? (you can pm me if you'd rather not fill this persons thread) Thanks.
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