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Help With Lesson Plan


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I'm Doing a Lesson Plan For Cadets and I know Its Sad but I figure out why the Chain of command is useful.. I wasnt there for the class and really, I dont know how to write a lesson plan at all. If Anyone can help then it would be greatly pappreciated.. heres what i have so far and i really doubt that it is correct.. and comments or criticism would be greatly appreciated.


Lesson Plan
Sgt. Craffigan
Sliver Star 409.03
December 7th 2005

    -POEO 402.03
      a. History Behind Ranks: Rank = Responsibility
      b. Officer Rank Structure
      c. NCO Rank Structure
      d. Describe Chain Of Command, Officer and NCO
      e. Following The Chain Of Command 
    - Useful Every Where in Cadets .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Miss Caroline said:
I dont know how to write a lesson plan at all.
I would highly suggest your officers cover that with the NCOs.  If you don't know how I'm sure there are others who don't either.
Here are page one and two of a blank lesson plan. All you really have to do is find the information, and write (or type) it into the blanks.

I use this with all of my silver and gold star cadets, and have seen it used by a few cadets at NSCE over the last couple of years (myself included) and they have all passed with high marks.

If you need more help on preparing a lesson, you can reach me via email or msn messenger in my profile.
That looks very useful indeed. I think I may use it in my Classes if that is OK with you ouyin2000.
Be my guest

It is available to anyone who wishes to use it

personally, I prefer to print it off and hand write everything in. that helps me remember it, since i read it off the book(s) and write it by hand (thereby reading it a second time). Also, I prefer to use 3 different colours of highlighters. Usually red for the MUST KNOW points, yellow for the SHOULD KNOWS, and green for the WOULD LIKE TO KNOWS
Good to see you took the effort in finding out I gave out homework for you're class.

I'm impressed. And asking for advice here, I look forward to seeing you're excellent Lesson plan!
You have to make the lesson plan to suit YOU.  anything you know very well you can just write in short point form like you already have.  For parts you're not quite as familiar with you can write a little more detail.  Don't forget to cover your 5 W's.  You're lesson plan is there more like a check list to make sure you've covered all the points you want to and you don't forget anything.
Kyle Burrows said:
I would highly suggest your officers cover that with the NCOs.   If you don't know how I'm sure there are others who don't either.

Its just a practice lesson plan and they have, but i wasnt there for the class, every one i've asked is like i'm done but i cant explain it, or they arent going to do it.

and was Sgt Bolded in Your Quote?
Miss Caroline said:
May I ask Why?

I think he was highlighting the fact that a sergeant was asking for assistance with something that would reasonably be expected to be understood by someone of a lower rank - and pointing out that if you as a sergeant are unsure of this stuff, there are no doubt others in your corps similarly unaware.
Michael Dorosh said:
I think he was highlighting the fact that a sergeant was asking for assistance with something that would reasonably be expected to be understood by someone of a lower rank - and pointing out that if you as a sergeant are unsure of this stuff, there are no doubt others in your corps similarly unaware.
That is what I was emphasizing.  Thank you Mr. Dorosh.
Michael Dorosh said:
I think he was highlighting the fact that a sergeant was asking for assistance with something that would reasonably be expected to be understood by someone of a lower rank - and pointing out that if you as a sergeant are unsure of this stuff, there are no doubt others in your corps similarly unaware.

Thanks Michael Dorosh. This is exactly what I was wondering. I retired from cadets as a Sgt. (I filled the position of a platoon warrant however) When I joined there were people younger then myself a star level ahead, so I always knew I could only go so far. (hence why I was still a Sgt, even though I had CLI, Staff and NSCE) I also realize that that sometimes most of the seniors at a corps leave around the same time, causing less experienced cadets to move into more senior positions. What I am curious about, is that at the rank of Sgt one is just learning about lesson plans and teaching? Isn't this something that one should already know to reach this rank? To fill a position while learning the job is one thing, but wearing a rank one hasn't necessarily reached the qualifications for is another.

Just something I have been curious about for a while.

** Now Miss Caroline, I am in now way saying you are not qualified for this rank. I have no idea what any of your qualifications are. I am just using your question as a way for me to question a situation I have always been curious about.**
ARMYboi69 said:
Teaching a class (with an officer's monitor) is a requirement of the Gold Star level.   Therefore, if the corps follows the CATO standard of promotion, they would be ranked no higher than Master Corporal.

After that, where Senior NCO's would be teaching without an officer monitoring the class (after the cadet has passed NSCE), is when they could be ranked WO to CWO.

Does that help at all?

Yes it helps. Sorry for my confusion, I have been out of cadets for about 3 years, and some of it has become a bit foggy. So then a cadet who is not gold star qualified, should not be any higher than MCpl, by CATO's right? This sounds familiar now. I remember being promoted to Sgt after completing CLI and passing my gold star test. After passing NSCE I put in a memo for promotion to Warrant.

Thanks for some clarity. (I am feelling less out of touch with the system now  :))
ARMYboi69 said:
Right now yes, but they were recently changed (about a year ago) so that a requirement for promotion to WO is to have NSCE.   Before only MWO's and CWO's needed to have NSCE.

I think that is a good change. I would love to see it so that one needed NSCE to be a WO too. Once again, thanks for solving my confusion.
You need NSCE to be a WO... just as posted previously. You also need 6 months time in rank for all Senior NCO promotions.
They should be made Acting (Rank) until they meet all of the prerequisites
ARMYboi69 said:
Teaching a class (with an officer's monitor) is a requirement of the Gold Star level.   Therefore, if the corps follows the CATO standard of promotion, they would be ranked no higher than Master Corporal.

Actually in my corps, you need to be IN silver star to be a Sergeant, because we had an explosion of new recruits so our coprs has different CATOs..
By the way we are hovering around 220 cadets this year.. the year before i joined there was 40, the year i joined there was 120, then 150 and now 220.
Miss Caroline said:
Actually in my corps, you need to be IN silver star to be a Sergeant, because we had an explosion of new recruits so our coprs has different CATOs..
By the way we are hovering around 220 cadets this year.. the year before i joined there was 40, the year i joined there was 120, then 150 and now 220.
You might have additional ROs or Routine Orders, issued by your CO, but you do not have different CATOs