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Helmet Visor


Army.ca Veteran
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Anyone else see that ridiculous visor to be mounted on the helmet now???

If not read the most current Maple Leaf. There is a quote from some Sgt about how he would definitely wear this contraption on his head if he was going to Afghanistan. You know what I wanna know? When did DLR ask us the actual people that have to wear this retarded thing if we would wear it, cause so far the answer is uniformly for them to take that thing and a ha and go fornicate!

EDIT: To include link to Maple Leaf Online (Vol 10 issue 14 is the one)


HitorMiss said:
Anyone else see that rediculous visor to be mounted on the helmet now???

This one??  ;)  It's been on the CTS Web-site for years now.


CTS Web-site Link

Yes that is the one, though the article if you read it does make it sound like a new initiative and precurement. Regarless it is just one more useless POS article from DLR that I will likely get charged for refusing to wear.
HitorMiss said:
Yes that is the one, though the article if you read it does make it sound like a new initiative and precurement. Regarless it is just one more useless POS article from DLR that I will likely get charged for refusing to wear.

The trials were done. They have just awarded the contract for it's provision (included on the CTS link that I included below) so the procurement stage itself is a new initive for this item. Sad fact is, they shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody...the info has been out for years that it was coming. Apparently it did extremely well at DRDC ballistic trials as well.

$20 says they still make you wear your ballistic eyeware with it just like the picture
huh... waste of time and equipment. Honestly, if they really wanted to create something with more blast protection, they should've extended the visor and made it into a full face shield.... but then again, who'd wear it anyways?
MedTech said:
huh... waste of time and equipment. Honestly, if they really wanted to create something with more blast protection, they should've extended the visor and made it into a full face shield.... but then again, who'd wear it anyways?
There are many ways in which the military wastes money and I think they have found another. In Afghanistan that would have been another piece of kit buried in the big green car.
seamus and others

Some of your comments make me wonder what you would wear in combat.  Would you be wearing gloves or leaving them behind while outside the wire in Afghanistan?  Would you be taking off a few layers of clothes while inside your LAV outside the wire?

Just wondering if you have heard of the term "Degloving"?
Farmboy said:
$20 says they still make you wear your ballistic eyeware with it just like the picture

Double or nothing, they make us start wearing it for ball hockey tournaments, too.
And I thought they were just trying to make the soldiers overseas more safe.  Do you guys remove your vests while overseas as well?
Testify said:
And I thought they were just trying to make the soldiers overseas more safe.  Do you guys remove your vests while overseas as well?

Who are you and what do you know?

As for what I wear outside the wire, I wear my body armour (sans useless shoulder pad's) my non issue chest rig, My eye protection and flame retardant gloves. I assume the risk involved in my job and what could occur because of what I do or do not wear. I know my job is dangerous and it means that there is risk I mitigate as much as possible with the kit I am given but I must be effective in my job and with some of the stuff they make us wear it's just not practical.
Testify said:
And I thought they were just trying to make the soldiers overseas more safe.  Do you guys remove your vests while overseas as well?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over?

You know, sometimes we remove them to catch some rays. What the hell kind of question is that?
No offence HoM, but perhaps some of the Medical types ought to wade in and explain some of the castrophic affects on the body if unprotected by protective clothing......such as what "degloving" is and when it can happen.  You have seen the affects in IED strikes and other 'explosive events'.  Looking cool and/or trying to stay cool can kill you.
GW no offense at all and I know what Degloving is and I assume you have the new frag vest so you know as well as I how little use the shoulder pads are. Everything else I wear is extra protection none of it is LCF though I do buy things that I think look good as well as protect me from threats.

As for cooling down only under armour cover and only when in a static secured postion.
HitorMiss said:
................ I assume you have the new frag vest so you know as well as I how little use the shoulder pads are. ............

Well, they still will provide a medic a stump onto which he could apply a TQ. 
GW, are you forgeting where is I got hit? no I am not being condensending or anythign I'm just asking.

Nothing those things on the vest would have or will do would have changed that. Also very few injuries on a battle field will cause the nature of injury your describing, though traumatic amputations are more likely these again would not be stopped by 2 snaps and some velcro.


We have wandered way off topic......I started a topic in the Medical forums for the medically inclined to expand on.

But I still stand by what I wore and will wear outside the wire.