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Have nice summer CDNARMY.ca

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Well, my flight‘s tommorow for my 5‘s... of course, it‘s going to be the cat‘s *** and I‘m looking forward to it.

I‘d just like to wish everyone here a nice summer and thank you all for giving me the opportunity to unload my thoughts and feelings. After all, better off here on an internet forum, than actually on course (even if my course is gonna be totally sweet).

In anycase, I have some more specific farewells for everyone (though nothing personal of course^^ )

To the new recruits going on BMQ; Just try to do your best. If you do, nooone can tell you you‘re accomplishments were in vain. If you do, the course will go buy a lot easier.

To the guys going on trades courses like mine, have fun. I know I will.

To the guys going on career courses like PLQ; well you have my condolences. I hope you brought a lot of vaseline.

To the guys going on tour or seriously in harms way, watch your back and come home safe.

To everyone here; It‘s been nice talking to you, and I look forward to doing so when I get back (with pics, stories, and rants of course ^^ )

But also, as promised (a while back) here‘s a few pics of me and my ghilie suit


I didn‘t wear any gloves that day; Though gloves normally suck with a paintball gun


Made from burlap, the scrim part is mostly concentrated around the top of the net, so that my shoulders and back are broken up in shape. The lower portion folds over, so the scrim is very thin there. I‘m going to sew more on thereo ver the summer though, since the net is too dark and green. I‘ll be adding some brown and black.


I didn‘t get any action shots of me in a game, and here I had to crank up the gamma to even show up, but, Im sure I‘ll have some funny pictures of me terrorising other course members and courses over the summer in the field.
Heh, who seriously believes the net junkie isn‘t going to do what I did in Borden - pay a dollar a minute on the internet machine in the shacks to continue to haunt my fav message boards? ;)

Good luck!
Right on, im leaving tommarow...for Gagetown... June 29th till August 28th ( SQ, MQ and a field ex ). I can feel the recoil of the Carl G already... :D :rocket:
Yeah, I‘m heading out to Wainright Tomorrow, and shall be doing my SQ and QL3 over the next couple of months. Cheers!
I‘m headed out to the prairies on Monday for my BMQ/SQ, so good luck to all my fellow recruits, and thanks to all who answered our pitiful, repetitive questions.

Have a great summer :)
Yah i am also headed for my BMQ/SQ on Tuesday, so have a great summer everyone. :cam:
gl on your couse Lui

I‘ll be startin my BMQ course on July 7th
I‘m still on standby to go to Afghanistan, good luck to everyone who is leaving for their various courses. :cdn:
I‘m off to Lethbridge on the 1st of July until August 28 for my BMQ/SQ.

Good luck to all those on course and especially those going on tour. See you all in September!