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Has anyone from DEO heard back from Borden yet?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tigger
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Has anyone from DEO, whose file was in Borden by the end of April, heard back from them with the offer yet?
If yes, what is your trade?

Thanks a lot guys!  :salute:
I haven't heard anything yet.  Hopefully in the next  couple weeks.

What trade are you guys entering.  I am in for September 13 class.  MPO (81)
Rigginrat said:
What trade are you guys entering.  I am in for September 13 class.  MPO (81)

My trades are engineering ones: 41 (AERE) 87 (NCS) and 88 (MS).
Rigginrat, when did they call you?  :-\
I'm also going for Engineering trades. CELE (83), AERE (41), and SIGS (84).

Casing posted an update in another topic stating that some boards have sat, and they're waiting on the others to sit before sending out offers. 
I was called beginning of May.  My selection process most likely different from yours, I applied 2 and a half years ago.  Attended a four day selection course in Ottawa in December, was successful and received job offer in May, for intake Sept 13.

Believe me, :threat: I am well experienced in waiting, and "FINALLY" things are moving :salute:

had a message friday from cfrc... they wanted to tell me my medical came back ok...  lol

I was in the same competition last year around this time, and results weren't communicated until mid to late June..  sometime around the 20th, if I remember correctly

that is what I am expecting this year.
Could be, Hoser. I was under impression, though, that they all sit more or less at the same time. When I asked the interviewing officer if they'll be communicating with each other, he said yes. They suppose to select the most suitable trade for you, however, I believe, they also look at where they need people the most. Will see.  :boring:

Rigginrat, just curious: why is it so complicated to become an MP? Nevertheless, congratulations!  ;D

Tyrnagog, why do they marinade you for so long? What's your trade (if you don't mind)?

Tigger, Are you done with all formalities, I mean CFAT, Interview,Medical, Security check and PT etc. ???
Bobby147 said:
Tigger, Are you done with all formalities, I mean CFAT, Interview,Medical, Security check and PT etc. ???

Supposedly yes. Otherwise they would not send it to Borden for the selection boards, I think.  :-\
Tigger, I was just asking.... 

Rigginrat, your wait period is discouraging.....  :o  :'(
Tigger...  I was offered a position last year, but for personal/family reasons I couldn't accept it..  I had my file re-opened earlier this year for consideration this past board.  My occ of choice is Sigs, followed by CELE (Air)
Tigger said:
Bobby147 said:
Tigger, Are you done with all formalities, I mean CFAT, Interview,Medical, Security check and PT etc. ???

Supposedly yes. Otherwise they would not send it to Borden for the selection boards, I think.   :-\

Almost correct. I have yet to complete the PT, but my file was sent to the selection boards anyway. Also, my medical had not yet returned with a stamp of approval prior to my file being sent for the selection boards (this part was also experienced by Tyrnagog, although he has completed his PT).
Supposedly my file's been to Borden and back already, but the CFRC won't tell me anything until I complete my Aircrew Medical (late June).  I'm going for Air Nav, and applied in March 2003.  So that makes it 15 months and counting...
My MARS DEO wait will hit two years in September...I'm assuming my CF service '94-'96 (when I was 17) and the fact I lived out of the country (UK) for a year are causing the wait. Sigh. :salute:
What is Aircrew Medical ?  I had general Medical, I think Aircrew Medical  is for the people who apply for Pilot occupation?
An aircrew medical is just what it sounds like - a medical exam for an aircrew trade.  Not sure if any of the NCM trades invovle this (I don't think they do), but it's required for pilot or air navigator applicants.  Most people complete it at the same time they go through the Aircrew Selection Centre in Trenton.
Hey guys be patient,many of us with T.I. know what your going through.

Wait for it!Because when it comes you will be hopping to meet your timing's.

The Military is a load of wait time and then when it happens you are expected to move at super human speed and expected to meet your timing's. >:(

In my 29yrs in our Militia I have applied for several course's just because of the time lapse and guess what? All at one time I have been excepted for a couple at the same time so I had to choose my priority.
It's the old Army game "Hurry Up and Wait" and it has been going on prior WW2 .

Just have patience and when you get in it will still be the same "Hurry up and Wait"

I wish you all luck
Well, I stopped in at the CFRC this morning to update some info, and they said they had gotten a message about me. 

Offers for AERE have come down, and I'm waitlisted for that.  Considering that I don't have an Aerospace Engineering degree, and my expertise is in electronics, I'm not too broken up.  It sounded like a great trade, but I wasn't qualified, nor was I a strong candidate for it. 

So basically, they've started sending out offers, but the Naval Lt. said they haven't got anything for CELE or SIGS yet.  She mentioned that they should hear something in the next few days. 
Thanks for update Hoser. It sounds a bit sad and discouraging.  :-[

hoser said:
Offers for AERE have come down, and I'm waitlisted for that.  Considering that I don't have an Aerospace Engineering degree, and my expertise is in electronics, I'm not too broken up.  It sounded like a great trade, but I wasn't qualified, nor was I a strong candidate for it. 

Did they actually tell you that?
Maybe because your first choice is CELE, they will consider you for it at the first place. Or maybe because you had this trade mentioned in you application at all.  Couple of years ago, the status of communication trades was "distress", which means they needed people there the most. That's why, btw, I did not apply for it since I just don't like it, but that's where I'd most probably end up with my computer degree.
As I previously mentioned, I was told that they should choose the best trade for you according to their criteria.
In this context, I started being worried if I missed Naval boards timewise.  ???