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Happy Canada Day

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy Canada day. At times it may seem easy to complain about our country, how it's run and where it's headed, but this weekend let's focus on the positive.

We have a lot to be proud of, due in no small part to the current and former members of the CF. When I think of the things that make me proud to be Canadian, our military accomplishments, past and present, are at the top of the list. We have a distinguished history of remarkable achievements which continue today, as a direct result of the hard work and sacrifice of our soldiers.

Even now, our serving members face challenges of budget cuts, limited and aging equipment and frequent political upheaval in addition to an enemy that poses a very real threat. It is a tough job that I don't anticipate will get any easier in the near future. However Canadian soldiers continue to make us proud, despite - or perhaps in part because of - these challenges. The calibre of our soldiers remains world class, which is significant when you consider the force reduction that has taken place over the last 10-20 years.

It is the individual Canadian soldier then, not his equipment nor the politician creating policy, that keep Canada's international reputation so enviable and for that, you have my thanks and my respect.

Happy Canada Day, and wherever you are, take a moment to say a quick thanks to those who help make Canada a country to be proud of. I know I will.


Mike Bobbitt
Army.ca Owner

P.S. I hope you like the new "red" theme, it will be in place during Canada Day weekend.
I have a 6 pack of   :cdn: Kokanee beer   :cdn: waiting (and begging) to be consumed, plus 2 bottles of CC ( no I am not going to drink this all art once, as I ration it out almost insanely). Tonight its off to the surf club for a great feed, then back home to celebrate.

To all, enjoy a great day where ever you are.


For those un-patriotic few ;), you can select the old "green" theme by clicking here and then on the Change link. The menu bar and main page will still be red (for the weekend) but the forums will then be green for you.

White print on a red background...red & white...same colours of this flag  :cdn:  we have all so proudly served and whose existance we celebrate this weekend.   Seems appropriate to me.  

Have a great one everybody   :cdn: :salute: :cdn:
Trinity said:
Canada day good..

red coloured army.ca forums - bad...

Can you do the near black background in a white, or do the red letters in a white or grey?   That might be easier to see through the glare of the sun on my screen.

. . . I won't be sneaking back to the green though.
If you've not changed anything, then I've changed my mind . . . but this site needs to be used in a darker room.
of course not...

as a mod... you have to support the board...

Though  13 have changed... and counting..

Really..  its nothing against Canada..  It just feels
like i'm looking through a set of bloody angry eyeballs

I changed but it looked like it was an odd green.

And since I have seen red in the past, what the heck,


and a Merry Canada Day!!


(on his third pint on Canada day eve!  ;) )
Yikes, I thought I was having a fatal aneurism or something...it's not bad though, once you realise that death won't immediately follow...   :dontpanic:

Happy Canada Day!
Nothing much to say except despite it's problems I'd rather live here than anywhere else, and to wish every other soldier out there a happy canada day
With regards to the colour.  I'm not sure if its just me but it comes out looking a lot like Patrica Maroon so I say thank you and we should keep the colour for the duration of the year.
Mike Bobbitt said:
P.S. I hope you like the new "red" theme, it will be in place during Canada Day weekend.

A mix of white and red would be less hard on the eye and of the Maple Leaf's colors.

Cheers all, have a nice Canada Day!
Oye! Guess who's got an early mark today! A 1400h dismissal on   :cdn: Canada Day :cdn: So, just 50 mins to go. Then housework, gotta do some cleaning before the company arrives.

1400h 01 Jul Brisbane = 2200h 30 Jun CST in Canada

