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hadji girl video

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Some rather interesting facts in those links.  It seems CAIR isn't all that squeaky clean:  http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=cair61306.htm

One of the reasons for that is because members of CAIR have been convicted on terror related charges:

Ghassan Elashi - a founding member of the Texas chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] Texas chapter, was found guilty on 21 federal counts including conspiracy, money laundering and dealing in the property of a terrorist.

"In December 2002, a federal grand jury in Dallas returned an indictment against a senior leader of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzouk, for conspiring to violate US laws that prohibit dealing in terrorist funds. Also charged and arrested by the FBI were Ghassan Elashi the chairman of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a charitable organization designated as a terrorist organization by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control because of its fundraising activities on behalf of Hamas." - Testimony of Gary M. Bald, Acting Assistant Director, Counter terrorism Division, FBI, before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control - 3/4/04

"CAIR actively raised money for [Holy Land Foundation] HLF via their mailing list. In 2001, HLF's assets were frozen by the Treasury Department, which found the organization to be a Hamas conduit. The Texas chapter of CAIR and HLF share a common founder in Ghassan Elashi. As stated above, Elashi himself was present at the 1993 Philadelphia meeting that planned Hamas fundraising in the United States. This meeting shows that future leadership of CAIR participated in meetings with senior Hamas leaders and discussed Hamas fundraising in the United States." - Testimony of Matthew Epstein, Assistant Director, The Investigative Project, before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism - 9/10/03

Two other former members of CAIR have been convicted on terror related charges and one of their advisory board members is an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing.

Bassem Khafagi - former director of Community Relation for CAIR, plead guilty to bank and visa and has been deported to Egypt. According to Fox News, "The FBI said Khafagi is a founding member of the Islamic Assembly of North America, a charity that purports to promote Islam...Federal investigators said Islamic Assembly has funneled money to activities supporting terrorism and has published material advocating suicide attacks on the United States.

Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer - a former communications & civil rights specialist for CAIR, according to AP "Royer...admitted helping members of the conspiracy join the militant Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba in the days after the Sept. 11 attacks. He pleaded guilty to the use of a firearm in a crime of violence and aiding and abetting the carrying of an explosive during commission of a felony. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison."

Siraj Wahhaj - CAIR advisory board member named as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the "Blind Sheik" Omar Abdel Rahman 1993 World Trade Center bomb plots by US Prosecutor Mary Jo White. Rahman is serving a life sentence.

These are the type of people of which CAIR is comprised, so we will leave it to our readers to decide exactly why they are pursuing this campaign at this time and if they have any credibility at all.

For our part, we view this as a direct attack, an electronic jihad against America’s Armed Forces intended to sow dissent and give aid and comfort to the Islamist enemy during a time of war.

Addendum - CAIR Walks Away From Lawsuit, Refusing To Contest Charges It Is A Terrorist Supporting Front Organization

The suit was brought by CAIR against Andrew Whitehead, the publisher of the website Anti-Cair.

As Dr. Daniel Pipes observes, in CAIR Backs Down from Anti-CAIR:

"In a stunning setback, the Council on American-Islamic Relations' defamation suit against Andrew Whitehead of Anti-CAIR has been dismissed with prejudice.

The Anti-CAIR website, www.anti-cair-net.org, reports a "mutually agreeable settlement," the terms of which are confidential. However, Whitehead notes that he issued no public apology to CAIR, made no retractions or corrections, and left the Anti-CAIR website unchanged, so that it continues to post the statements that triggered CAIR's suit

The original five statements as quoted in CAIR's complaint were:

"Let their [sic] be no doubt that CAIR is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded by terrorists, and that CAIR wishes nothing more than the implementation of Sharia law in America."

CAIR is an "organization founded by Hamas supporters which seeks to overthrow Constitutional government in the United States and replace it with an Islamist theocracy using our own Constitution as protection."

"ACAIR reminds our readers that CAIR was started by Hamas members and is supported by terrorist supporting individuals, groups and countries." "Why oppose CAIR? CAIR has proven links to, and was founded by, Islamic terrorists. CAIR is not in the United States to promote the civil rights of Muslims.

CAIR is here to make radical Islam the dominant religion in the United States and convert our country into an Islamic theocracy along the lines of Iran. In addition, CAIR has managed, through the adroit manipulation of the popular media, to present itself as the ?moderate' face of Islam in the United States. CAIR succeeded to the point that the majority of its members are not aware that CAIR actively supports terrorists and terrorist supporting groups and nations. In addition, CAIR receives direct funding from Islamic terrorists supporting countries."

"CAIR is a fundamentalist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the United States Constitution and the installation of an Islamic theocracy in America."
What this all means is that CAIR walked away from the suit, because they didn't want their financial, personal and organizational ties with supporters of terrorism probed. In our opinion this elevates Mr. Whiteheads original broadside against CAIR to the status of established fact.

©1999-2006 PipeLineNews.org, all rights reserved.

the Marine appologizes, and will be trying to remove all reference video from existnece.  Unfortunately, not that easy to do.



I find it interesting that CAIR took it upon themselves to post the video separately on their own website.  Not just a link, mind you, but the video itself.  Seems like they're determined to be difficult.

Judging by some of the articles on the topic, it sounds like some of these journalists either haven't listened to the song very closely, or are presenting a deliberately skewed review of it.  Makes a fellow wonder how, if they manage to misinterpret everything this thoroughly (whether deliberately or not), they ever passed English. 

Best of luck to Cpl Belile.  This bloody thing's going to follow him around like an Afghan youngster after your chocolate bar. 
OMG I just heard the song on greek television!There even talking about it there!is it such a big deal? to even be heard of in Europe?
One of the Afghans I work with wanted to show me the Hadji Girl video today. He says: "I want to show you something. It's a video called 'Kill All The Iraqis'". I thought, holy crap, where'd you get a video like that and then he flashes up Hadji Girl and I almost lost it. I said "You hammerhead, that's the Hadji Girl song. It even has the title of the song in the name of the video!" He went on to tell me how the video was all about killing Iraqis. So I kindly offered him the winch on my truck to help him pull his head out of his a$$.

Just goes to show you that ignorance and bias triumph over fact every time.  ::)


P.S. Duey, if you read this, it was Mustafa. Surprised?
I know this was posted somewhere else here on the forum, but darned if I could find it. Most of ya'll have probably seen this, but I just saw it today. I know— I live under a rock. I gotta confess, when I first saw it I laughed so hard I could barely stay in my chair. My wife came into the studio to see what all the ruckus is. What do folks up in Canada think of this?



I was out in the sands of Iraq
And we were under attack
And I, well, I didn’t know where to go.

And the first thing that I could see was
Everybody’s favorite Burger King
So I threw open the door and I hit the floor.

Then suddenly to my surprise
I looked up and I saw her eyes
And I knew it was love at first sight.

And she said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
Hadji girl, I can’t understand what you’re saying.

And she said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
Hadji girl, I love you anyway.

Then she said that she wanted me to see.
She wanted me to go meet her family
But I, well, I couldn’t figure out how to say no.

Cause I don’t speak Arabic.

So, she took me down an old dirt trail.
And she pulled up to a side shanty
And she threw open the door and I hit the floor.

Cause her brother and her father shouted…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
They pulled out their AKs so I could see

And they said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
(with humorous emphasis:)
So I grabbed her little sister, and pulled her in front of me.

As the bullets began to fly
The blood sprayed from between her eyes
And then I laughed maniacally

Then I hid behind the TV
And I locked and loaded my M-16
And I blew those little f*ckers to eternity.

And I said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
They should have known they were f*ckin’ with a Marine.
Yes we did Red 6, talented marine...
I understand and believe it is mentioned above that he was in some sh** over it

The vid is removed and I think I saw something on CTV that there was some heat over this...

I personally thought it was funny.  I guess some others didn't.  Civie's just don't get the military sense of humour I guess...
It's a shame that a guy can't have a little fun with his buddies. I guess that's the reality of the modern info-age.
ya, it just went too public...hard to keep that stuff off everyone's PCs these days...
ya, it just went too public...hard to keep that stuff off everyone's PCs these days...

Just a question...Should that stuff be "kept off everyone's PCs these days"?  Who does the keeping?  Why is someone's sense of humour, dealing with an enemy who hides in the civilian population, now enough to give them this kind of hardship?  I mean, if America is supposed to be the champion of free speech and all...then why is the soldier in question being disciplined?

I'm not poking fingers at you specifically...I just want to know...why is everything OK if the liberal media spouts it, but you can't have your own opinions, biased or not, in this free and liberal (in the original definition of the term) continent...?  Why is the arbiter of good taste suddenly working for the justice system, and being heavy-handed at that....and where is people's outrage?

Just thought I'd ask the questions.
Gunnar said:
Just a question...Should that stuff be "kept off everyone's PCs these days"?  Who does the keeping?  Why is someone's sense of humour, dealing with an enemy who hides in the civilian population, now enough to give them this kind of hardship?  I mean, if America is supposed to be the champion of free speech and all...then why is the soldier in question being disciplined?

I'm not poking fingers at you specifically...I just want to know...why is everything OK if the liberal media spouts it, but you can't have your own opinions, biased or not, in this free and liberal (in the original definition of the term) continent...?  Why is the arbiter of good taste suddenly working for the justice system, and being heavy-handed at that....and where is people's outrage?

Just thought I'd ask the questions.

I don't actually think it was meant to be anything but funny myself, which is how I saw it...BUT...its all the PC Nannies out there, in the USA too, that say "oh my god, now thats just not right!  someone might be offended!  take it off!  take it off!".

So, if that was never to be seen by those PC Nannie's, it would have been what it was intended to be.  Some humour by some folks who see combat every day...and Freedom of Speech can almost be changed to Freedom of Politicial Correct Speech...imho.
Okay I am a little confused ( which is not a new thing) However this has to be taken down but yet we let other true racists groups put their trash on the internet and no one is jumping all over them. There defense is Freedom of speech. So this liberty only applies to certain groups.

An example would be the thread God hates Canada

I may not like everything I read or hear on the internet but everyone has the same rights to their opinions and beliefs. Whether we like it or not.
Shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act - http://www.cb-cda.gc.ca/info/act-e.html#rid-33409


G.I. Says Song About Killing Iraqis a Joke
By WILLIAM L. HOLMES, Associated Press, June 28, 2006, 6:47 PM EDT

''RALEIGH, N.C. -- A Marine corporal who sang in a homemade video about killing members of an Iraqi family said Wednesday that the song was a joke and was not intended to offend anyone.

Cpl. Joshua Belile, 23, said the video was his way of "blowing off steam to a bunch of Marines and soldiers."

"It doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to realize it was a joke," he said.

In "Hadji Girl," a four-minute video circulated on the Internet, Belile tells a cheering audience about a Marine who falls in love with an Iraqi woman and goes home with her. Family members shoot the woman and then confront him with automatic weapons, prompting him to retaliate.

Belile's performance was filmed while he was stationed in Iraq and was posted anonymously on the YouTube Web site, but was later removed. Belile learned of the posting after returning from his deployment in March. He is now assigned to Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 at Marine Corps Air Station New River, adjacent to Camp Lejeune.

"I'm a very nonpolitical person. I know that sounds very strange coming from a Marine," Belile told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "I know about me and my little world. I write music and I sing music. I never intended to hurt anyone's feelings."

Marine Corps officials said Tuesday that Belile had not violated military law. He could face administrative action, which can include informal counseling, they said.

Belile said in a statement Tuesday that he plans to release a professionally recorded version of the song within a few weeks.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which brought Belile's video to the attention of the Pentagon, cautioned against a release, spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said Wednesday.

"It's a free country, but I don't know that it's the wisest choice. I would hope he would seek the advice of levelheaded friends and family and just put this sordid episode to a rest," Hooper said.

Belile has said the video was not related to allegations that Marines killed two dozen unarmed civilians last year in Haditha, Iraq. ''
Its amazing how the media can turn a blue sky any colour it wants to.

And god forbid that you question their opinion, because then your questioning with their rights of free speech and freedom of the press...
Looks like Youtube took down the clip.
You can listen to it by opening the following link:

