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Gunman at Discovery Channel HQ shot dead, hostages rescued


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Gunman at Discovery Channel HQ shot dead, hostages rescued

(CNN) -- Three hostages were rescued from the headquarters of the Discovery Channel in Silver Spring, Maryland, Wednesday afternoon after police shot and killed the man who was holding them, officials said.

The hostages were unharmed, said Police Chief J. Thomas Manger of the Montgomery County Police Department.

The suspect, identified by a law enforcement official as James Lee, earlier was in communication with authorities.

A number of devices in backpacks that Lee held have to be rendered safe, Manger added.

Manger said hostage negotiators negotiated for almost four hours by phone with Lee while police officers watched and listened to Lee on the building's surveillance system.

"At times during the negotiations, he was calm, but I wouldn't call him lucid. The conversation was indicative to me he was dealing with some mental issues," he said.


Discovery Channel standoff puts spotlight on environmental extremism

When James J. Lee marched into the Discovery Channel’s headquarters with a gun, possible explosives and a list of demands, he turned the world’s attention to Silver Spring, Md., and to the hostages he took. As the television cameras raced to the busy Washington, D.C., suburb, many reporters who learned of Lee’s environmental beliefs began focusing on environmental extremism.

Lee is no stranger to the Discovery Channel. Reports show that he was known for leading protests in front of the television station’s building. He was even arrested for protesting there. Before he was shot and his hostages rescued, his demands for releasing them included that “the Discovery Channel stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants,” and that the television station take several actions to stop global warming. While Lee’s actions on Wednesday make him the world’s most notorious environmental extremist of current times, he is hardly the first person or organization to take extreme actions in the name of the environment.


Discovery Channel: List of demands from hostage taker

1. The Discovery Channel and it's affiliate channels MUST have daily television programs at prime time slots based on Daniel Quinn's "My Ishmael" pages 207-212 where solutions to save the planet would be done in the same way as the Industrial Revolution was done, by people building on each other's inventive ideas. Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution. A game show format contest would be in order. Perhaps also forums of leading scientists who understand and agree with the Malthus-Darwin science and the problem of human overpopulation. Do both. Do all until something WORKS and the natural world starts improving and human civilization building STOPS and is reversed! MAKE IT INTERESTING SO PEOPLE WATCH AND APPLY SOLUTIONS!!!!

2. All programs on Discovery Health-TLC must stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants and the false heroics behind those actions. In those programs' places, programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility must be pushed. All former pro-birth programs must now push in the direction of stopping human birth, not encouraging it.

3. All programs promoting War and the technology behind those must cease. There is no sense in advertising weapons of mass-destruction anymore. Instead, talk about ways to disassemble civilization and concentrate the message in finding SOLUTIONS to solving global military mechanized conflict. Again, solutions solutions instead of just repeating the same old wars with newer weapons. Also, keep out the fraudulent peace movements. They are liars and fakes and had no real intention of ending the wars. ALL OF THEM ARE FAKE! On one hand, they claim they want the wars to end, on the other, they are demanding the human population increase. World War II had 2 Billion humans and after that war, the people decided that tripling the population would assure peace. WTF??? STUPIDITY! MORE HUMANS EQUALS MORE WAR!


Discovery building gunman spoke to NBC News

The man who held three hostages at the Discovery Communications building before he was killed by police Wednesday told NBC News in a brief telephone conversation that he was armed with several bombs he had been working on for as long as a month.

Asked how he had learned to make a bomb, the man said that he knew how to weld and read widely but that he also picked up pointers from the TV show “Mythbusters.”

The program airs on the Discovery Channel, one of the targets of the man’s years-long protest campaign against what he saw as the company’s failures to adequately program shows that made clear the threat to the planet from overpopulation and animal extinction. The program’s producers could not be reached for comment Wednesday night.

An NBC News producer spoke to Lee for about 10 minutes, until he terminated the call. During the call, NBC News informed Montgomery County authorities of the conversation and held off reporting it until the hostage standoff had been resolved. Police said they shot and killed the man at 4:50 p.m. ET when he pointed a gun at one of the hostages.


On that note, I propose an 'Environmental Extremism' thread.

These people are way over the top, I'd hate to see what the future has in store.
It's just too bad his parents didn't share his views, this whole thing could have been avoided.
Cops: No more bombs found after Discovery hostage standoff

Officers scoured the Discovery Communications building overnight after a hostage-taker claiming to have "several bombs" was shot dead, but did not find any "active devices" at the scene, NBC News reported Thursday.

Montgomery County, Md. police told NBC News that they had given the "all-clear," but were still treating the building — where a man who identified himself as James J. Lee had held three people hostage — as a crime scene.

It remained closed overnight after Wednesday's standoff; police did not indicate whether or not employees would be permitted to return to work Thursday, NBC News added.

Police shot to death the man Wednesday at the building in suburban Washington, D.C. Authorities said the hostages were safe.

At least one device on the man's body went off when he was shot inside the building in suburban Washington, D.C., Montgomery County police Chief Thomas Manger said. Police had been trying to determine whether two boxes and two backpacks the gunman had also contained explosives.
