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Shuck10, you are right, I will swallow my ego, because you guys made me realize that ALL of you are experiencing the same thing as me. My expectations for the process to go as smooth as last time needs to disappear. Thanks to all who responded, and good luck to everyone.

on-hold said:
Shuck10, you are right, I will swallow my ego, because you guys made me realize that ALL of you are experiencing the same thing as me. My expectations for the process to go as smooth as last time needs to disappear. Thanks to all who responded, and good luck to everyone.

Best of luck to you in the process as well, take care
To be fair, I think 'on-hold' is talking about the very first step in the application process, which is filling out the online form which then goes to North Bay. I cannot speak for other folks, but if I recall correctly, it didn't take long for North Bay to send me an email requesting copies of citizenship, transcripts, etc. After I mailed those, there was a period of time (but way under 4-5 months) until I received a call and email that my file has been transferred to CFRC Toronto and that I have 30 days to bring in the rest of the paperwork that they requested.

So I understand the frustration if it's taking this long just to hear from North Bay. Something seems wrong. Do some troubleshooting. I'm assuming you applied online again, brand spanking new application? Did North Bay send you any emails at all? Did you mail them the requested document copies? Did you specify all contact information correctly? Do some double-checking, maybe they're expecting something that you overlooked. Also, I suggest not calling a million times a day and leaving a million messages. Be keen but not irritating. And always speak professionally and with utmost respect that each of these people deserves.

If all your calls have failed, what I would suggest you do now is email North Bay (ask for the email at CFRC if you don't have one), and/or go to the CFRC and ask someone respectfully to inquire about your application from North Bay, if you haven't even heard the initial response from them. Before you do any of this contacting, perhaps you should wait a couple of weeks, as the recruiting folks have just returned from holidays and are likely overloaded with everyone's information requests, yours included.

With that being said, I'll echo what others have said. Perhaps your application process went very smoothly the first time around and now you have certain expectations of how long it should take. With some reading on this forum, you will quickly realize that the process is long and frustrating for a lot of people. So the best you can do is stay optimistic about it and follow all CF instructions immediately, professionally, and to the best of your ability. If you recognize now that you've made the wrong decision earlier, don't defend yourself. That's immature. Be man enough to admit it, learn from it, and keep a down to earth attitude in the future.

Best of luck in your application process.
on-hold said:
Hi, I joined the CF back in 2008, and due to immaturity I backed out a week before BMQ. I thought as a 17 year old, I would miss out on all these great parties, and weekends in Wasaga Beach. Now that I realize how much of a goof I was then, I reapplied in September. What a good time eh? Now I call the CFRC Toronto regularly and hear my application isn't even there, but still in North Bay. I've called North Bay at least 10 times and left message after message, only to never be called back. Now I understand if there busy or something but to not return ANY of my calls is ridiculous. Why is my application still in North Bay after 4-5 months? Why is nobody returning my calls? Should I just accept that my chance came and went, or do I have a chance at getting some sort of call? If only there were time machines......

Ref North Bay RC.

My brother in law is trying to join, this recruiting center has had its members go on training and those people who had open applications there went into the idle drawer and this is why no one is getting call backs.

His file was even closed due to this, so 1.5 years later they finally re open his application and are continuing to be slow.
He restarted his application October 2012.
Gunshark, I applied online, and was emailed to send in transcripts, copy of birth certificate, etc. After I sent those in, I received another email stating all required documentation had been received and my application is complete. But was then told due to my occupation pick of Infantry, that it was full, and they will hold my application for up to a year. I've called CFRC Toronto, and was told they still haven't received my application from North Bay. That was the last news I was told, as I have been trying to get a hold of the Sergeant that messaged me, to find out why they haven't sent it to Toronto yet. But I guess I just have to wait and be patient.
Until Infantry is open(or one of the other 3 you picked are) you file will remain in North Bay and will not be forwarded to any Recruiting center is what my understanding is.

on-hold said:
Gunshark, I applied online, and was emailed to send in transcripts, copy of birth certificate, etc. After I sent those in, I received another email stating all required documentation had been received and my application is complete. But was then told due to my occupation pick of Infantry, that it was full, and they will hold my application for up to a year. I've called CFRC Toronto, and was told they still haven't received my application from North Bay. That was the last news I was told, as I have been trying to get a hold of the Sergeant that messaged me, to find out why they haven't sent it to Toronto yet. But I guess I just have to wait and be patient.

I'm not an expert on this, but yeah, sounds like you've done all you were asked, and seems that you have to simply wait. I would still try to email people at North Bay to inquire about status of your application. After 4-5 months of no word, I would be wondering too.
on-hold said:
Gunshark, I applied online, and was emailed to send in transcripts, copy of birth certificate, etc. After I sent those in, I received another email stating all required documentation had been received and my application is complete. But was then told due to my occupation pick of Infantry, that it was full, and they will hold my application for up to a year. I've called CFRC Toronto, and was told they still haven't received my application from North Bay. That was the last news I was told, as I have been trying to get a hold of the Sergeant that messaged me, to find out why they haven't sent it to Toronto yet. But I guess I just have to wait and be patient.

You don't mention what your other two occupation selections were?  Your application will NOT be forwarded to your local RC until your occupation choices are OPEN for processing.  At this time, Infantryman (NCM) is currently closed.  Not knowing what your other choices were, leaves your question partially unanswered.

I can tell you for experience that nowadays, it takes time for an application from north bay to get to it respective center. The CF just changed the system on application so probably they are adjudting. Also, in the last 4 years, applications are 4x the number of job offers. It took me from last october to May(8 months) to have my application sent from North bay to Montréal. Then the procedure took a bit more Time for me since i have double nationality but expect to wait about 8-15months.

Only thing I can tell you is be patient. Your turn Will Come.
I am frustrated with the lack of communication the CFRC is giving, but most of all myself. Yes I quit and its my fault, never said it wasn't. I was 17. I dont need your 2 cents on my decisions and feelings

I dont that using the fact that you were 17 to be a good a good crutch, I joined at 17 and know many who joined at 16 who stuck it out.
Be patient. Im on my twelvth month, and still have to go to a MPAC course. Next one is February, so if Im lucky Ill get that one. If not Ill be waiting until May. My husband, on the other hand, was a lucky SOB. He handed in his application last year in March and went to BMQ in May  >:( And he didnt even 100% know if he wanted to join until a month before that and Ive been wanting to join since I was 17 lol. Just how it works sometimes.
Hello.  I can say with lots of certainty, that your previous stint with the military is having no bearing on your application at this point and is not part of whatever is holding your file back.  What is holding your back is the lack of positions for your requested trade.  For anyone reading this that does not fully understand why occupations are sometimes open, sometimes close, please allow me to give the following example.  If you apply to a school for the position of Principal and they already have one, they are not going to make a position for you regardless of how much you really want to be a Principal.  If they are not processing people for Infantry yet, or any of the other trades you applied for, than your file will sit there until it comes open or your file expires at the 1 year mark.

Your previous service will hold up your application when it initially arrives at the CFRC as they will have to do a Verification of Former service, but after that you will move along like normal.  There are.. many.. cases of people enrolling 2,3 and that I know of, up to 4 times.

I know how frustrating it can be to not get calls back from a CFRC when you leave a message.  Often recruiters will browse the file of the person leaving the message and if there is nothing to tell them, a return call will be listed as a low priority.  If there is something to action but nothing for you to do, you will also probably not get a call as the recruiter, file manager or MCC will action what needs to be done, rather than use the time to tell you.  Normally, the only time you will get a return call, is after someone reviews your file because of your call, and there is something they need you to do in order to move your file to the next step.

Hope something I said is new and useful info to you.  Good luck in your application.
And BTW I only chose Infantry. I dont want any other job, but was starting to look into Artillery. Whats the openings like in that trade?
Dear on-hold,

Today I visited a buddy of mine. He asked me how my army application was progressing. I told him that I'm in my forth year now and frankly I'm frustrated. I told him that I'm not getting any younger and sometimes the thought comes to me that maybe I should quit.

He looked at me with surprise and said - "Don't quit till you get in. It took me eight years and three deferrals to finally get accepted". (My friend is a Constable with the RCMP).

I know exactly how frustrating it is to be waiting... But don't quit. Put one step after the other. You will eventually get there.

I wish the best for you and everyone else who's in the process.


Sometimes it's important to get your foot in the door?

Like take a less desirable trade and do your 5, then remuster?  Trust me, I'm kicking myself for not taking that supply tech offer when I applied 10 years ago. 

That's how my husband got his "Dream trade"  He started as a supply tech, remustered to AVS, then remustered to AESOP.  Got tired of supplying the parts, so he chose to fix them, got tired of fixing them so he chose to break em.  He's happier than a pig in shit.  So, you want to be infantry.  They have 3 choices for a reason.  You can put Infantry, Artillery, and Combat Engineer (sapper...build things, make things go boom...) 

There is the point of getting your remuster approved once you get there though.  Chain of command, BPSO...all that is involved..it's nice to get a trade you love off the bat, sometimes, getting the foot in the door is just the thing you need.  How bad do you want in? 
Pandora114 said:
Sometimes it's important to get your foot in the door?

Like take a less desirable trade and do your 5, then remuster?  Trust me, I'm kicking myself for not taking that supply tech offer when I applied 10 years ago. 

That's how my husband got his "Dream trade"  He started as a supply tech, remustered to AVS, then remustered to AESOP.  Got tired of supplying the parts, so he chose to fix them, got tired of fixing them so he chose to break em.  He's happier than a pig in shit.  So, you want to be infantry.  They have 3 choices for a reason.  You can put Infantry, Artillery, and Combat Engineer (sapper...build things, make things go boom...) 

There is the point of getting your remuster approved once you get there though.  Chain of command, BPSO...all that is involved..it's nice to get a trade you love off the bat, sometimes, getting the foot in the door is just the thing you need.  How bad do you want in?

Your husband's experience is all fine and good, but there are no guarantees.  If you check some other threads, it has been said here repeatedly: do not take a trade you won't be happy in.  Not only will the person possibly be miserable but they will have taken a "dream" job away from someone else. 

I speak from personal experience having spent eight years in a trade I hated.
You have a point.  That's the reason why I turned down Supply Tech when I was offered it.  I wanted to be a cook or a clerk, the recruiter had an opening for Supply.  I knew I wouldn't be happy.  So I do see both sides of the coin.  "What if I accepted the offer" And "Well at least someone who wanted to be a supply tech got his or her job" 

I do hope the OP gets contacted soon.  April is coming up, so trade quotas will be adjusted, some will open, some will close.  Hope his opens. 
Not only does she have a point, she is 100% right. Your husband's experience is his, not yours. It's also the exception and not the rule.

PM sent.
This also opens up the debate...do you want to be (insert MOSID) or do you want to be in the Military.  If you want to be, say a cook, there are thousands of jobs on civy street.  If you want to be in the Canadian Forces, there is only one Canadian Forces... and 6CBG :)