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From Pte to General, has it ever been done???


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Okay, as I see it now days, you normally enter the CF as a Private, NCM, or Officer, usually through the ROTP.

I've heard stories back in the day of Privates making it through to Officer ranks! WW2 and the like...

Is it possible? Has it happened? Is there an award for such an accomplishment? Are there any current members who have done this/are still serving? Is it a myth/legend?

Thanks for any input in advance!

PS> Sorry if this has been covered B4...

General de Chastelain started his career as a private in the Calgary Highlanders Regimental Pipes and Drums.

I think you'll find that the "record" is held by Sir William Robertson (1860-1933). Although not Canadian, Sir William joined the British army in 1877 as a trooper(private) in the 16th Lancers. By the first world war, he had become Chief of the Imperial General Staff and was subsequently promoted to Field Marshal in 1923. I believe that his is the only case of someone having risen in rank from the very bottom to the very top.
Oh yeah, I think Idi Amin achieved it also, but I don't think it counts if you promote yourself :P
Good! I am glad to hear that indeed.

So basically, it's not easy I imagine at all. I remember in cadets back in the day if someone got up to Warrant Officer of any kind they were heavy-duty hardcore cadets. Glad to see there are still people out there who have "been there, done that" and bought the T-shirt on the way out the door so to speak!


:cdn: :skull: :cdn:
MGen Lew Mackenzie was another one-he started in the ranks as a Pte in the PPCLI (Or QOR-can't remember which...). BGen Ray Romses, who commands LFAA, started out as a Reserve Gunner in Lethbridge, AB. A number of Reserve BGens also started in the ranks as well. The problem facing the guy in the ranks is not that the system doesn't want him, but that he is usually entering the officer career stream a few years later than his peers, so he is behind the 8-ball in "Years Left To Serve" which can be a deciding factor since it is related to Potential. But, the fact remains, it can be done. Cheers.
During my SQ in July, we were on our field ex and digging some trenches. A Brigadier General was coming to visit our course, I don't know if it was to assess standards or what. He came up to myself, and another guy from my unit while we were filling sandbags and started talking to us. I remember him saying "When I was a private..." (I can't recall what he said, something about trenches). Both my friend and I were thinking "Holy sh-t, when HE was a private??".
I believe MGen Bob Gaudreau enlisted as a Pte first (signal Corps ?). He went on to command 1er CDO in Cyprus in 1974, and became Regt'l Commander from 1985 to 1987. He later commanded CFE, before 4 CMBG was disbanded.
Major General (Ret'd) R.I. Stewart CMM CD, current PPCLI Colonel of the Regiment.

BGen Silva started as a Sapper in 6 Field Eng Sqn, became the CSM, commissioned, became the CO, then moved on to Brigade commander and upward to a staff job in Ottawa. I lost track of his career after RV 92.

A Brig. Gen. came and talked to my BMQ course and he was talking to my section about different ranks and his experiances and he started as a private worked his way up to sgt. and got a commision to the officer ranks to either cpt or major (can't remember) and from their just kept goin. I also remember him saying he didn't want to become an officer, that he wanted to stay an NCO.
What about A former Canadian CDS General Jacques Dextras? 
RN PRN said:
BGen Silva started as a Sapper in 6 Field Eng Sqn, became the CSM, commissioned, became the CO, then moved on to Brigade commander and upward to a staff job in Ottawa. I lost track of his career after RV 92.

BGen T.H.M. Silva is now the Colonel Commandant of the Corp of Engineers of Canada
There are quite a few CFRs to generals out there, but very few who made it from Pte to General (only skipping Lt)
I went from Fusilier (Pte) up to Sgt then to 2Lt and up to LCol.  The Commander of Central Command (what would now be LFCA) when I became an officer was Brig MacIntosh (McIntosh?) who went from Pte to WO I (now CWO) and Lt to Brig (now BGen).  Another MacIntosh in my own unit was a troop with me, stayed an NCM, became an RSM, took a commission and became a CO before I did.
General Sir Arthur Currie. If you remember the first world war his name should stand out.
General Young, LFCA Deputy Comd started as a private in the 48th HIGHRS in the 19060's, went all the way to CWO, then got his commission as a Captain and worked his way up.
I forgot to mention that Sir Arthur Currie was Militia. So dare to dream boys, dare to dream.
Maybe the first time was by C.S. Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest.  He enlisted in the Confederate Cavalry as a private on 14 Jun 1861.  Promoted LGen 28 Feb 1865.

More remarkable and I suspect the only soldier to enlist as a Private and make Field Marshall is Field-Marshal Sir William Robertson GCB, GCMG,KCVO,DSO, Hon LLD,Hon DCL.  Enlisted in 1877 as a lancer and was promoted Field Marshall in 1920.
