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Formerarmybrat23s story: Just say "no" kids!


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I'm sure everyone or atleast the regulars on here know my story. I just wanted to tell it anyway. I am convinced that if not told right I may be painted as an impatient experimenter.

My story starts back in 2004. I had just finished college and was a little confused where to go next. Everything was changing in my life. School was over, I was moved out on my own, and had left my borfriend of over 3 years.  Coming from a family with generations of military service, I thought that would be a good choice. I wanted a career I could take pride in and a feeling of being settled. I would have some goals and direction and not have everything up in the air anymore.

So i went to the CFRC in november and passed in my papers. By January I got a call to come in for an interview and CFAT test. I wasn't really worried about either. The CFAT I found was pretty easy. I passed it with no problems. My interviewer said that there was nothing that I couldnt do except ofcourse pilot. Thats point is where my journey comes to a screeching halt.

I was told that based on the drug history sheet I could not continue for 3 years. He said I couldnt even do reserves because I was not allowed a gun! It turns out that any hallucigen is an automatic 3 year wait. It has to completly be out of your system. That is also the amount of time it takes for any signs of flashbacks or pyschosis to appear if at all.

I was a little dumbfounded by this information. I sat in my chair not upset but just nodded and knew that all I could do is wait. I accepted this as soon as I was told. THe good thing is that I dont have to redo the CFAT and will only have to update my info and continue the process.  After I left I tried to find the positive side to this. It gives me time to get some career experience. It has given me time to have my son. It has given me time to reflect on what goals are important to me.

So here I sit almost three years later. I am begining the process again. THe sydney CFRC is willing to take another look at my application.Im very excited about it. THis is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. I turned in a new application yesturday to refresh all my information. I am keeping my fingers crossed and will keep you all updated.

PS: if this post gets confusing near the end its because its hard to keep focused with an 11 month climbing over you and trying to touch the keyboard! lol

Thanks for sharing your story.  I thought orginally you were trying to say "Just say no kids" as opposed to "Just say no, kids!"  (In other words, that you were against having kids)

Good luck on your application.
Goodluck Formerarmybrat, definately keep us posted on the events to come :)
3 years! And you still came back! That's determination. If you were my mother, I'd give you a big 'high fiiiive!' [/borat]


good luck.
So, as posted in the application process samples I had my interview and medical today. The medical was not so bad. There were a few weird things you had to do and the hearing test was a little confusing, but all is well.

Also, I hate posting this, the thread awhile back about menstration and the pee test? Turns out that it is a problem even if you wear a tampon. We tried anyways but she said it was no good. I have to go back next week just to pee again! Oy!  So just that and I will be on may may. She said everything looks good!

The interview was a little tedious, but it was like any interview for a job. He told me all my trades are looking for people.  The merit listing shouldn't be a long wait. That is all excellent news! Also all BMQs till September are filled up but I should be going by that time. I'm pretty excited and looking forward to it. I'm glad I won't have to do basic in the summers heat. I take the cold much better then the hot!

After my interview I was surprised to learn that my fitness test will be done on arrival at St. Jean. I have been doing my situps and pushups, plus walking alot. Jogging is another story. Being single with my baby is hard to get out on my own to do it. I'm thinking of just doing fast paced and longer walks with my son in his stroller to at least get the heart rate going faster. If anyone has any suggestions as to what options I could do (preferably including the baby) I'd love to hear them.

Other then that doing all I can to be active. I don't want to fail the test when I get there and be in the fitness course. I'd like to get done ASAP and be able to visit my son before trades training. It'd break my heart if he forgot me when i wa gone. :( But this is for his benfit in the long run, I certainly can't support him working minimum wage the rest of my life, nor would I want to.

thats the update. Will write again when the med results are in.

You really should get jogging and running, what about trading your stroller in for one of those jogger kind. that way you could jog with the baby.
thats a financial problem more then anything. But i'll take donations lol! I will have to figure something out. Starting with running to work (its a ten minute walk) and back. or nights when the gradnparents take him, I can try to squeeze it in those times. But it woulndt be a set thing. but some running is better then none right?
Hey if you could get your hands on a second hand jogger...or even a backpack for kiddos...you could at least to brisk walking with the toddler in the backpack...it would almost simulate a ruck march. LOL

Check with your local MFRC, they usually have an equipment lending program. They may have a jogging stroller you could use.
Former army brat 23,
Another advantage to the fall BMQ is the two week Christmas break! More time at home! Let us know what occupation you get.  Usually you get your first choice if it is still open when you are merit listed and you meet the score for that occupation.  Best of luck.
CdnArtyWife said:
brisk walking with the toddler in the backpack...it would almost simulate a ruck march. LOL
I just hate it when my ruck throws up on me  >:(

Journeyman said:
I just hate it when my ruck throws up on me   >:(


LOL thats hilarious. I think though, it would be a good idea. I might consider starting to do it more!
There is LTA (Leave travel Assistance) where the CF pays most of your flight and the priority 5 Xmas travel program where they try to find space on CF flights for people going home for the holidays.
Good Luck.
sweet! that is good to know since most of the money earned during BMQ  is going onto  my line of credit. Im watching every penny from now on. Atleast until thats paid and cancelled!
I'm quite sure LTA doesn't apply to recruits. Even if it did,  you would be responsible to pay for your flights up front and submit the claim after travel. That's the way it used to work , any RMS clerks out there to advise.
Try to find out when you enrol what are the dates of the Christmas break and either book flights, bus or train early. You might also ask the the CFRC who else from the area will be in St. Jean over the Christmas break and try to contact them to share a ride.
Reference your pay, because you have a dependant (your son) you are entitled to get free rations and quarters on course meaning ultimately more pay for you. 

Good luck.
thank you CFR FCS . I am making a note to talk to them about it when I go back in on wednesday. It would not be expensive to take the bus (just long and boring) but any cash saved here could be put to good use elsewhere. Having just moved from AB to NS Im in a tight situation right now. Ive cut all frivolous expenses and buy just the basics for food and such each month. 

The good thing is that all my stuff will be in storage at relatives and my son will also be staying with family. no rent or bills not worry about. just a few bucks for my sons needs (food, diapers, milk, clothes etc). I am hoping to get somethings paid off before starting on my own again where ever i end up.

All the information and support is greatly appreciated. Thanks again
I recall this from my BMQ/GMT whatever it was back in the late 90's, I did get a reverse LTA to bring my wife in and see the grad ceremony, so if they're giving revers LTA's no reason why a graduating recruit shouldn't also be entitled to an LTA at xmas, the course should finish late mid/late Dec so it shouldn't be a problem, the big thing is either an LTA and lve granted by CFLRS and the gaining unit allowing a change in RFD (not hard usually and even easier at xmas) or CFLRS asking the auth to grant lve on the gaining units behalf, either way the end state has you with your Baby for the holidays. What trade have you applied for if you don't mind me asking (I'll be there during the same period for my IAP/BOTC)