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Fingers crossed... Almost there


New Member
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Hi, I have been a lurker at army.ca forums for quite some time and before I start detailing my application progress, I want to thank all the contributors and staff for providing all those nuggets of information that make understanding recruitment mechanics lot easier. 

After months of procrastinating, I started my application this year in january for the DEO (Direct Entry Officer), Armour-Regular, plan. After filling out the million forms required (and still I had missed one :-\) I was called for an aptitude test within 10 days of submitting my application and for my medical and interview a week after that (Feb 13th).

I had a great interview with an easy going navy Lt. that lasted for around 1.5 hrs after which he said that I was a very competitive candidate for the job. For one thing I never expected such an easy going interview, with me all tensed up (Me typical brown guy ::)). We had a frank discussion about what the job entailed and what I was bringing to the table. Personally, I have never been so frank and without misgivings in an interview before.

The only thing I am worried about is my security clearance waiver (due to a family member in a non NATO country), as he said it might or might not be granted. If granted, he said I might start training around Aug-Sept, otherwise its an almost 18 month wait . So fingers crossed...

Barring that, I am really excited about getting in and starting a new chapter in life...    From :) to :camo:
