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Filling out reserve paperworks


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Hey guys , I'm currently doing my paperworks for the reserve unit in Trois-Riviere Quebec and I'm kinda stuck on something

Basically I'm trying to get in at the local university down there , and I haven't got my answer as off yet. 

In the paperworks , in the section "Employment Interest" , I can choose either Officer or NCM , I know I want to go as an officer , but since I don't have the answer from the university now ( won't come until mid-end April ) , I'm kinda stuck on that question.

Should I apply for Officer and hope to get my answer during this time ?

Or should I apply as NCM and as soon as I get my answer , try to contact the unit and make a change to officer ?

The unit is really small and only taking a few applicants ( last year they only took 4 ) , so I wanna make sure to have a spot.

They are in the recruiting phase as of now , but school mid take a complete month before I get any info.

i already called the unit itself , and they didn't have any idea on how I should apply ....... Would it be easy if I go NCM for like 1 whole year then next summer do my BMOQ .... can I juste transfert to officer then ?
no, you cannot "just transfer to officer"

Call your local recruiting center, or if you do not have one locally, call one that is not.

SentryMAn said:
no, you cannot "just transfer to officer"

Call your local recruiting center, or if you do not have one locally, call one that is not.

I called the local recruiting center ( Full time recruiting center ) , I called the reserve , they cannot answer me neither .....

so I'm kinda lost
For this very moment you need to decide if you want to be an Officer or an NCM, then apply for which one you want.  Talk to the reserve unit since they will ultimately make a decision on if they want you(interview).

Do not apply for NCM with the expectation to CFR to officer if/when you get a degree.  Do not apply for Officer if you want to be an NCM. 

Best of luck.

Yeah I want to be an officer , that is something I'm sure of , I'm just scared that if I wait for the answer from the university all the spots are gonna be filled ......

but yeah I'll wait for them to call me back ( they said they would call me back sometime this week ) , then I'll decide what I want to do , since my main goal is to go DEO Pilot
What sentryman said.
If you want to be an officer than apply as an officer. 

Being a reservist NCM for a year to basically kill time on your way to being a pilot is wasting an NCMs spot at that reserve unit.
okay , I'll wait until I get my answer from the university then , and apply for Officer

thanks !