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Facial covering/courts-elections-etc. (merged)

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All three front-runners in Monday's provincial election protested a decision by Elections Canada to allow Muslim women to cover their faces while they vote.

Liberal Leader Jean Charest requested on Thursday to have the decision reversed that would allow Muslim women to wear their niqab or burqa while casting their ballots.

"I expect the chief electoral officer to assume his responsibilities and make sure that people are properly identified,'' Charest said on Thursday.

Parti Quebecois Leader Andre Boisclair and Action democratique du Quebec Leader Mario Dumont agreed with Charest on the issue.

Boisclair said Elections Quebec has taken the hot-button topic of reasonable accommodation too far.

"I don't see why there are double standards,'' Boisclair said while campaigning.

"They have to identify themselves to have their photo taken on their driver's license or on their health insurance card; it should be the same thing for voting."

Elections Canada said Muslim women will be allowed to wear the niqab, which leaves only a woman's eyes visible, if they sign a sworn statement attesting to their identity, show two pieces of identification and are accompanied by someone who can vouch for their identity.

Election officials said reasonable accommodation is not the issue in this case.

"We are not making any reasonable accommodation. We're just applying the electoral law as it is," Nicole Paquette, a spokesperson from Elections Canada, told CTV Montreal.


Not often will you have three leaders agreeing on the same issue...
Why not. Let them leave a thumb print, like in their previous country, hold the ballot, and if a match is found the ballot gets tossed. If you can't be positively identified, you can't vote. We're in Canada, not the ME. It's like having your driver's license picture taken while in a burka. It totally nullifies OUR system of checks and balances.

Elections Canada said Muslim women will be allowed to wear the niqab, which leaves only a woman's eyes visible, if they sign a sworn statement attesting to their identity, show two pieces of identification and are accompanied by someone who can vouch for their identity.

A grade four student knows how to circumvent this one. Our politicians are scared to stand up for Canadian values, and bowing to what they percieve as a backlash from the Muslim community. Perhaps if we quit giving in, rolling over, and burying our heads in the sand, certain groups would stop pushing the issues and forcing their personal agendas, taking more and more, til we live under their rules.

Army.ca Poster
recceguy said:
Why not. Let them leave a thumb print, like in their previous country, hold the ballot, and if a match is found the ballot gets tossed. If you can't be positively identified, you can't vote. We're in Canada, not the ME. It's like having your driver's license picture taken while in a burka. It totally nullifies OUR system of checks and balances.

A grade four student knows how to circumvent this one. Our politicians are scared to stand up for Canadian values, and bowing to what they percieve as a backlash from the Muslim community. Perhaps if we quit giving in, rolling over, and burying our heads in the sand, certain groups would stop pushing the issues and forcing their personal agendas, taking more and more, til we live under their rules.

Army.ca Poster

Plus One "recceguy", but believe me its gonna get worse than better.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Military down the line, allow Female Muslem Inductee's/Recruits to wear Burka's also.

Cheers. >:(
"It's never been an issue as far as I know," Sarah Elgazzar told CTV Montreal.

"We're talking about maybe 20, 30 women, 40 tops. This is a really loud story for a very, very small minority."

She added most women who wear the niqab would be willing to show their face to a female verifier if necessary.

If it is normal under the Election Law and the above is followed, I see no objection to it.
Elections Canada said Muslim women will be allowed to wear the niqab, which leaves only a woman's eyes visible, if they sign a sworn statement attesting to their identity, show two pieces of identification and are accompanied by someone who can vouch for their identity.

To me, this tells me that Elections Canada has effectively legitimatized "Election Fraud" in Canada.  With the problems we already have with Identification, this would easily be solved with a "National Biometric Identity Card".  It could end any fraud that this ruling may encourage.  It would also solve the Identity Card/Passport controversy at the US/Canada border. 

However, we already know where a National Biometric Identity Card has gone in our Left leaning paranoid "You can't invade my rights to Privacy" electorate.
My feeling on this is that no women in Canada should be wearing this oppressive garments.  they are designed to keep women in their and have nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with keeping women as your property.  yes I know its a extreme view, but the Burka, hajib or anthing like it has no place in Canada.
radiohead said:
My feeling on this is that no women in Canada should be wearing this oppressive garments.  they are designed to keep women in their and have nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with keeping women as your property.  yes I know its a extreme view, but the Burka, hajib or anthing like it has no place in Canada.

While I agree with your sentiments as to women being viewed as property, this is a time in the world view where Islam is being highlighted and people, both women and men, are embracing it in its' various forms. Whether I like it or not is irrelevant, but I think we need to allow them the same courtesy of acceptance as we did the flower children of the 60's.

This is not to be confused with the mandate of the extreme Islamists, any more than we run out and embrace the Hutterites, the Dukabors, and other such. For moderate, modern Islamists to practise their religions within the confines of Canadian Law and practises, I say welcome!!
But youk now that if someone can do it in Quebec than soon someone will take it to the rest of the provinces and thats not cool.
If you come to Canada please respect our customs and show some ID when you vote.
Quebec elections has reversed it's position, everybody must show their face.

Muslim women required to show faces while voting
Updated Fri. Mar. 23 2007 4:02 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff
Article Link

Muslim women who wish to vote in Monday's Quebec election must now show their faces when they cast their ballots, the province's chief returning officer announced Friday, in a reversal of an earlier decision.

Marcel Blanchet has reversed an earlier decision and has now concluded Muslim women must remove their face coverings, or niqabs, when they vote.

Blanchet used special powers under electoral law to reverse the decision.

Elections Quebec had earlier decided that Muslim women will be allowed to wear the niqab, which leaves only a woman's eyes visible, if they sign a sworn statement attesting to their identity, show two pieces of identification and are accompanied by someone who can vouch for their identity.

Blanchet's initial decision prompted non-Muslim citizens to threaten they would show up at polling stations wearing masks.

After his announcement, Elections Quebec also received threatening phone calls and emails.

As a result, Blanchet had to get two bodyguards.

Quebec's three main political leaders had asked Blanchet to reverse the decision.

Liberal Leader Jean Charest requested on Thursday to have the decision reversed that would allow Muslim women to wear their niqab or burqa while casting their ballots.

Parti Quebecois Leader Andre Boisclair and Action democratique du Quebec Leader Mario Dumont agreed with Charest on the issue.

Boisclair said Elections Quebec has taken the hot-button topic of reasonable accommodation too far.

In recent months, Quebec has come under the spotlight for its treatment of reasonable accommodation for newcomers
More on link
This is getting ridiculous...  What about Photo ID, passports, etc.  We can only compromise so far.
Jaydub said:
This is getting ridiculous...  What about Photo ID, passports, etc.  We can only compromise so far.
  I agree this getting a bit ridiculous.We can only compromise so far.What next?I really don't know.
It's good to see them reverse it.  I don't want to sound like a bigot or anything, but come on...
I wonder if the fools at Elections Canada asked any Muslims women if they'd mind verifying their idenity before they agreed to allow the Burkas and Hyjabs?  Another example of finding offense, when none is meant and then back tracking when they get caught looking like moronic PC fools.

On a side note, as a female I loathe the concept of the Burka. To me it's a sign of subjugation and oppression and Radical Islam and I will celebrate the day Muslim women in Canada shun it for a head scarf or veil. 
351  (2) Every one who, with intent to commit an indictable offence, has his face masked or coloured or is otherwise disguised is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.

R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 351; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 48.
KwaiLo said:
351  (2) Every one who, with intent to commit an indictable offence, has his face masked or coloured or is otherwise disguised is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.

R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 351; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 48.

I don't think the Ladies in question have any intent of wrong doing, its a simple matter of , "Allow" or Disallow". And we've taken care of that here in Quebec.

Like your Profile, Just keep remembering that a Straight Road, is easier to drive on and will get you there faster.

I think you'll enjoy a Military Career, Good Luck.

FastEddy, I am not suggesting that they are trying to pull a past one.  I am saying that there are laws already in place to deal with things if they do.

KwaiLo said:
FastEddy, I am not suggesting that they are trying to pull a past one.  I am saying that there are laws already in place to deal with things if they do.

Assuredly, thats what really worries me.

FastEddy said:

Assuredly, thats what really worries me.


I apologize if I am being obtuse, but I don't understand why that really worries you.  I see an existing law that can handle a situation that wasn't anticipated when it was written. 

Isn't that a good thing?
KwaiLo said:
I apologize if I am being obtuse, but I don't understand why that really worries you.  I see an existing law that can handle a situation that wasn't anticipated when it was written. 

Isn't that a good thing?

True True, But regardless whether its a Masked Gunman or a Islamic Female Radical wearing a Burka committing a felony, its pretty much the Felony that the Crown pursues. This section could just be a add on in either case.

Its the Judges and Courts that worries me, IMO if such a case involving a Burka wearing Islamic Woman was before the Court, (except a Capital Crime), I feel there would be far too much Political Correctness and Religious and Political Influence governing the Verdict and Sentencing.

If the way we Cow-Tow to them today regarding Reasonable Consideration is any example.

FastEddy said:

If the way we Cow-Tow to them today regarding Reasonable Consideration is any example.

Thanks, I can see where you are coming from now. 

Every response that I have tried to write just now about the legal system being impartial has included the word hope, should or might.  Where I work, using these words in a meeting has you paying a loonie to the United Way.

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